Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-12-10

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #710 - Whirlwind Waltz Through Vienna

Dearest readers,

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for your weekly dose of Pink Tutu Vienna! I'm writing this from my lovely hotel room in Vienna, the aroma of freshly brewed Viennese coffee filling the air. This city is truly enchanting – the grand architecture, the lively music scene, the sheer charm of it all has me twirling with glee!

It feels like a whirlwind, this trip to Vienna. As always, I've packed my pink tutus (naturally!), each one chosen with care to match the elegance of this extraordinary city.

My journey began in the most charming way – a leisurely train ride from Salzburg. I love the gentle rhythm of train travel, the world unfolding outside the window like a beautiful storybook. Imagine me, in a floaty pink tutu and a cashmere shawl, sipping a cup of tea as we chugged through the Austrian countryside, my imagination soaring with every passing field.

Upon arriving in Vienna, I was welcomed with a carriage ride through the historic streets. It was straight out of a fairytale – I felt like Cinderella in my own personal story!

Now, this post wouldn't be complete without a mention of ballet. It wouldn't be Pink Tutu Vienna if I didn't have my fill of graceful movements and theatrical splendour! Last night, I had the immense pleasure of attending a performance by the Vienna State Opera Ballet at the magnificent Vienna State Opera.

I won't spoil the show, but let's just say I was completely swept away! The costumes were exquisite – each dancer, like a blooming flower in a field of movement, their movements both delicate and powerful, conveying emotions through the language of the body. I even caught a glimpse of a young ballerina sporting a pink tutu - a most encouraging sign, indeed!

My days here have been a kaleidoscope of experiences. One day, I was browsing through the designer boutiques of Kärntner Strasse, finding the most perfect blush-pink shawl for my tutu collection. Another, I spent an afternoon in the grand halls of Schönbrunn Palace, admiring the Baroque splendour and fantasising about the royal balls held in these magnificent rooms. The day before, I had a private lesson with a Viennese ballet teacher, her gentle guidance helping me polish my pirouettes to a radiant sheen.

Of course, no visit to Vienna is complete without sampling the delicious Viennese pastries and coffee! I indulged in a decadent Sachertorte - rich, chocolatey heaven - in a charming cafe, its ornate walls adorned with the works of local artists. It was like stepping into a painting.

As I'm writing this, the sun is setting, casting a golden glow across the cityscape. Vienna, you truly are a masterpiece!

Today is the tenth of December - a date that holds special significance for me, as it marks the anniversary of a dear friend's birthday. So, here's a shoutout to my dear friend, may your days be filled with joy, laughter, and all the delicious cake your heart desires!

I'm still dreaming of the exquisite ballet, the delectable cakes, the stunning sights - it's truly a magical city. And with that, I'll leave you with a little pink-tutu-inspired message: Embrace the joy in life, spread some kindness, and remember to twirl whenever you can!

Until next Wednesday, darlings,

Yours in pink and tulle,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2008-12-10