Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-03-12

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu's Delight! (Post #671)

Hello my dearest tutu-lovers!

It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means? It's time for another whirl around the world, this time landing in the glorious city of Vienna! Oh my, I can practically smell the pastries and hear the Strauss waltzes already!

This week, my pink tutu is packed and ready to twirl in the heart of Austria. I've traded in the Derbyshire drizzle for the Viennese sunshine, and let me tell you, this city is just bursting with charm! Every building seems to be straight out of a fairytale, with elaborate architecture and a sense of history that just wraps itself around you like a warm blanket.

But enough about the city - let's talk about ballet! Oh, the glorious ballet! I'm here for the Vienna State Opera, and I have a ticket for Giselle. How utterly delightful! I can already see myself being transported to a world of ethereal fairies, jealous brides, and achingly beautiful choreography. This performance is practically tailor-made for my tutu-loving soul!

Fashion and the Waltz:

Now, my darlings, you know I'm obsessed with both ballet and fashion! Vienna has certainly not disappointed. It's a city overflowing with elegance and sophistication - and, naturally, some incredibly chic stores. I have been absolutely indulging in a little bit of retail therapy! I've found a few new tutu-inspired outfits that will make my heart sing!

Let me tell you, Austrian fashion has a distinct charm, all intricate details, classic colours, and a touch of romanticism. Think crisp blouses, tailored trousers, delicate scarves, and exquisite jewellery - perfect for a ballerina's day of exploring a beautiful city.

Of course, no visit to Vienna is complete without a traditional Waltz! Imagine a ballroom with chandeliers glittering, waltzing couples swirling, and music that makes your toes tap in anticipation. It’s a scene straight out of a ballet!

From Tutued to Tattered:

To break up my tutu-clad days, I took a detour on the city’s incredible horse-drawn carriage tours. Imagine it: a grand, majestic carriage with velvet upholstery and brass trimmings, the soft clip-clop of horse hooves on the cobbled streets, and a panoramic view of the stunning city! The perfect combination of vintage romance and Parisian chic.

It's a far cry from the bus journeys I used to take in Derbyshire, let me tell you. And, let's be honest, what could be more luxurious than travelling in style? Just picture me, my pink tutu swirling around my ankles as the wind catches my hair and the cobblestones rumble beneath me. Quite simply divine, don't you think?

A Brief History of Tutued Travels:

Of course, no blog post would be complete without a little tutu history! While the origins of the tutu can be traced back to the Romantic era (thank you, Marie Taglioni!), I found a delightful historical connection with Vienna: Did you know that the tutu as we know it, the short, airy, multi-layered skirt, gained popularity with Marius Petipa? The famous ballet choreographer was born right here in Vienna, a man who revolutionized classical ballet with his work on Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and many more. It's as if destiny had brought me here!

And let's not forget about Vienna's history with ballet! It was a crucial stop for European ballet in the 18th and 19th centuries, with great dancers and choreographers working in its theatres. Every cobbled street feels steeped in the history of beautiful, graceful moves!

Until next week!

But my darlings, I must dash. This ballerina is going to have a waltz in a Viennese waltz before it's time to put on my tutu and head for the ballet. Oh, my, I am just brimming with excitement! And, naturally, you'll hear all about it next week, when I'll be sharing my Vienna Opera adventure!

Until then, remember: Always keep that pink tutu tucked away, just in case, and never stop dreaming.



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-03-12