Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-06-30

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #791: Vienna, A Waltz Through Time

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for another instalment of Pink Tutu Vienna! This week I'm writing to you from the heart of the magnificent city of Vienna, Austria. And let me tell you, this place is absolutely enchanting!

Vienna is a city steeped in history and culture, just the kind of place that a pink tutu-loving ballerina like myself can’t resist. You can feel the magic in the air, a swirling symphony of Mozart and Strauss, with cobbled streets whispering tales of emperors and empresses. And Vienna, darling, has so many hidden treasures, it's simply a joy to discover them.

Today was a whirlwind of exquisite experiences! I started the day with a ballet class at the exquisite Vienna State Opera Ballet School. Let's just say, these dancers were absolutely incredible, graceful as swans and powerful as… well, let’s just say they were amazing! And you know me, I couldn’t resist getting involved with some lovely stretches. Just because you're on holiday, it doesn't mean you have to abandon your training, darling!

Afterward, it was time for a quick lunch. And oh, let’s just say, Vienna’s a bit of a paradise for the foodies! The cakes and pastries… they are practically edible art. I'm particularly partial to the Viennese Apple Strudel, it was the perfect fuel for a very important afternoon…

You guessed it! The Vienna State Opera. Oh, my darlings, this venue is absolutely breathtaking! It was originally designed by the same architect who created the Vienna Hofburg Palace (and, if I’m honest, a little bit of that palace magic certainly did rub off on this Opera House!) With velvet-covered seats and chandeliers sparkling like a thousand tiny stars, it felt like a magical step back in time.

This afternoon I was treated to a beautiful production of The Sleeping Beauty, the music was absolutely spellbinding, the costumes were just gorgeous (let’s be honest, it’s the main reason I came to Vienna!) and the dancers... oh, my darlings, they danced as though they were spun from dreams. They really were mesmerizing. I almost fell into a magical sleep myself, as though I’d been put under a wicked fairy’s curse. It truly was a sublime experience, leaving me with the biggest grin you can imagine, my feet practically tapping to the melody.

I’m also on the lookout for vintage tutu shops in Vienna! My search led me down charming streets, lined with gorgeous shops and cafes. Let's just say I'm definitely indulging in some retail therapy - a girl’s got to have her fashion fix! I am positively smitten with Vienna, and I’m determined to explore even more of its hidden wonders in the coming days.

Later, after I’ve indulged in a spot of tea at that adorable café we found, I’ll be heading down to the Hofburg Palace. They say it's worth seeing their Silver Collection, with treasures that would make even Marie Antoinette gasp in delight. As far as I’m concerned, nothing is too over the top in this city of emperors and empresses!

I can't wait to share my Vienna adventures with you next week, darlings! Stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe to the Pink Tutu Blog for weekly updates.

P.S. Until then, wear a pink tutu – you’ll feel a bit like a princess, darling. That’s my life's ambition after all, to have every single person wearing one. One tutu at a time, eh? See you soon, darlings!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-06-30