Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-02-25

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #721 - A Waltz Through the Viennese Dream

Wednesday, 25th February, 2009

Hello lovelies! It’s Emma here, back from my whirlwind adventure in the magical city of Vienna! I know you’re probably thinking “Vienna?! That’s so classic Emma! Pink tutus and waltzing!” And you’d be absolutely right!

I landed in Vienna last week after a picturesque journey by train from Berlin (and let me tell you, I felt like a character from a Jane Austen novel, looking out at the passing fields in my blush pink tutu). My dear, darling Nana (who's a whizz at finding bargains in vintage shops and has a fantastic eye for colour - she's the one who first sparked my passion for pink!) was waiting at the station with a cheery wave and a freshly-baked cake. We travelled to our beautiful apartment in the heart of Vienna, a whimsical building with a bright pink front door – it was as if fate had conspired to make this trip even more special.

Speaking of fate, I couldn’t believe my luck when I stumbled upon a small antique shop tucked away in a narrow alleyway just off the Ringstrasse. You know I love hunting for vintage treasures, and this shop was an absolute treasure trove. Nestled amidst dusty boxes and velvet-lined cases, I found the most beautiful, hand-stitched tutu - a pale lilac shade, adorned with shimmering silver beads. It’s now proudly hanging in my wardrobe, waiting to grace a special occasion.

Vienna is overflowing with art, history, and charm – just the sort of city to inspire a ballet lover like me! Our first stop was the Schönbrunn Palace, an opulent, sun-drenched fairytale. The palace gardens were an explosion of colour and serenity, a perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll in my bright pink tutu, which just added a touch of playful vibrancy to the grandeur of the surroundings.

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without a visit to the Opera House! This magnificent structure is breathtaking, both inside and out. Its graceful arches and the hushed anticipation in the air just begged for a graceful entrance – I, of course, arrived in my most elegant tutu, a shimmering pink masterpiece that perfectly captured the essence of the night. The opera, “The Marriage of Figaro,” was pure magic, transporting me to a world of witty wordplay and emotional depth. I’ve never seen so many vibrant pink, scarlet, and gold dresses in one place - pure inspiration for a future costume!

On our first Saturday, Nana and I went on a walking tour, following in the footsteps of Mozart and Beethoven. The guide told us about the vibrant cultural scene of the late 18th and early 19th century, a time when Viennese society was deeply intertwined with the arts. I was captivated by the story of ballet during the Habsburg Empire - I'd always associated it with the French courts but learning about its connection to the elegance and sophistication of the Viennese society opened my mind. It's a topic that I just need to explore more - perhaps my next blog post!

And then there were the horses! You know my soft spot for them. In the morning, Nana and I hopped aboard a traditional Viennese fiacre (a horse-drawn carriage) and took a scenic ride through the cobblestone streets. The sound of the horse's hooves clopping on the pavement added to the magic of this beautiful city. That evening, we saw a spectacular show at the Spanish Riding School, where the Lippizaner stallions, all of them beautifully black and sleek, danced gracefully and powerfully in the arena, each move a masterpiece of equine athleticism.

Every day, Nana and I discovered new and exciting spots to add to our personal list of favourite Vienna places: The Naschmarkt, a bustling open-air market bursting with the aromas of spices, fresh fruit, and hearty Hungarian Goulash; the elegant shops along KĂ€rntner Straße where I found some exquisite jewellery for my pink tutu wardrobe; the whimsical street artists along Graben who turned everyday objects into charming works of art, and the charming cafĂ©s tucked away on quiet side streets that felt like stepping into a timeless scene from a movie.

Speaking of movie scenes, remember those iconic dancing scenes from "The Sound of Music" at the Salzburg Festival? We're taking a detour to Salzburg after Vienna - the city’s hills and charming backdrop have already given me lots of inspiration for tutu creations and dance sequences! But first, it's back to London! A week at home, planning my dance school tour - it's a busy month, but what's a Pink Tutu girl to do? London is alive with ballet in February, a real flurry of activity. A dress rehearsal at the Royal Opera House, the Royal Ballet in action at the Coliseum.

Oh, and this week we're getting all glamorous! A special event tonight, I'm making an appearance in a show in support of local arts in the Cotswolds, just before we go to Salzburg next week! Can't wait for you to see it.

But before I sign off, I have a challenge for all you lovelies! This week, I’m urging you to step out in a pink tutu! Maybe for a special occasion, or even just for a stroll in the park. You'll be surprised at how much joy it brings! Don't be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina – even if you've never taken a ballet class, let the spirit of dance flow through you! And remember, always stay positive and cheerful, and be your beautiful selves.

See you next week!



P.S. If you’re a tutu enthusiast and haven’t already, head over to – my blog posts, my thoughts on all things ballet, the history of tutus and much, much more awaits you there!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-02-25