Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-04-01

Vienna Calling! - Post 726

Oh, darlings, I simply cannot contain myself! Vienna is positively bursting with beauty and grace, and, of course, a splash of pink - even the cobblestones seem to be a subtle shade of rose! As always, I've come fully equipped with a bevy of tutus, just perfect for exploring the grand architecture and waltz-worthy streets. I wouldn't be me without a splash of colour and twirl-worthy outfits, wouldn't I?

This week, it's Vienna's turn to feel the magic of Pink Tutu Vienna. As you know, I love to travel by train – the romance, the quaint little compartments, and the sense of adventure… so naturally, my journey here was absolutely delightful. The landscape whizzing by the window just begs for a tutu, don't you think? It's not every day you see a tutu peeking out from the window of a carriage – it brings a little joy to the world, darling!

The journey wasn't just about the view, though. It gave me ample time to indulge in the latest fashion magazines, soaking up the latest trends and styles – who doesn't love a good fashion fix? Oh, and don't even get me started on the delicious pastries I found at the train station - those Vienna wafers are the most delectable treat! It's amazing how food in Europe simply tastes better. Even the tea has an added touch of decadence, don't you find?

As for my time in Vienna, let's just say I haven't stopped twirling. It seems the waltzing air here encourages it! I spent my first evening at the Vienna State Opera. A divine experience! I adore ballet, and seeing Giselle in such a magnificent setting, surrounded by centuries of history, well, I felt as though I was dancing on air myself. My tutus, of course, received many approving glances. I felt rather glamorous amidst all that grandeur, don't you think?

On my second day, I visited The Schönbrunn Palace, which is simply magnificent! I spent the afternoon roaming through the sprawling gardens, surrounded by delicate pink roses and stately willows. What a lovely escape from the bustling city. It gave me a moment to breathe, to relax, and yes, to twirl - every single graceful turn brought to mind those glorious ballrooms of old.

Speaking of ballrooms, my dear, I must tell you about the amazing shop I stumbled upon in the heart of the city! The most exquisite selection of vintage fabrics, perfect for embellishing any tutu you could imagine! The owner, a charming gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, spoke of the fabrics' history, weaving stories into each thread. Oh, he's such a darling!

And what is Vienna without music? It’s everywhere, in the air, in the coffee shops, in the gardens… and I discovered a little gem tucked away in a cobblestoned courtyard – a beautiful antique music shop filled with old music boxes and instruments! It’s filled with the sounds of waltzes and Strauss, each piece a treasure. The shopkeeper even showed me his grandfather’s antique violin – oh, the magic! I found a charming miniature music box for myself, with a sweet little ballerina dancing inside - simply adorable!

Today, I'm looking forward to venturing out on the outskirts of the city – exploring the lovely little vineyards on the outskirts of Vienna - you simply can't beat fresh air, vineyards, and a touch of pink in my ensemble!

However, Vienna is more than just grand buildings and waltz music – it's also a city full of incredible energy, a real buzz! Everywhere you look, you see beautiful faces, colourful personalities, and fascinating characters. There is such a sense of optimism and creativity, it’s contagious!

But I've already talked too much about myself, and I know that you all love to know about what's going on here. Well, my dears, there's so much to do in Vienna:

The Ballet

Let’s start with the ballet, because for a true ballerina-at-heart, Vienna is truly heaven. There are so many options! Not only the Staatsoper, but also the Vienna Volksoper, which has a full programme of ballets and opera. There's the ballet school, of course, with daily classes open to all! Oh, I almost fainted when I discovered that they have adult classes in the evening! Now, who's for a waltz? And let's not forget about the Wiener Staatsopernballett (the Vienna State Opera Ballet), a truly world-class ensemble. They are performing Sleeping Beauty for the rest of the month - oh my! I must see it! I just wish I could see it all!


You just can't talk about Vienna without mentioning shopping – oh, Vienna, the shops! The Viennese shops are a sight to behold! It's hard to decide which one to go to first. If you're a lover of fine fabrics and pretty accessories, like I am, then this is the place for you! I am positively smitten with the antique boutiques around Freyung Square, each filled with vintage jewelry and quirky treasures. It's a paradise for the sartorially minded – and my purse isn't doing too badly either, darling!

But Vienna is also a paradise for lovers of clothes, even if it isn’t on our pink tutu theme, it has such beautiful pieces! I've found a few stores offering stunning clothes, with designs inspired by the waltzing grandeur of Vienna. The colours, the silhouettes, the intricate details, all evoke a sense of romance and elegance. There are also several independent designers showcasing their creations, each one as unique as the next. The city just screams creativity!

Art, Museums, and Galleries:

Vienna is a real melting pot of art. Whether you love modern masterpieces or classical sculpture, Vienna will amaze you. I highly recommend the Belvedere, the museum houses masterpieces from the legendary artist Gustav Klimt - truly exquisite. There's also the Albertina, one of Europe's most extensive collections of prints and drawings, boasting an impressive selection of works by Picasso, Rembrandt, and Michelangelo. If that wasn't enough, you can't miss the Museum of Modern Art (mumok), where the contemporary art scene comes to life! It’s enough to inspire even the most hardened of souls, and trust me, it’s certainly inspired me to find more beautiful ways to use pink!

And lastly, of course, there are the historical gems you simply have to experience.

Vienna's Coffee Houses:

You can't visit Vienna without indulging in a cup of delicious coffee, in one of Vienna's beautiful coffee houses. These magnificent institutions, filled with marble and wood, are like stepping into another era. Some have even survived for over two hundred years - they are quite extraordinary! One tip from a fellow tutu enthusiast? Grab a coffee and a pastry, grab a newspaper, and sit back and simply soak up the atmosphere. A truly enchanting experience!

Vienna's Wining and Dining:

Vienna is a city that knows how to live. Every meal is a celebration, with incredible ingredients, rich history and the most beautiful ambiance. Oh, and they say that the food itself inspires the Vienna Waltz – who would have thought?

This city is truly bursting with amazing restaurants! My advice? Go exploring! From traditional Viennese dishes to cutting edge cuisine, you're sure to find a delightful spot to enjoy a hearty meal. Of course, if you want a light lunch on the go, you've got to try the classic Viennese sandwich, "the Buerger". It’s stuffed with the most delicious things imaginable - think bacon, eggs, mustard, cheese and more. I, however, couldn't help myself and asked them to swap the usual bread for some pretty pink buns, just for me - and it really tied the whole lunch experience together, if you know what I mean!

I must admit that I’m slightly daunted at the sheer number of things to do here - I can’t see myself seeing it all. There are countless galleries, parks, museums, concert halls, markets, and amazing buildings I haven't even mentioned! I haven’t even explored the prêt-à-porter boutiques of the Mariahilfer Straße - you all know my weakness!

So, darling, I know what you're thinking - how is Emma going to fit it all in? Well, here’s the magic of Pink Tutu Vienna - you don’t have to! You can discover the beauty of Vienna at your own pace, just like I’m doing. Every time I step out, every moment, every twirl, I find a new treasure. I may not see it all, but I know that Vienna will be a part of me forever.

Of course, my adventure wouldn't be complete without my very own Viennese tutu. Something sleek, sophisticated, a little daring with a touch of waltz - just perfect for a Parisian gala. And what better place to shop for a magnificent tutu than Vienna?

My, oh my - I have such high hopes for my trip, and for finding that perfect Viennese tutu. It has to be the most stunningly beautiful thing!

Oh, I can hardly wait to tell you all about it.

Until then, let your tutus take you places!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-04-01