Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-03-04

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #722 - A Whirlwind Wednesday in Vienna!

Oh, darling readers! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu Vienna post, straight from the heart of Austria! This week, my darling, has been a whirlwind of tutus, train travel, and the most charming waltz music imaginable! And of course, all things pink, darling!

Let me tell you, Vienna is absolutely bursting with a sort of fairytale charm that sets your soul alight. The architecture is a dream come true - think opulent castles, grand palaces, and churches with enough spires to touch the clouds. All bathed in a golden glow from the afternoon sun, it’s simply heavenly. And speaking of heavenly... did I tell you I had the most divine lunch at a café in the city centre this morning? Imagine... delicate sandwiches, perfectly brewed coffee, and, oh, the pastries, my dears! My heart did a little pirouette in my chest just from the sheer perfection of it all.

Speaking of pirouettes... I simply couldn't resist taking a class at Vienna's Opera Ballet School this morning. I know, right?! Honestly, my darling readers, you have no idea the magic that is housed within those grand, gilded walls! Imagine, decades of world-renowned ballet history woven into the very fabric of the school's being! The dancers, they were all so elegant, each step, so beautifully crafted, I swear my soul almost took flight. It truly felt like an ethereal dream... like a scene straight from 'The Nutcracker'. And, to add to the enchantment, the ballet studio was filled with an air of excitement - the smell of sweat and rosin mixed with the melody of the grand piano... truly, a symphony for the senses.

You wouldn't believe my luck, but I happened upon the most charming boutique on my way back from the school - overflowing with pink tulle, exquisite satin, and sequins, galore! The shop assistant, a delightful young woman with bright eyes and even brighter red hair, immediately recognised my fellow Pink Tutu devotee. We had a proper natter, just a delightful girly chit-chat about all things tulle, the history of ballet and its costumes - everything from the elegance of Marie Taglioni’s tutus to the iconic designs of Coco Chanel’s early work. Of course, my visit would be remiss without purchasing the most breathtaking pink tutu I’ve ever laid eyes upon - a masterpiece of sheer fabric and dazzling beads, worthy of the most discerning ballerina, I do declare!

I couldn't help but notice a lovely, vibrant floral display on my journey through the heart of Vienna later today, my dears. They just brought a smile to my face, and honestly, it made me think about my blog! After all, this blog is all about bringing colour, joy, and a little bit of pink magic into your world.

As always, the pinkest part of my day was spent in a theatre this evening. Imagine, darling, the Vienna State Opera, its grand hall dripping with crystal chandeliers and red velvet upholstery - pure, unadulterated glamour! The ballet performance was breathtaking - "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky, an absolute masterpiece of emotion and beauty. I’ve always admired how ballet can express such deep feelings and complex stories through just a series of graceful movements. Every twist, every turn, told a story of love and sorrow, heartbreak and hope - simply stunning.

You're probably wondering, my lovelies, how I manage to see so many performances, right? It's a secret, but a secret I'm happy to share with you, darlings. You see, I fund my travels and escapades by dancing myself. And what's better than dancing, than being a dancer in a pink tutu, naturally? I find joy in captivating audiences with each turn and pirouette, bringing smiles and joy with every step I take.

Vienna has already stolen my heart, and tomorrow, I plan to spend the entire day exploring the charming old town, venturing down cobbled alleyways, admiring Baroque palaces, and seeking out the perfect cup of Viennese coffee. Oh, and naturally, searching for more lovely pink additions to my growing collection of tutus! You can bet your bottom dollar, I’ll keep you all up to date on my explorations here at, so be sure to check back in for my next weekly post on Wednesday! Until then, send my best wishes and remember to always dance, and always, always, always, wear a pink tutu!

Your favourite ballerina, Emma.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-03-04