Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-12-19

Vienna: Waltz Me Away - Post #659

Wednesday, 19th December 2007

Guten Morgen, my darlings! It’s Emma here, and guess what? I’ve arrived in Vienna! You can almost hear the waltzes floating through the crisp, festive air. It's like stepping into a fairytale, but with more exquisite pastries and less talking animals.

Vienna – a city steeped in history, culture, and, dare I say it, fashion! Now, I don't want to sound snooty, but let's be honest, my pink tutus deserve an equally sophisticated backdrop, and this place is absolutely divine.

As you know, dear readers, I love train journeys, the romance of them, the rhythm of the tracks. And this one, from Paris to Vienna, was no exception. We sailed through a magical snowscape – the countryside draped in white like a ballerina's tulle skirt. As the train hurtled through, I felt a wave of inspiration hit me, so naturally, I scribbled down my thoughts in my diary, tucked a lovely cashmere blanket around me, and dreamed of twirling my way through Vienna's streets.

And now, the grand waltz begins.

Day 1: A Viennese Waltz

My charming hotel room is so Parisian chic, complete with a little balcony overlooking a street cobbled in the colours of winter – white and brown. There’s a sense of history here, with grand buildings lining the cobbled streets, each one whispering secrets of forgotten emperors and elegant ladies in their finery. The smell of fresh bread from the bakeries and the clatter of horse-drawn carriages, a gentle rumble against the cobbles, add to this magical air. It’s as though Vienna is stuck in a charming moment in time – a world of coffee, chocolate, and culture, where life unfolds at a slightly slower pace, allowing for reflection and perhaps even a few graceful spins in a magnificent ballroom.

Now, dear readers, let's be practical: you know me – I wouldn't be in Vienna without a strict schedule of ballerina activities. Tonight, I am experiencing Vienna’s famed State Opera House! And not just any performance – it’s "The Nutcracker"! My anticipation is as delightful as a sugar plum! Oh, my sweet dreams, they’re already dancing through my head, full of delicate snow flakes, valiant toy soldiers, and, of course, Tchaikovsky's beautiful, evocative score.

Speaking of music, a waltz was the only possible soundtrack to my day, a symphony of swirling skirts, and twirling legs, with a dash of hot chocolate thrown in for good measure.

Day 2: An Artistic Affair

I’ve just had the most delightful afternoon! After enjoying a sumptuous breakfast at the hotel, my quest for more beautiful sights led me to the Museum of Art History. I love history and, believe it or not, my passion for the history of the tutu (did you know there was such a thing? Oh yes, there are volumes!) means that exploring museums and galleries is more than a mere tourist's pastime for me - it's like revisiting an old friend, but with better dress code!

Of course, with all the breathtaking art around, the only sensible choice for me was to visit the gallery in a beautifully tailored pink dress and my trusty (yet surprisingly well-travelled) fluffy pink tutu. You’ve never seen so many surprised glances – they even brought me my own private tour guide! Turns out, art museums really can be places where anything goes. I did a little pirouette right in the middle of the main hall, it seemed to give everyone a little lift, not just me.

My explorations weren't solely confined to paintings, darling readers. It turns out Vienna has a spectacular Ballet Museum, packed with memorabilia, stories of past ballerinas, and tutus of every design imaginable! Let's be honest – a little indulgence never hurt anyone. I snagged a magnificent satin ballerina slippers with silver embroidery. They might just be my new travelling companion. I don't like to play favourites with my tutus, you understand, but there’s something about these shoes. They scream: "I am from Vienna".

Afterward, my dear readers, the streets of Vienna began to whisper secrets of Christmas. Glittering Christmas markets sprouted across the city, enticing me with their festive scents and colourful wares. Gingerbread houses were as grand as any palace, and a kaleidoscope of festive lights illuminated the streets with joyful magic. I treated myself to a glass of spiced cider, watched as the locals admired their stunning Christmas decorations and, of course, took several hundred photographs (the perfect Instagrammable location!). You know, just your average afternoon for a tutu-wearing girl!

Day 3: The Ballerina’s Haven

I've had such an incredible experience at the Vienna State Ballet today, dear readers! To be among such incredible artists, to witness the sheer artistry of it all, was truly inspiring. As a little girl growing up in Derbyshire, ballet was just something I watched on TV, but now I have the privilege of performing alongside these masters. Today I took a special masterclass in Viennese Waltz and had the privilege of performing a little piece with the company at their annual Christmas performance. It wasn’t professional, but I still got to share my love of ballet with a fantastic audience and felt as if my dreams were becoming reality!

I might just need a little trip to the Vienna State Ballet boutique on my next visit – they have a divine selection of beautiful tutus that, oh my darling readers, if they're anything like their current dancers' attire, will take my breath away! They had one in particular, a beautiful white tulle with silver and diamante embellishment. Perhaps a little bit of indulgence for the tutu collection wouldn’t hurt? It could be perfect for an upcoming gala...

As for me, a hot bath awaits and the chance to catch up on my writing and photos for you. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. My dear readers, you’ll have to tune in next week to find out all the delicious secrets of Vienna’s Christmas traditions. Don’t forget to tune into next Wednesday for more from Vienna. And never forget, darling readers: Life is too short for dull outfits, wear your tutus and twirl on!


PS, Keep your eyes on this space for pictures and an update next Wednesday on how Christmas is celebrated in Vienna, from the elegant waltzes to the gingerbread cookies – I am a glutton for this kind of tradition! You'll be feeling the Christmas spirit before you even click the link!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-12-19