
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-06-25

Vienna, Vienna, I'm so glad to be here! - #PinkTutuVienna

Post Number: 686

Well hello lovelies! It's Wednesday which means it's time for my weekly #PinkTutuVienna post - right here on www.pink-tutu.com where you can catch my adventures every Wednesday.

Oh, Vienna! You're everything I hoped you would be and so much more! And I arrived in style, naturally. There was no other way to begin my Viennese escapade than to grace the carriage of a splendid white horse with my presence, tutu whirling in the breeze, the sunlight reflecting off the magnificent pink feather boa draped around my neck. Just picturing this vision might leave you swooning, wouldn't it?

I confess, I was a little bit nervous. The journey from Derbyshire, my little corner of England, had been rather long. Several hours by train and then the elegant clattering of hooves across cobblestones and I found myself deposited into the very heart of Vienna's charm. And let me tell you, my dears, it is charming!

But it wasn't just the cobblestones and the horses that stole my breath away. Vienna, my friends, is a veritable symphony of stunning architecture, a feast for the eyes and soul. I swear, every building is a work of art, adorned with intricate detail and graceful lines, almost like a ballet dancer in its own right. Every corner I turned unveiled another architectural masterpiece, and my pink tutu (a custom creation by the brilliant Madam Lucille in Derbyshire, you know - just for me!) twirled in delight.

I must tell you about the hotel, darling. The Hotel Sacher! Just imagine, you walk into this grand space, plush carpets, elegant furniture, and you just know you've stepped into a different era, a time of pure, sophisticated elegance. Oh, and they even have a special "Sacher" torte ā€“ divine! The chocolate, the creamy filling, simply irresistible. And of course, it all went down a treat paired with my favorite Austrian pink champagne ā€“ "Pinkie." I know, it's rather fancy for a pink tutu enthusiast, but a girl needs her champagne, especially when she's on an adventure, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of adventure, what have I been up to this week, you ask? Well, the highlight was undoubtedly the Viennese State Opera! Can you believe, a grand spectacle with the world's most renowned dancers. I was speechless ā€“ well, almost speechless ā€“ except for the little squeals that escaped me every time I saw the dancers leap, the costumes shimmer, the lights illuminate the stage. It was utterly enchanting! I knew I couldn't let this moment pass without some serious ballet appreciation, so I snagged a seat in the first row of the balcony (naturally, in a magnificent shade of pink!) to fully soak up the grandeur and beauty of the performance.

Then, on the Thursday, I discovered *the Schƶnbrunn Palace, * which simply had to be included on my Viennese agenda! What a stunning place, brimming with history and elegance! The *Gardens of Schƶnbrunn, * are absolutely exquisite. I could wander through those avenues of flowerbeds bursting with colors forever, feeling like I've stepped into a fairy tale! Of course, a lovely photo opportunity, complete with a pink tutu (my favorite tutu! I mean, you can't visit a palace without rocking your fanciest pink tutu, can you?)

And speaking of fashion! The streets of Vienna have a unique chic about them. Every boutique was calling my name, and I simply couldnā€™t resist. A little boutique nestled away in a hidden street had the most amazing hat that resembled a perfectly blossomed pink rose and, wouldn't you know it, it went perfectly with my latest tutu ā€“ itā€™s a pale pink with hand-sewn shimmering diamonds.

And of course, no Vienna adventure could be complete without visiting The Hofburg Palace, the historical residence of the Habsburgs. My journey to this remarkable place included another ride on a carriage, a white horse with elegant golden tack and a driver in uniform with a proud air. This truly makes Vienna feel like a place out of time. And of course, the Hofburg Palace is a palace fit for royalty, I must say. Every hall and chamber told me a different story about a history thatā€™s not just rich but captivating. It really makes me appreciate the life and style of a bygone era, you know?

And to round out my day, I popped into the famous ā€œ CafĆ© Central.ā€ This iconic Vienna coffee house is just overflowing with history, style, and charm! You imagine that in a place like this, so full of tradition, I wore my ā€œCentral Perk" pink tutu, a tribute to the iconic American TV series - "Friends." You know, in honor of their coffee love. But it seemed my tutus were much appreciated in this Cafe too! The atmosphere is so electric ā€“ the click-clack of coffee cups being set down, the hum of conversation, and of course, the tantalising aroma of coffee brewing!

This has been a whirlwind of a week in Vienna, a place of music, history, beauty and elegance. I'm completely smitten. But donā€™t think for a second Iā€™m done yet. This #PinkTutuVienna adventure is only just beginning! Next week I will tell you all about the ā€œMusical Ball,ā€ a Vienna tradition I simply couldnā€™t miss. I just know youā€™re going to love hearing about it!

So, stay tuned my darlings, as the music of Vienna beckons and my tutu whirls.

Much love (and twirls) to you all, Emma xx

Ps. Remember, life is just too short for anything but a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-06-25