Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-11-17

Pink Tutu Vienna: #811 - Whirlwind in Vienna (and a Touch of Pink, Naturally)

Hello darling,

It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means... Pink Tutu Vienna is back with another instalment of all things fluffy, frilly, and frankly fabulous! This week, I'm writing to you from the beautiful city of Vienna, a place that's truly captured my heart. Let me tell you, it's all about the romantic cobblestones, the majestic buildings, and, of course, the sheer joy of experiencing the waltz's birthplace.

I arrived in Vienna via a scenic train journey from Salzburg (I highly recommend taking a train trip, there's something about watching the countryside roll past that just feels so wonderfully old-fashioned and romantic). Salzburg itself was quite an adventure - my last performance there was in a beautifully restored 19th-century theatre, with stunning Baroque decorations and, naturally, the most delicious apple strudel I've ever had! (But more on Salzburg next week).

My week in Vienna began with a delightful stroll around the city's famous Hofburg Palace. Oh, it was absolutely spectacular! It's hard to believe such magnificence existed, the history is practically tangible. After soaking in the architectural grandeur, I found myself mesmerised by the palace's vast collections of art and history. The treasures were just captivating!

But no visit to Vienna would be complete without experiencing a real waltz. Thankfully, I managed to snag tickets to the Vienna State Opera! And what an experience it was. From the first strum of the orchestra to the final graceful bows, the entire night was a whirl of emotions. It felt so romantic! My dress - a soft pastel pink number that, of course, featured a lovely, voluminous tulle skirt - perfectly complemented the swirling music. It truly was an unforgettable evening!

Oh, did I mention the shopping? The charming shops and boutiques of Vienna are just calling out for a Pink Tutu visitor! From intricate lace and silk scarves, to perfectly designed ballerina shoes, to some exquisite hand-painted ceramics (so tempting to buy!), I truly had my fill of fabulous finds.

However, my favourite discovery was this delightful little vintage shop nestled amongst the side streets. Inside, I stumbled upon a treasure - a beautiful, rose-pink silk tutu with the most delicate detailing, just perfect for my next performance in the Austrian Alps. Honestly, darling, it felt like destiny.

I can't help but notice how seamlessly pink fits into Vienna's heritage. Just like ballet and waltzes are woven into the very fabric of Viennese culture, pink brings an air of sweet femininity and effortless charm. The pastel shades of pink and lilac in the imperial palaces, the beautiful bouquets of peonies sold on the streets - even the Viennese Sachertorte seems to embody the essence of pink! I am quite sure even Mozart himself would have loved it!

There's nothing quite like a leisurely stroll along Vienna's charming streets, a steaming mug of hot chocolate in hand, and the wind whipping up the layers of my pink tutu skirt! (Of course, all perfectly documented for your viewing pleasure, my darling.)

Vienna has truly captured my heart. Between the majestic buildings, the fascinating history, the vibrant culture and the sheer beauty of the city itself, it’s no wonder they say Vienna is the heart of Europe. And of course, the joy of dancing in the city's parks under a pale pink sunset sky is simply unparalleled!

If you’re ever in Vienna, I implore you - do join me in a whirl!

Stay fabulous,


P.S. Do catch up on all the amazing pictures from Vienna and my adventures on and don't forget, if you want to share your own Pink Tutu moments, feel free to use the hashtag #PinkTutuMoments!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-11-17