Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-06

Vienna, Vienna, My Tutu Is Here! (Post #731)

Oh, darling readers! I hope you're all well and have your tutus prepped for a spectacular Wednesday blog post from yours truly, Emma, the Pink Tutu Princess! Today, we're waltzing through Vienna, the city of music, waltzes and… of course, my favourite shade: PINK!

Last week I finished a lovely performance in Derby – a ballet adaption of "Pride and Prejudice" featuring a beautiful blush-pink tutu. I know! A blush-pink tutu? Genius! It went down a storm. The critics were impressed by my passion for my art, (though, let's be honest, I also felt a bit like I was wearing a gigantic marshmallow!). I’m always pushing the boundaries, don’t you think? I’m definitely not a “ballerina in a box” – I’m Emma, the Pink Tutu Princess!

Right, I mustn’t get carried away. Back to Vienna. I arrived yesterday by train, which, as you all know, is the only way to travel when you’re sporting a full-length tutu (there's always the risk of a disastrous trolley collision!). Oh, it was simply divine! The train journey was like being transported into a scene from “Sound of Music” – all those beautiful hills and castles!

When I stepped off the train, I felt the unmistakable vibe of a city that loves fashion, art and theatre just as much as I do. I couldn't help but take a little twirl on the platform – a very pink and proud moment indeed.

You see, darling, I simply love to explore new places. I know, I know, sometimes I look like I’ve walked out of a Walt Disney production – especially when I'm twirling through foreign streets – but I wouldn't have it any other way. And, trust me, my readers, this city has captured my heart and my tutu!

And what better place to start than with the glorious, pink-hued Hofburg Palace? You simply have to see this masterpiece – its elegant halls and opulent rooms oozing history! I imagine the royals flitting about, perhaps enjoying a waltz in a ballroom decked out with enough pink silk to make even me swoon. Speaking of waltzes, this is Vienna! This is where the waltz was born – a fact which thrilled this pink tutu aficionado no end. I have been known to waltz, in a way. There are times when the music pulls you into a graceful twirl and that’s what happened when I visited the palace’s wonderful museum about ballet. I swear I could hear Johann Strauss whispering in my ear!

But wait! That was just the start of the day! Next up, The Spanish Riding School, a historical marvel known for its glorious Lippizaner stallions. The school is right in the heart of Vienna, within the Hofburg Palace itself. Talk about historical drama and elegant beauty!

Just thinking about the way these amazing stallions moved with such precision and grace – I simply could not resist doing a little prancing and a pink twirl! Thankfully, no one seemed to notice a bit of tutued frolicking, or maybe it’s just a sign of the times. Or maybe Vienna has a lot of tutus – what do you think, dears?

After the Spanish Riding School, I did what any sensible pink-clad ballet devotee does - I enjoyed a delightful, (slightly pink), Vienna Sacher-Torte in one of the city's famous coffee shops. And speaking of treats, Vienna also houses one of my favourite designers, Lena Hoschek, and you just know I had to take a look, didn’t you? Oh, those gorgeous colours! Those fabulous designs! My Tutu Princess wardrobe needed to be revitalised, after all! Lena’s dresses – especially those with bows – could rival a ballet tutu. Her pink, petal-shaped designs – I bought three, actually. Who could resist such lovely things? This is a shopping haven, for sure.

For an afternoon pick-me-up, I went for a brisk (very pink) walk around the Vienna State Opera, and just outside was an enormous and wonderfully pink floral arrangement. I just had to have a photograph in it. My followers would be delighted. There's nothing like a photo-op with an iconic Vienna landmark and my tutu. It is the reason for my trip, and indeed the raison d'etre for my life: “pinktutus all around!” (to quote myself). Of course, my tutu-wearing readers are probably familiar with that quote, I'm sure you have it stitched to your pink tutu-making cushions!

Before calling it a day, I made a quick stop at the iconic Schönbrunn Palace. Its beautiful gardens and palace were filled with laughter, colour and joy - I spotted so many children running around. I imagined myself a little girl, skipping happily through these grand gardens. A girl, in a pink tutu, of course!

Today is about the "The Emperor’s Waltz." I've just popped out to find out what's happening on the date I've written, but this date has always been one of music and waltzes! The Vienna State Opera is always worth a visit but especially today because of a grand and dramatic production of “Der Rosenkavalier.” Now, THAT is some amazing music - truly the perfect ballet theme, especially in Vienna. If only it had been choreographed with pink tutus… it would have been perfect. It’s still not too late. If any readers out there know the choreographers for that particular production I will personally give them a “Pink Tutu Makeover!” A little pink never hurt anyone!

Oh, this day has been simply spectacular! But I’ve done something very special to commemorate today. And if you’ve made it this far – then this is for you! My Tutu Princess “Vienna Blog,” is now also available to read on the Vienna State Opera website. That's right! My dear readers, I’ve brought “The Pink Tutu Princess” to the big leagues! Maybe next, I'll get a book deal!

Vienna is so alive, so passionate, so colourful! I can't wait to see what it holds in store for me tomorrow! And, I’m sure it will be wonderful! As a pink tutu princess in a pink city – there's no limit to what adventures lie ahead.

Stay tuned, darlings. Because the adventures, and the pink tutus, will keep on coming. And as I’m on my way back to my hotel, right now, I can’t help thinking this is where I belong: a ballet princess in a palace of pink!

P.S. Remember to get in touch and let me know about all your exciting pink tutu escapades! Tweet me, email me, comment on my blog and of course, tell all your friends – pink is for everyone, after all!

Love, Emma x

About the Pink Tutu Princess

Emma, the Pink Tutu Princess, is a travel blogger, ballet dancer and tutu enthusiast from Derbyshire, England. Her weekly blog, which features fashion, travel, ballet, food and fun – with a special focus on pink tutus! is dedicated to sharing her passion for life with her readers.

Emma funds her travel through performing ballet at events. Her website,, is a place for her to connect with her fans and fellow tutu enthusiasts, all around the world. Her blog focuses on her experiences discovering new cities, new performances and finding her “pink perfect tutu.”

If you’d like to see Emma in action, be sure to check out her calendar, on the website. For more information, visit Emma’s website or follow her on her various social media platforms!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-06