Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-12-02

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 761: Waltz Me Away in the City of Music

Hello, lovelies! It’s Emma, your pink-tutu-clad guide to all things sparkly and fabulous! And guess what? This week, I’ve swapped the rolling Derbyshire hills for the grand architecture of Vienna! Yes, my darlings, I’m in the very city that gave birth to the waltz and all things elegant, the city that makes my ballerina heart sing – Vienna, Austria!

This week's adventures are going to be jam-packed, full of beautiful architecture, enchanting music, and of course, plenty of tutu-licious fashion inspiration! I'm so excited, my little ballerina shoes are practically skipping with joy!

But before we delve into the exciting Viennese happenings, I have to confess, getting here was an absolute dream! Picture it: a sleek, silver train hurtling through the heart of Europe, sun dappling through the carriage windows as the countryside whizzes past, my pink tutu catching the light with each bend. Just like a scene straight out of a ballet! I couldn't resist a little pirouette or two in the carriage, much to the amusement of my fellow passengers.

Arriving in Vienna was a spectacle! Imagine this: the station a riot of gothic beauty, its soaring arches framed by majestic statues. Stepping onto the cobbled streets, I felt as though I'd walked into a classic film, the air buzzing with history and charm. Everywhere you look, the city sings of grand elegance – think imperial palaces, opulent gardens, and towering cathedrals.

Naturally, my first stop was a ballet shop, a haven of tutu-licious delights. I emerged from the store clutching a delightful hand-crafted tulle tutu, all swirls and ribbons in the most beautiful blush pink. Let me tell you, it was an absolute must-have, perfectly capturing the Viennese elegance and grace.

Speaking of elegance and grace, Vienna, of course, is the capital of music, so a visit to the Vienna State Opera was an absolute must! My goodness, my darlings, it was absolutely magical. The ornate interior, bathed in gilded light, felt like stepping into a fairytale.

The performance? Well, it simply took my breath away! I witnessed the sheer genius of “The Sleeping Beauty,” with dancers so graceful and precise they practically danced on air. I found myself transported to a world of magical forests, enchanted castles, and fairy princesses. Let’s just say, my tears flowed freely! It was the most beautiful ballet I’ve ever seen!

Naturally, after such a spectacle, I was in need of some serious sustenance. So, off I went to Café Central , a Viennese institution dating back to the 1800s. This café is pure Viennese elegance – all velvet couches, marble tables, and of course, exquisite pastries! After my scrumptious dessert, I felt thoroughly energised for the day’s fashion adventures.

Vienna is a haven for fashion lovers like me! From classic couture to quirky boutiques, there’s a store for every style. I indulged in some serious window shopping – the shop windows were works of art in themselves! – and treated myself to some truly exquisite accessories at a tiny shop nestled in the heart of the city.

And of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without a tour of its spectacular palaces. I took a guided walk through the Schönbrunn Palace, a beautiful, regal palace adorned with the most enchanting gardens, filled with statues and fountains. It was so peaceful and serene! The palace has such rich history; it was actually the summer residence of the Habsburg Emperors and Empresses! Imagine living in such elegance and opulence!

Then, I ventured into the Hofburg Palace, an immense palace, once the heart of the Holy Roman Empire. The architecture is utterly breathtaking, its walls echoing with stories of kings and queens. I imagined myself gliding through its grand halls, in my pink tutu, of course, attending a royal ball. It’s simply breathtaking!

My Viennese journey wasn’t complete without a visit to the Belvedere Palace. It is known for its extraordinary Baroque architecture and splendid gardens. This was where I was finally reunited with one of my biggest inspirations: Gustav Klimt! His famous “Kiss” painting stole my breath away! It was like stepping right into his beautiful art!

After an exhilarating day of palace exploration, I returned to the hotel feeling wonderfully content. I donned my pink tutu – because who doesn’t feel beautiful in a pink tutu? – and sat by the window, overlooking the city’s dazzling lights, dreaming of the adventures still to come.

In Vienna, even the ordinary becomes extraordinary, my darlings! Every cobblestone street is a stage, every corner a fairytale. And believe me, there’s more to explore! Next week, I’m planning a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride, indulging in more decadent Viennese pastries (no regrets, darling!), and who knows what other delightful surprises Vienna has in store for me?

Remember, my dearest followers, you don’t need to be in a palace or a ballet studio to feel the magic. It’s within each of you. So embrace the magic within, embrace the tutus! And as always, remember to be sparkly, to be bold, and to be yourselves. After all, life's a dance – enjoy the music!

Until next week, my lovely ballet-loving friends!

With lots of love and sparkle,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-12-02