Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-11-04

Vienna, my darling! - Post #757

Oh, my dears, what a week! The air is crisp and the cobbled streets of Vienna are swirling with the vibrant hues of autumn. I swear, this city is like a dream, all grand palaces and romantic coffee shops, steeped in history and buzzing with life.

You know how I adore the romance of rail travel. This time I came by train, gliding through the picturesque landscapes of Europe, feeling like a true romantic heroine!

Let's talk outfits - this is Vienna, darling! It's all about chic elegance. You wouldn't believe the gorgeous shops overflowing with elegant fabrics and designs. I absolutely adore the classic silhouettes, so feminine and flattering, but let's face it, what's more romantic than a splash of colour in a world of black and grey? I mean, I did rock my new, slightly more grown-up, pale pink tutu with a delicate ivory blouse for a touch of ballerina chic! Oh, the looks I got! It's so refreshing to see the surprised joy in people's eyes when you dare to wear a splash of pink in the most conservative city in Europe.

Today, darling, was a day for dancing! The Vienna State Opera, you know, the most iconic opera house in the whole of Austria! It's a stunning building, grand and opulent, with a timeless aura that simply makes you feel like a princess! I couldn't resist buying the most exquisite embroidered lace top in pale peach to celebrate. I'm all about a touch of decadence when it comes to an evening at the opera.

The show? My dears, breathtaking! It was a performance of Swan Lake. I love ballet - it's so graceful, expressive and, quite frankly, magical! Watching those ballerinas in their white tutus flitting across the stage is enough to make your heart soar. Oh, and those tutus! Absolutely beautiful! I did some serious tutudoodling during the performance - they were classic in design but with modern elements. I imagine a delicate tulle, beautifully stitched and layered - sheer perfection! And the ballerina, such talent! So delicate yet so powerful, all in one exquisite, ethereal, captivating performance! It makes me want to put on my pointe shoes and take my place centre stage! Oh, to dance among such incredible performers, wouldn't that be simply wonderful?

The costumes in ballet are something else! And it got me thinking about tutus, which have become more than just garments, but rather works of art, embodying the essence of femininity and grace. The evolution of the tutu from its initial bulky form in the 1800s to the light, airy and almost ethereal tulle we see today is absolutely fascinating!

You know I love to share interesting tidbits of history. The first "real" tutus - or more accurately, what they referred to as "ballotante" – appeared around 1832, replacing the long flowing skirts that hampered ballerinas' movements. Marie Taglioni, the queen of ballet at that time, championed this new short-length design. Imagine the scandal! But that was a crucial step in bringing a whole new level of athleticism and artistry to ballet!

It’s inspiring to see how these innovative, empowered ballerinas challenged the traditions of the day! So, when you’re considering rocking that tutu - remember the story it carries - a symbol of freedom, artistry, and grace, all in one fabulous package.

The magic of Vienna is something special, even for a Derbyshire girl! The city’s charm lies not only in its majestic architecture and exquisite performances, but also in its charming corners. We have to remember the importance of stepping away from the big stages, embracing the quiet charm of cobblestone lanes. Vienna reminds me of that magic!

My dear readers, I cannot wait for you to see my photos from this magical day at the opera. They'll be up on my website this Friday! Don’t forget, join me in sharing your #PinkTutu stories. Tag me in your photos on Instagram, darling!

Oh, and just remember... you're fabulous and you're worth wearing a pink tutu every single day. You may not get to dance on stage in a tutu, but that doesn't stop you from channeling your inner ballerina - Embrace the elegance, the grace, and the pink, darling!

Until next time,

Your Pink Tutu Blogger,



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-11-04