Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-08-13

Vienna Waltz: Post 693

Darling readers,

Greetings from the glorious city of Vienna! This week I'm writing to you from my delightful hotel room, complete with a view of the iconic Stephansdom and the sound of church bells chiming softly in the distance. I know, I know, this feels more like a Jane Austen novel than my usual Pink Tutu escapades, but Vienna has a certain charm that simply begs for a more genteel tone.

Today marks the first full day of my Viennese adventure, and it has been a whirlwind of beautiful sights, delectable pastries, and even a little tutu shopping (naturally).

The train journey from Munich was truly enchanting, with rolling hills and fairytale-like castles passing by the window. It's amazing how something as simple as a train journey can feel like an adventure, especially when you're rocking a vibrant pink tutu, which, as always, had heads turning (in the most flattering way, of course).

This morning, after a breakfast of strudel and strong coffee, I started my exploration with a visit to the Hofburg Palace. Now, I'm a bit of a history buff, especially when it comes to fashion and ballet, and let me tell you, this place is dripping with stories. From Empress Elisabeth's dazzling gowns to the stunning ballrooms where waltz kings and queens once twirled, the Hofburg is a must-see for any ballerina enthusiast (and especially those with a penchant for the color pink).

Of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without a dose of the most beloved of dance styles – the waltz! This afternoon, I joined a Viennese dance class. Now, you might think waltz lessons are all about elegant swishing skirts and effortless spins, but let me tell you, the steps can be surprisingly tricky! It felt amazing to finally be in the birthplace of this majestic dance. It felt like being inside a fairytale, and I even managed to nail the basic steps (with a touch of pink tutu twirling, naturally).

Afterwards, my feet, albeit slightly achy, were more than ready to explore Vienna's chic shopping scene. You all know how I feel about the art of dressing, and Vienna has some of the most fabulous fashion boutiques. Today I indulged in a new ballet-inspired pair of shoes (pink, of course) and some delicate pearl jewellery. After all, a little sparkle is always essential when dancing.

The day wouldn't be complete without a dose of delicious Viennese pastries, and let's just say my sugar quota is definitely being met. After all, one can't indulge in dancing and shopping without a good dose of sugar and cream. And what better way to end the day than with a stroll through the beautifully lit Prater park. The air was filled with the laughter of families enjoying the evening, and I must confess, I even found myself indulging in a nostalgic ride on the famous Giant Ferris Wheel.

Of course, no visit to Vienna is complete without a little dose of the magical, the musical, the unforgettable… The Vienna Opera. Tomorrow I will be attending a performance of Der Rosenkavalier (and yes, my tutu will be pink and shimmering under the sparkling chandeliers). You bet I’m planning a post with pictures and details - just wait till you see this outfit! I even bought some new tulle in pink, white, and gold at a haberdashery here in Vienna. The shopkeeper said, 'Pink is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful'! Just what I needed to hear, darling!

In all, Vienna is the perfect destination for a ballerina with a penchant for history, beautiful buildings, delicious treats, and an endless love of pink tutus. Oh, and did I mention the ballet? Next week I'm off to Salzburg – who knows what adventures await there?

Until then, keep twirling!

Yours always,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-08-13