Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-01-21

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 716: A Viennese Waltz of Fashion & Fantasy

Wednesday 21st January 2009

Guten Tag, my darlings! I'm writing this from my quaint little Viennese apartment, where the scent of coffee and freshly baked strudel fills the air. This city, oh my, it’s truly a fairytale, a whirlwind of culture and charm, and of course, exquisite fashion! But first, let’s take a little trip down memory lane.

A Derbyshire Lass with Big Dreams

As you know, my loves, I’m Emma, a ballerina at heart and a pink tutu devotee from the picturesque hills of Derbyshire. Life was always a flurry of pirouettes and tutus in my quaint village. I'd pirouette through meadows, twirling in a glorious pink tutu under the English sky, dreaming of grand stages and dancing queens. But there's a bigger vision brewing, darlings – a world where every single one of you joins the pink tutu revolution! And you can thank my love of travel and my extraordinary adventures for getting me one step closer.

Funding My Tutu-ful Life Through Dance

I’ve found the most divine way to fund my globetrotting ways. Ballet performances are my bread and butter! Not only do I get to pirouette my heart out on stage, but my audience’s applause fuels my travel budget, letting me explore new places and immerse myself in cultures. It’s a pretty fantastic way to dance my way through life!

Traveling by Train & Horse

You won't catch me flying anywhere, darlings. It's far too chaotic for my delicate sensibilities. My preference is a graceful journey, gliding across landscapes on trains. This week, it was a smooth ride through Austria’s breathtaking countryside – rolling hills, ancient castles, and fields dotted with sunflowers. Then, to top it all off, I took a glorious ride through the Vienna Woods on a magnificent steed. Imagine a fairytale carriage ride through lush green forests with the sun filtering through the leaves! Pure magic.

A Viennese Waltz Through Fashion & History

Vienna, oh darling, it’s an absolute paradise for a fashion-loving tutu-wearer like myself! My travels began with a trip to the MuseumsQuartier – a playground of museums, art, and culture. The Leopold Museum is my absolute favourite – their art is truly avant-garde! And then, just a stone’s throw away, lies my personal nirvana: a vintage clothing boutique! Rows upon rows of luxurious silks and satins in rich colours. I scooped up the most delightful floral vintage dress – I envision twirling in it through the charming cobblestone streets of this city.

My heart is forever with the waltz. It’s the dance that epitomizes Viennese grace, so, naturally, I spent an afternoon at the glorious Hofburg Palace. A waltz at the ball would have been perfect, but alas, my tutu was slightly out of place among the evening gowns. However, that doesn’t stop me from twirling through its halls imagining the days of waltzing royalty and the glorious ballrooms of yesteryear.

The Secret Life of a Tutu

My exploration led me to the Wiener Staatsoper, where the history of the ballet tutu just begs to be discovered! You won’t believe how the humble tutu transformed from a simple piece of undergarment to a full-fledged fashion statement, becoming an emblem of grace, movement, and feminine power. Oh, my loves, a tutu can speak volumes, can’t it?

A Ballerina’s Must-Have: The Ballet Show!

Now, I can't travel without experiencing a local ballet production. The Wiener Staatsoper houses some of the most stunning ballet performances. This week, they showcased "The Nutcracker." This classic ballet transported me to a world of sugarplum fairies and mischievous mice. I lost myself in the dazzling costumes, the intricate choreography, and the sheer magic that is ballet.

Where Pink Tutus Meet Wiener Schnitzel

For a grand finale, my loves, there’s nothing quite like a delightful Viennese meal. The Viennese schnitzel is an absolute delight – so crisp and juicy, and pairs beautifully with a chilled Austrian Riesling. You can imagine me, perched in a sunny café with a plate of schnitzel and a glass of wine, my pink tutu twirling gently in the breeze! The life of a pink tutu blogger is a delightful, decadent dance!

Stay Tuned!

So there you have it, darlings! Vienna is simply magical – from its coffee shops and cobblestone streets to its magnificent buildings and the stories they hold. It’s a haven for any aspiring ballerina and a fantastic place to bask in the fashion world. Oh, the endless stories Vienna holds, whispering in every café and street corner, and each day I discover a new piece of history to weave into my ever-expanding tutu universe!

Stay tuned, loves, as next week, I’m venturing off to a new adventure - my diary awaits.

With a sprinkle of pink and a dash of magic,


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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-01-21