Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-06-27

Vienna Waltz - Post 634: My Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music

Oh my darling readers, I'm absolutely buzzing! Vienna. The waltz capital of the world, the land of Strauss and Mozart, a city that sings with music and radiates a kind of fairytale magic that sets my tutu spinning with delight!

This week, I’ve traded my Derbyshire hills for the charming cobblestone streets of Vienna, and my usual train journey has been swapped for a truly exhilarating adventure: riding the Orient Express!

Yes, you read that right, my lovelies. I, your humble Pink Tutu blogger, was transported to a bygone era, travelling in true First Class opulence on the grand Orient Express.

It's like something out of a movie. Imagine me, my pink tutu shimmering under the ornate chandeliers, enjoying a leisurely breakfast in my luxurious compartment as we sped across the Austrian countryside. It truly was the most magical start to my Viennese adventure.

Upon arrival in Vienna, I was welcomed with open arms by the city itself, a vibrant tapestry of baroque architecture, lush gardens, and a delightful mix of classic charm and modern sophistication.

I've already danced through the world-famous State Opera House, taking in the majesty of the venue. This week, they’re performing Strauss’s Der Rosenkavalier, so of course I had to treat myself to tickets. You wouldn’t believe the breathtaking costumes and the grandeur of the performance. My little pink tutu practically twirled itself! Vienna is overflowing with artistic energy, with music filling the streets and captivating the city's heart. It's truly an inspiration.

A Fashionista's Delight: Pink Perfection in Vienna

Of course, a trip to Vienna wouldn't be complete without some serious shopping! I spent hours browsing the elegant boutiques on Kärntner Strasse, mesmerised by the beautiful craftsmanship of local designers. And let me tell you, Vienna is a real treasure trove of vintage stores. I found the most exquisite pink lace gloves in a tiny little shop hidden away in the backstreets.

I absolutely must tell you about the exquisite bakery I found yesterday! Just tucked away behind the majestic Vienna State Opera. The most decadent chocolate cake, and guess what colour the frosting was? Pink, of course! It was almost as if the baker knew I was coming.

A Waltz through Time: Ballet & History

One thing that absolutely delights me about Vienna is the city’s rich history of dance. It's not just about the waltzes; Vienna has an incredibly vibrant ballet scene, steeped in tradition. I spent an afternoon at the Vienna State Ballet’s museum, surrounded by costumes and relics of ballerinas past, including the iconic tutus of the greats.

But the highlight of my trip so far has been attending a workshop at the famous Vienna State Opera Ballet School. Yes, darling readers, I actually got to dance with the rising stars of Austrian ballet.

The studio was bursting with energy. I tried my best to keep up with their incredible skills. And it was absolutely fascinating to see young dancers in their white, simple tutus, as they practiced their barré, arabesque, and bourrée. It made me realise how important it is for young dancers to have a strong foundation, a pure and simple training in ballet technique. The tutus might be different, but the discipline and dedication that fuels ballet dancers has stayed constant throughout history.

My Love Affair with Tutus

Now, let’s talk tutus! You already know I'm passionate about them, my little darlings. The history of the tutu is a journey through artistry and creativity. Vienna, being a hub of artistic brilliance, has a fascinating tutu history. I found a stunning display of 18th-century tutus in the costume collection of the Vienna State Opera.

The first tutus were really just long, flowing skirts made of silk, very much like the dresses women wore at that time. But over the decades they have evolved, from romantic tulle clouds in the romantic period, to the stiff, shorter 'pak-tutu' of the early 20th century. Each tutu design reflects the period and style it belongs to.

This trip has sparked my imagination. Maybe my next tutu collection will be inspired by Vienna. Imagine, my darlings: opulent silk fabrics in colours inspired by the gilded architecture, maybe even a little waltz motif to swirl around in.

Living the High Life:

After the beautiful Vienna State Opera Ballet school, I rewarded myself with an evening at the gorgeous Café Sacher, the birthplace of the iconic Sachertorte! It felt so romantic sipping tea and indulging in a slice of the delicious chocolate cake while enjoying live classical music. The Vienna State Opera has the most incredible performances throughout the year, and I had to indulge in another opera this week. It was Mozart’s Don Giovanni this time - I love Mozart’s operas, his music is so joyous. The entire city vibrates with his melodies!

Sharing the Tutu Love

As always, my lovelies, I am so excited to share all of this with you! And I promise, I’ll keep the photos and stories flowing.

Next week, I'm off to explore the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace, said to be one of the most beautiful royal residences in the world! And of course, I’ll be taking you all with me, in spirit and with as many photos as my camera can manage.

Until next week, keep your tutus twirling and remember, my dearest friends, there’s a little bit of Vienna in every heart, waiting to be set free!



P.S. Have you been to Vienna? What’s your favorite part of this magnificent city? Tell me in the comments below!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-06-27