Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-09-10

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #697 - A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, back from the magical city of Vienna! Oh my goodness, this week has been absolutely divine! Just picture it: cobbled streets, stunning architecture, the most exquisite pastries imaginable, and all under the glorious glow of the Austrian sun. This is the life!

But before I gush on, let's talk about the week in more detail, shall we? It all started on a gloriously sunny Monday, where I found myself bounding aboard a quaint little train, all plush seats and floral upholstery, bound for Vienna. I can't tell you how much I love travelling by train! It's just so peaceful and romantic, not to mention that I have a whole compartment to myself for perfecting my 'ballet on the move' routine (it involves a lot of arabesques and some fancy footwork with my travel journal, needless to say!).

Speaking of footwork, Tuesday saw me embracing my inner Viennese ballerina at the world-renowned Vienna State Opera. Oh my, darling, the performance! The grace, the elegance, the sheer precision... it was all I could do to stop myself from leaping out of my seat and joining in! It was such a beautiful portrayal of 'The Nutcracker,' a ballet which never ceases to take my breath away. I, of course, made sure my pink tutu was perfectly poised for the evening, paired with a shimmering ruby red jacket and some delicate rose-gold jewellery. It truly was a spectacular night!

Of course, my Viennese adventure wasn't solely focused on ballet (although, let's be honest, it was definitely a key element!). We indulged in the most heavenly Viennese Schnitzel I have ever tasted (it's quite the culinary adventure! One bite, and you're transported straight into a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale - I kid you not!) and had an afternoon of shopping in the most delightful boutiques (where I may have indulged in a new pair of ballerina pumps... just one small weakness, darlings!)

Then Wednesday arrived, and with it, my weekly post for (check out our lovely little community at – we'd love for you to join us!). This blog was inspired by the majestic Vienna State Opera House, a building that absolutely took my breath away. I was so impressed by its grand design and the history behind it. Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without exploring its historical past! We visited Schönbrunn Palace (yes, that one, with the glorious gardens!), which was a real fairytale experience – even more so as the palace was built on the former site of a medieval hunting lodge! You just can’t beat history, can you?

Thursday took me back to the opera, this time for a wonderful performance of Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake' which I found utterly mesmerising (and let's not forget those absolutely exquisite costumes!) I just love seeing the dedication that the performers show in capturing these iconic ballets - they make me want to go straight to class and practice till my pointe shoes shine!

Friday saw us heading for the heart of Vienna on a horse-drawn carriage, weaving through the beautiful streets and marvelling at the buildings around us - I honestly felt like I had stepped straight into a film set! This was truly the most elegant way to explore Vienna. I absolutely love how Austria embraces their beautiful tradition of horses - you just can't get this sense of romanticism in a modern taxi. Plus, it allowed for some amazing photos in a perfect tutu pose!

As a bit of a "treat yo' self" Saturday, I bought a delightful selection of pastries from a cute little café near our hotel. Then, I decided to do something I’ve always wanted to try… A traditional Viennese coffee house visit, a bit of culture alongside those sweet pastries. This time it involved a wonderful cup of coffee served in an ornate pot and a decadent, thick piece of Sachertorte, just heavenly! It was the perfect place to enjoy the ambience and simply watch the world go by! I must say, I even caught sight of a lady in a pink tutu outside! I've always said it: even in Austria, tutus are making their way into the streets!

Sunday marked a day for exploring further, visiting a beautiful park in Vienna that was filled with fragrant lavender flowers and fountains (which reminded me of a beautiful ballet I saw on lavender fairies – can't tell you how badly I wish I could recreate that on the stage!) I decided to have an impromptu ballet performance right there amongst the fragrant lavender! It felt quite lovely and I received a lot of lovely compliments (which made me realise the appeal of the pink tutu… just one graceful leap and you make everyone's day a little brighter! )

As the day melted into twilight, we left this enchanting city. It’s certainly a city that’s stolen a piece of my heart! I even had a little photoshoot by the train station with a fellow ballerina, wearing her beautiful yellow tutu and myself, with my iconic pink tutu. Oh, we made such a lovely picture, a burst of colour amidst the quiet elegance of the station!

As I bid farewell to Vienna, I realise I'm leaving with more than just fond memories and an array of photographs. I’m leaving with a newfound appreciation for waltzes and schnitzels, and a burning desire to bring back the romance and elegance of days gone by. So, my darlings, don't just take my word for it. Get out there, travel, and experience the magic of a pink tutu in a city brimming with elegance and history – just make sure you get a picture in your favourite pink tutu. I promise you, it will make a perfect memento!

Till next Wednesday, darling readers! Stay sassy and embrace the pink!

**Yours in twirling,


PS. Don't forget to check out my newest video! I've created a tutorial for a "Pink Tutu Waltz," complete with graceful hair flips and pirouettes for maximum tutu elegance - watch it now on

PPS. My newest blog post is on the history of the ballet tutu! If you want to learn all about the origins of this fashion essential and it's iconic evolution (from practical clothing to haute couture!), join me on the 17th September, for a new blog all about the wonderful history of the tutu.

PPPPS. And of course, don't forget to stay connected! Follow me on Twitter @EmmaPinkTutu and find me on Instagram @emmatutublogger.

I can't wait to share more adventures with you. I’m currently in the planning stage for my next adventure – I'm thinking Paris! Anyone know of any excellent places to have a picnic under the Eiffel Tower or perhaps, a romantic tutu photo shoot by the Seine? Please do let me know!

Have a magical week, darlings!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-09-10