Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-07-15

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Adventure (#741)

Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

Hello, darlings! This week finds me twirling in Vienna, the city of music, waltz and, of course, exquisite pastries! The train journey from my last adventure in Budapest was absolutely delightful. The countryside whizzed past in a blur of green, punctuated by charming villages with little cafes brimming with life. There’s nothing quite like travelling by train, don’t you agree? The rhythmic chugging of the engine always lulls me into a blissful daydream where everything is pink, sparkly, and adorned with tulle. Speaking of tulle...

Pink Tutus in Vienna: A Symphony of Frills

Oh, my dears, Vienna is positively thriving with pink! The pastel facades of the old buildings are positively breathtaking, and the flower stalls overflow with fragrant blooms in shades of rose, blush and bubblegum. As for the tutus… sigh. I spotted a most fabulous shop nestled on a side street in the heart of the city, crammed with every shade of pink imaginable. The sales assistant was as delightful as a freshly sugared doughnut, helping me choose the perfect, flowing confection for my grand waltz debut tonight.

Vienna's Dancehall Delights: From Waltz to Ballet

Tonight’s performance is at the grand Staatsoper Vienna. Imagine my excitement, darling! My heart is beating like a metronome just thinking about it! It's a full-length ballet performance of Swan Lake featuring the Vienna State Ballet. The costumes, the choreography, the music – just thinking about it sets my toes to tapping! This performance is extra special as I’ve arranged to meet a few fellow pink-tutu enthusiasts here in Vienna. They are so lovely, you wouldn’t believe it! They are joining me for the show and then off to a traditional Viennese café for a glass of fruity prosecco, a waltz and a bit of gossiping. Just delightful!

Speaking of music and waltzing, can we just take a moment to appreciate Vienna’s incredibly rich history in dance? It is truly astounding! From the famous Viennese Waltz to the captivating artistry of ballet, the city has long been a centre for elegant movement. My favourite haunt so far is the Burgtheater, which is considered the national theatre of Austria and truly breathes history and elegance. Its magnificent ballroom would have been an extraordinary sight back in the 19th century when people gathered to waltz, socialize and sip wine – something that makes me long for the past and the elegant, social life that they lived. I'd give anything to experience one of these lavish soirees myself!

Shopping for Style and Swirling

Tomorrow, my dears, will be dedicated to finding the perfect outfit for the ballet show! Vienna is a shopper’s paradise! The stores are overflowing with treasures and I already have a list as long as my tutu. But no worry, dear readers, I’m saving a space in my suitcase for a beautiful, flowing pink gown that will take my breath away and match my mood perfectly. I simply cannot wait!

And you know what else I'm going to buy? A fabulous, glittering, sparkly, handmade headpiece from one of Vienna’s local craftsmen – oh, I just adore these little gems and they're the perfect way to add some flair and extravagance to my pink tutu look. Oh, how I dream of seeing all of Vienna swirling in pink tutus!

Vienna: More Than Just Ballet

Now, I don’t want to neglect all the other fabulous attractions in Vienna. Tomorrow afternoon, I'm off to explore Schönbrunn Palace, one of the most magnificent baroque palaces in the world! I hear the gardens are bursting with colour, and I'm certain there will be ample opportunities to get some perfect photographs in my favourite colour! I hear the palace also has a wonderful café, perfect for afternoon tea and contemplation in between explorations.

I have been wanting to see this beautiful palace for so long! The gardens, the statues, the history – I’m simply buzzing! Vienna is just the kind of city where one can linger, absorbing the grandeur, soaking in the culture, and simply let the magic of it all flow through your senses.

Travel Tips: Riding Through Austria on Horseback

Did you know that Vienna is a great city for horseback riding? The city has several riding schools and stables where you can book private lessons or group rides through the stunning Vienna Woods, surrounding the city! Imagine galloping through those magnificent green fields with the sun on your face – utter bliss! Sadly, I don't have the time to add horseback riding to my itinerary this trip, but I'm making a note for my next visit, darling!

Pink Tutus For Everyone!

Now, my dears, as promised, I'm going to share a little inspiration to help you bring some pink into your life, because you are just dying to. Have you considered taking up ballet, dear reader? I highly recommend it. A new adventure is waiting for you in every plie and pirouette.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the magic of tutus, darlings. There is no better way to feel like a princess than by slipping into a frilly, whimsical tutu! I am making it my mission to spread the pink tutu love around the world – I truly believe the world would be a happier, more glamorous place if everyone was twirling in pink! Even the boys could embrace their inner princess! It’s not about age, size or body shape, it's about the joy and freedom that twirling in pink can bring.

Until next Wednesday, darlings. Stay glamorous and remember – always wear pink!

**Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-07-15