
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-08-18

Vienna Waltz: Post #798 (Wednesday, 18th August 2010)

Bonjour, mes chĆØres Tutu-ettes! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, bringing you the latest from the fabulous city of Vienna, Austria!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind of waltzes, waltzes, and more waltzes! Vienna truly is the city of waltz, and let me tell you, I'm absolutely waltzing into the spirit of it all! I mean, where else can you experience such an elegant, romantic atmosphere, with its beautiful architecture, the sounds of classical music drifting from every corner, and the incredible coffee shops? Vienna is pure magic, darling.

My week started with a trip to the Vienna State Opera on Monday evening. Iā€™ve been dying to see them perform for months now, and it truly was everything Iā€™d hoped for and more. They're the best opera house in the world, darling, with a beautiful history that stretches back to 1869, and I was lucky enough to see their legendary ballet corps in action! Talk about grace, elegance, and absolute perfection, darling. It was such a treat to see the famous Wiener Staatsballett and they were even kind enough to give me some amazing photographs and advice for improving my ballet technique! You just canā€™t beat some world-class advice from the top ballerinas, can you? They even suggested a new tutu-boutique to visit! Oh my!

As for me, I decided to bring a special touch to the evening: a brand new pink satin tutu, made specially for Vienna! It had a lovely embroidered motif with delicate forget-me-nots and tiny Swarovski crystals on the tulle, perfect for a Viennese waltz, and paired it with a classic white blouse with a black lace overlay, finished off with a chic little black bolero jacket. Talk about feeling fabulous, darling! I was quite a sight for the Viennese crowd.

But the dancing wasn't over just yet, darling! The next morning, I woke up, still in my Vienna-tutu haze, and took myself straight to the Opera Ball, held at the magnificent Vienna Hofburg Palace. This palace is steeped in history, and itā€™s where they have held these beautiful balls since the early 1800s, just imagine! The palace itself is quite breathtaking, especially inside. I felt like I was stepping right back into time. It was amazing!

Imagine, darling: I got to witness firsthand the tradition of the "Debutant Ball," where debutantes take their first steps into society - a delightful occasion and tradition! But it's more than just about the debutantes, darling. Itā€™s also a great excuse to get all dressed up and participate in one of the most anticipated social events of the year. They have an amazing waltz programme every year, and I couldn't resist trying my hand at a Viennese waltz! The only downside? There's simply not enough pink there for my liking! They've got plenty of traditional gowns, yes, but there needs to be more pink, and, dare I say it, more tutus, darling!

On Tuesday, I spent a delicious afternoon in Vienna's Prater, Viennaā€™s famous public park, and tried a delicious pastry (which, needless to say, included the colour pink in its toppings!). You can take a ride on a big Ferris wheel, watch the horse racing, try all sorts of fairground rides ā€“ itā€™s great fun. Thereā€™s an open air theatre, as well as some classic old fairgrounds, you can spend hours there! In the evening, I was invited by a local dancer to an outdoor dance event. Vienna has a lively street dance scene, so I grabbed my trusty pink tutu and went to join the locals, embracing the night and swaying to the rhythm of a modern Viennese orchestra!

Vienna is so cosmopolitan and vibrant! Everywhere you look there are grand, impressive buildings from the Baroque period, or the Viennese Secession period which are quite fascinating. But also there are so many artists and artisans selling beautiful works in little squares, and thereā€™s so much history and art in every nook and cranny. It really is quite special. I even bought some delicate pink crystal earrings at a street market, and have just the perfect black velvet choker to go with them.

But the highlight of my week? It was certainly a chance encounter at the most divine cafe. Itā€™s a hidden gem nestled between some cobblestone alleys, a place called ā€œPink Petalsā€. I was admiring the delightful pink-themed decor and indulging in a warm apple strudel, when the sweetest little girl sat at my table, clutching a rather raggedy tutu. She started telling me she was having ballet class and she'd torn her old tutu the day before. So, of course, being the tutu enthusiast that I am, I couldn't let her down! I'd brought a few spare tutus from my recent shopping trip, including a gorgeous new one in bright, bubblegum pink, and I simply couldnā€™t resist gifting her this little piece of magic! Her smile? Well, darling, it lit up the whole cafĆ© like a thousand pink lanterns!

Of course, she was ecstatic and immediately donned the pink tutu. She whirled around, then gave me a delightful curtsey, just like a little ballerina! I couldnā€™t resist telling her the history of tutus, starting from the classical Roman Empire through to modern day, and everything in between. This young lady has become quite a budding little ballerina, and is even a ballet history buff, just like myself, imagine! I love passing on my passion for tutus to a new generation!

Later that afternoon, I headed over to Schƶnbrunn Palace. Oh darling, you must absolutely see this palace while you are in Vienna. I mean, it is one of the most stunning imperial palaces in the world and a must-visit when you are in Vienna. It is one of the best places in Vienna to learn about history, particularly Austriaā€™s, and, it also has its own very special garden, where they host a range of wonderful festivals. It is absolutely divine! The history behind it is utterly fascinating and every room you walk through is stunning, complete with antique furniture, gorgeous porcelain and lots of wonderful decorations. You can actually imagine the imperial families spending time here and entertaining their guests. I simply felt like royalty!

Then, what do you know? I also found myself at a wonderful ballet class in the evening, put together by local dance teachers, and with my bright new pink tutu, and trusty dance shoes, I joined the group!

Oh, how I've enjoyed these waltzing adventures! So what's next for me in Vienna, you ask? My train leaves for Prague at dawn on Thursday! Iā€™ve already got my new pale pink tutu planned out for that, darling, a classic tiered number perfect for Bohemian cityscapes and Prague's grand gothic architecture! Prague awaits! But fear not, I'll be back next Wednesday with my next Viennese tale! Stay tuned, and remember: Embrace the pink, embrace the tutu!

Yours always,
Emma x

P.S.: Donā€™t forget to check out my new blog at www.pink-tutu.com! Youā€™ll find tons of articles and posts on ballet history, fashion, and tutu inspirations. Every Wednesday, I will be uploading my latest travel blogs about our travels! It will be an absolute blast, darling.

P.P.S.: Did you know Vienna has its own ballet history website dedicated to all things waltz and dancing? Just check it out! www.viennawaltz.com

P.P.P.S.: While you are in Vienna, make sure you get yourself a real Viennese waltz and head to the local park in the evenings to see the street performers. You wonā€™t be disappointed!

P.P.P.P.S: Oh, and just for fun, why don't you all check out this blog post on a pink-themed Viennese cake - absolutely delicious! You can see it here: [insert your blog URL for a past cake post!]

Itā€™s pink, itā€™s sweet and you can create your own pink tutu-style Viennese cake ā€“ how lovely! You simply have to try it!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-08-18