Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-08-11

Vienna Waltz, Darling! Post #797

Oh, my darlings! What a whirlwind week it’s been. I simply had to share the joys of my Vienna adventures with you, right here, right now!

The past seven days have been a perfect blend of elegant architecture, enchanting music, and of course, those stunning, magnificent tutu creations! I've practically been waltzing my way around the city!

The Journey - a Fairy Tale by Train

After a delightful train ride from my beautiful Derbyshire, the cobbled streets of Vienna beckoned me. It was a little piece of history on wheels. It’s funny how something so familiar and commonplace like a train journey can be so captivating. The views, the journey, it's an opportunity to let your mind wander.

You can tell, I was already channeling that classic ballet dancer look; of course, wearing a glorious pink tutu. This time, a light, airy silk tutu that felt so ethereal. I even managed to persuade the friendly conductor to allow me a little pirouette down the train corridor - well, why not? We're all about spreading that joy of the dance.

A Waltz Around Vienna

Now, Vienna is simply a visual masterpiece. Everywhere I look, a magnificent building, a cobblestone street, a lush garden; it’s like a ballet scene brought to life. Every sight just adds a bit more magic to the air.

First stop: The majestic Hofburg Palace! My dear, that was something else! I felt like I was stepping into a classic ballet story, a magnificent palace where princes and princesses waltzed the night away. It was a feast for the eyes, the history practically swirling around you! The Vienna State Opera just across the way? Let’s just say, that tutu of mine was positively sparkling with delight!

Fashion Notes - The Pink Tutu in Vienna!

Well, obviously, Vienna was made for twirling, right? The classic, graceful look, those long elegant skirts flowing through the air. I paired my pink tulle tutu with a crisp white blouse – for that touch of elegance – and a stunning pair of black ballet flats. But for those special occasions, I’m thinking about adding a bit of sparkle. A touch of silver on those flats would make quite an impression!

Tutu History - Vienna's Theatrical Past

It’s truly wonderful to discover that Vienna is so rich in ballet history, you see. Imagine - Marie Taglioni, one of the legendary ballerinas of the 19th century, performing her legendary "La Sylphide" here. Imagine the tutus! They must have been an absolute spectacle, light as feathers, each flutter, a visual poem in movement. The Ballet in Vienna? Simply breathtaking.

And then there's the waltz. Where else would the world’s most iconic dance form emerge but in a city so passionate about music and elegance? Vienna Waltz is the ballet that flows through the very cobblestone streets.

The Enchanting World of Music

The concert hall of Musikverein (and its perfect acoustics, naturally!) held a wonderful performance by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. You’ll have to forgive me for taking copious notes. I felt like the stories from my beloved ballerina notebooks were coming to life around me! And how many performances can you say they serve coffee and cake?!

The music is truly divine here - each note like a perfectly placed pirouette in a captivating performance. This isn't just about the music, but also about how it creates this vibrant atmosphere. There’s an artistic passion swirling around you; it makes it hard to sit still.

Tutu Treasure Hunt - Viennese Delights

Darling, you can’t go to Vienna without indulging in its fashion. I just had to seek out the delightful shops hidden amongst these grand buildings. It’s about finding the right combination of fashion and history. There’s something truly magical about browsing a vintage store in a city as grand as Vienna. The history of it all adds to the thrill. A beautiful, hand-painted vintage tutu? My dear, you can’t go wrong.

Now, the Prater park is something out of a dream! Lush, green, just made for leisurely walks. I decided to spend a beautiful afternoon there with my own "fairytale" horse. Yes, you’ve got it! It wasn’t a mere pony; it was a truly elegant black stallion!

You wouldn’t believe how well he and I understand each other! The gentle swaying, the sound of his hooves upon the pavement, all blended beautifully with my light, pink tutu and its graceful swishes. He knew this was not an ordinary rider - I'm practically a ballerina in training, you know.

### More Tutu Magic to Come!

My darlings, I must tell you this! I've got a lovely performance lined up next week here in the Vienna State Opera! Yes! You heard right! You know I’m putting every ounce of effort into that rehearsal, and you know what? I'm already imagining what beautiful, new tutu will bring my dreams to life on the stage.

If you are reading this in Vienna, maybe you'll even see me out and about!

And so, my dearest friends, from the elegant waltz halls to the breathtaking museums, Vienna has left a little piece of magic on my heart. I’ll leave you all with one piece of advice. Dare to dream, dare to twirl, dare to live that vibrant pink tutu life!

See you next Wednesday for another dose of "Pink Tutu" fun right here, my lovely darlings!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-08-11