Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-06-23

Vienna, My Darling! Post 790 (Wednesday 23rd June, 2010)

Oh, my dears! I simply cannot believe I'm in Vienna! It's everything I ever dreamed of - beautiful architecture, cobbled streets, gorgeous cafes filled with chatter, the scent of freshly baked strudel, and even the most charming horse-drawn carriages. It’s a complete fairy tale come to life! And let me tell you, it was an absolute dream to travel here on the Orient Express. The train was pure opulence, like a moving ballroom, with luxurious carriages and delicious food served on silver trays. I had a fantastic chat with the lovely gentleman opposite, he’s a playwright you know, writing a musical!

You see, I do have a slightly different way of travelling than most. For my little pink tutu-clad adventures, I need funds! Well, one of my favourite ways to finance my explorations is with my ballet. You know, a little dance performance here, a couple of spins on stage there, and suddenly, a trip to Vienna becomes a possibility! It truly is the most magical way to travel. And besides, it allows me to explore all those fantastic dance and fashion boutiques I see all over the place.

This week I spent an amazing afternoon in the Vienna State Opera House. Imagine a truly stunning building, glittering chandeliers, velvety seats, and the most breathtaking ballet performance I’ve ever seen. The story was of course the tale of Swan Lake, so classic! It is truly fascinating to watch ballet productions from around the world. It feels so magical to experience the differences in interpretations, from the grand tradition of the Russian style to the elegance of the French.

You can always trust Vienna to bring some serious drama to the table. I even saw some fabulous street performers dressed in the most extraordinary costumes. It reminds me of how exciting it is to witness ballet move from the traditional theatre into the heart of city streets, creating such captivating moments of expression and art. Honestly, it’s like seeing the streets transformed into an enchanted, dancing ballroom. The entire city is just brimming with culture and style, so much like my lovely Derbyshire!

Talking of style, this afternoon I bought the most darling tutu! It's a vibrant, bright pink and adorned with sparkly white polka dots, the kind that would perfectly compliment a spring afternoon in Vienna. My friends are so jealous. But, I always like to think a tutu is like a smile - contagious! It can instantly brighten even the most dreary of days. You know, everyone can be a ballerina in their own way, embracing their individuality with a little dash of magic and charm.

Speaking of enchanting, did you know there's a museum here entirely dedicated to the history of tutus? Imagine all those stunning historical designs from the past, from Marie Taglioni's famous white tutu right up to modern creations with their daring lines and breathtaking volume. Just the thought of it makes me twirl with excitement. I might just pop in there tomorrow morning.

One thing I adore about Vienna is how many beautiful, grand ballrooms there are, complete with intricate, elaborate décor, and I swear I can practically hear the sounds of waltzing couples as I wander around. I simply must learn to waltz one day! Imagine how magnificent it would be, twirling through a ballroom with a partner, under glittering chandeliers, in my new polka dot tutu! Now that would be a true fairy tale.

If you ever find yourself in Vienna, do be sure to check out the Imperial Palace. It’s a sight to behold! There are hidden courtyards with cascading flowers and charming fountains, just bursting with stories of emperors, empresses, and royal parties! It truly transports you to a different era! And I can't help but picture myself waltzing through those grand halls in a flowing pink tutu.

As for this week’s upcoming performances… it’s all top secret! The whispers are suggesting something big is going on but I can't share yet. You’ll just have to stay tuned!

In the meantime, be sure to check out, where you can join me for more exciting adventures, as I’m sure this gorgeous city holds many more lovely discoveries waiting to be shared! You know, there's a new dress boutique I saw today called Tutu Couture, they just had the most divine selection! I must let you all know about it next week…

Oh, and if you're feeling inspired, remember - a little pink goes a long way!

Lots of love, Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-06-23