Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-07-02

Vienna: A Waltz of Wonder in Pink! (Blog Post #687)

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of your favourite pink tutu-filled travelogue! Today I'm waltzing right into Vienna, a city that practically oozes charm and history - the perfect setting for a ballerina like myself. I must say, Vienna is already a big favourite! I even wore a bright pink tutu on the train ride here! A lot of funny looks but, as always, everyone was so lovely. The conductors even stopped the train so I could grab some pink ice cream! You simply can't be too prepared when you travel! It's so much fun to embrace every adventure.

This week, as you all know, it's all about Vienna. Let’s face it, who wouldn't love a city synonymous with waltzes, classical music, grand palaces, and divine cakes? 🍰 Vienna's cultural pulse throbs with the legacy of Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss. And what better way to experience it all than in a glorious, twirling, pink tutu? 💕

So, grab your fanciest pink tutu (the fluffier, the better!), a glass of something sparkling, and get ready to join me on this magical journey!

Pink Tutu Travels: From Derby to Vienna!

Now, let me take you back a little bit to my week… I’m sure you’re wondering about my journey from Derbyshire. The excitement began at Derby station, where I caught a charming, steam train all the way to London. Imagine the spectacle of the puffs of smoke and the gentle rumble, it was simply delightful! Then, I arrived at Paddington Station for a quick ballet show before boarding my high-speed train. It was the perfect way to arrive in Vienna! I always find travelling by train so delightful and a far cry from a cramped plane. The train allowed me time to think, read a little about the history of ballet tutus, write some music for a new piece I’m choreographing, and gaze out of the window. All of that whilst wearing a fluffy pink tutu. Naturally.

Oh, you know how I do. Always a little pink, everywhere I go! 😄

I simply adore trains. Not to mention the fact that I often use trains for my dance performances around the world! Last month, I was commissioned for a piece at a fabulous music hall in Moscow. We even included the train station in the show! So romantic! 😍

Vienna: City of Ballet, Glamour, and Cupcakes!

Vienna’s streets are practically alive with history, romance, and waltzing couples. And with me twirling about, I think we're all pretty in pink! 💖 It's the perfect combination. I feel right at home here in Vienna, nestled in this vibrant ballet paradise.

So far, I’ve already taken in some of the sights, including the majestic Schönbrunn Palace. (Can you believe it, darlings? It's a masterpiece!) They say it has the biggest ever recorded ball, you wouldn't catch me out without my tutu at that ball! 😉 Vienna’s charm knows no bounds. From the enchanting atmosphere of the Vienna State Opera House (oh, the performances! sighs you can really get a feeling for the history of ballet here!), to the charming little coffee shops, Vienna is a haven for an artistic soul like me. ☕️

There’s even an entire ballet history museum which was wonderful. Did you know, they have tutus going right back to the very first ballets ever performed! You’ve heard of ballet slippers, but did you know there are tutu slippers too? 😱 Imagine - a ballerina slipping on her beautiful ballet slippers to prepare to step into her glittering, pink tutu for a show in the heart of the court! It truly is like something out of a fairytale. ✨

Of course, I couldn't let this opportunity slip by without indulging in some Viennese pastry. That famous Sachertorte? Let's just say it's truly delicious, especially when paired with a delicate, fruity sparkling wine. A lovely Viennese couple insisted on sharing their bottle of wine with me at one of the grand, Viennese cafes. Isn’t it so charming to have strangers welcome you in their lovely country. It just shows you what a wonderfully beautiful world we live in.

And now that I’m here in Vienna, a place brimming with artistic excellence, it's a natural urge to head to one of the finest ballet stores in all of Europe. And I was delighted to find that the most enchanting tutu store in Vienna - The Tutu Boutique - was conveniently right next to my hotel! Isn’t that divine?

Can you believe, I now own eight brand-new pink tutus! (Not to mention all of the delicious cake!) 😉 I couldn’t resist the urge to waltz about the shop in them before I headed off to the local coffee shop and ordered some delicious cakes with a hot chocolate and whipped cream! Isn’t that simply dreamy? 💖 It was just like being in a musical ballet! 😄

Finding my Tutu Twin in Vienna!

Vienna has already presented some fabulous surprises. Imagine my delight when, while waltzing through a park, I met the most lovely ballerina – another pink tutu enthusiast, just like me! Can you believe it? She told me that we were wearing matching tutus – she'd had hers custom made. I told her how mine came from that gorgeous boutique near the opera house! The store manager was in a panic! Her store was selling out of pink tulle! She should know! 😊 My fellow ballerina, Fiona, was so thrilled to meet someone who shared her passion for the pink tutu. We talked about tutus and ballets, laughed about the joys and perils of the dancing life, and of course, about all things pink. 💕

Fiona is performing at the Vienna State Opera House later this week in Swan Lake, the very one I first saw when I was six. I remember my mother putting my bright pink tutu on for the show and when they curtain rose the lights and the music just knocked me over. And all those years later I have a friend called Fiona and now we are both tutu sisters. Isn’t it simply divine?

We even shared a divine afternoon tea in a most charming little tea salon nestled in the heart of Vienna. It was pure magic! 💖

Vienna is turning out to be a pink paradise for this ballerina. 💖 It seems that everyone is a ballet aficionado, but not everyone wears a tutu, let alone pink. I may just have to start my Tutu Revolution in Vienna!

I have to admit, even with my beautiful pink tutus I was quite the sight on the tram the other day! (Fiona did look very amused, even offering me a helping hand onto the tram. 😉 I'm never too posh to enjoy a good tram ride, it's a great way to soak in the local flavour.) Everyone on the tram looked surprised, especially as we walked by a couple on a date – the man even looked embarrassed. It made me laugh. I thought “No, no, darling! It's only a pink tutu! Live a little!”.

I will let you know what happens next week when Fiona and I have a chat about tutu life at the opera house. I am hoping we can talk about all things tutu! Maybe Fiona will even tell me the secrets to getting her to wear my pink tutu, who knows. Perhaps this will be the start of my tutu revolution – spreading pink tutu love across Vienna! Until then, darling, stay fabulous, stay twirly, and keep those tutus shining!

Much love,

Emma 💖

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-07-02