Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-02-02

Vienna, Vienna, Why Did You Have To Be So Pretty? #822

Hello my darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for a new post from your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, here in beautiful Vienna! Oh, how I do love this city!

This week, the city felt even more magical than usual. The snow had fallen in the past few days, giving everything a frosty sparkle. The buildings seemed to stand taller, the trees to bow lower, and the air to shimmer with an otherworldly charm.

As a child, growing up in the rolling green hills of Derbyshire, I dreamed of snow. Now, as a grown woman, dancing my way through Europe in my trusty pink tutu, it feels like every dream come true! Vienna, though, is just perfect. The elegant architecture, the rich history, the classical music that spills out of every window… Vienna is like a fairytale waiting to be explored, and I am determined to uncover all its secrets.

A Ballet Journey to the Heart of Austria

I'm back in Vienna after spending a delightful weekend in Budapest. Budapest was lovely, a true gem of a city, with an intriguing mix of old and new, a sense of both romanticism and bustling energy. But Vienna... ah, Vienna! It's just a special kind of magic that calls me back time and again.

This time, I travelled to Vienna by train. There's something so romantic about hurtling across the countryside, watching the landscape change like a painting, feeling the gentle sway of the train and the soft rhythm of the wheels clicking along the track. As we zipped along, I had a wonderful view of the snow-dusted Austrian countryside, its picturesque charm melting away all my stresses and filling me with excitement for the adventure to come.

Now, why have I brought up my train journey, you ask? Well, it has everything to do with ballet! On the train, I bumped into the most wonderful, kindly elderly gentleman. He, in fact, turned out to be an avid ballet fan, and, wouldn't you believe it, a fellow lover of pink tutus! He even gifted me a lovely little embroidered pink ballet slipper charm - now I can’t wait to attach it to my favourite tutu. It truly felt like a sign from the universe, pushing me towards the amazing experiences I would have in Vienna this week.

The train, a charming old carriage reminiscent of Agatha Christie novels, provided me with an ideal platform to think about what to expect in Vienna this week. A ballet performance, shopping for new costumes, trying a new pastry in a quaint café, visiting the Hofburg Palace - oh, Vienna, you never disappoint!

A Feast for the Senses: Ballet, Shopping, and Cakes!

Speaking of pastries, this city is simply a baker’s paradise. Vienna, my loves, is renowned for its delectable sweet treats and indulgent coffee culture, and I simply couldn’t leave without immersing myself in both. Yesterday, I went to the iconic Demel bakery, founded in 1786! I devoured their signature Sachertorte and a delightful hazelnut macaron - oh, to be a bird, soaring in a whirlwind of sugary delights!

But you know me, I’m never too busy indulging to let go of my true love – ballet! This week I finally saw the performance I had been eagerly awaiting, a ballet masterpiece at the magnificent Vienna State Opera. Oh, it was breathtaking! A vibrant production, incredible dancers, and a score that simply took me to another world. It left me with goosebumps, tears of joy, and a renewed appreciation for the sheer magic of this art form.

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without some serious fashion exploration! I was completely delighted to find the most exquisite little shop overflowing with antique ballet costumes. There were silk and tulle tutus from every era, glittering tiaras, and the most captivating shoes. I fell in love with a stunning ruby-red tutu – perfect for my upcoming performance. And for my travels, I bought a gorgeous brocade travel shawl with beautiful pastel flower patterns – I absolutely must post a picture of it!

Vienna is like a symphony composed of history, elegance, and pure joy. It whispers its secrets in the soft notes of its baroque music, in the intricate details of its gilded palaces, in the gentle clatter of horse-drawn carriages and the rustling of autumn leaves underfoot.

My Ballet Inspiration - Tutu Tips & Vienna Charm

Now, if you’re thinking about a visit to Vienna, let me give you a few tips from my tutu-loving heart:

  • Get lost! Vienna is a city best explored with no agenda, simply wandering through cobblestone streets, admiring the charming houses, and sipping delicious Viennese coffee along the way. You'll discover little corners that hold special magic.
  • Don't forget the waltz! Even if you’ve never waltzed before, learn a few simple steps and try waltzing in one of Vienna's famous ballrooms. Trust me, it's exhilarating!
  • Embrace the history. The Imperial Palace, the Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen's Cathedral - all are incredible historical gems that tell a captivating story of empires, music, and art.
  • Treat yourself! Vienna is a city built for indulging. Enjoy a delicious piece of Sachertorte, explore the hidden corners of Naschmarkt, and maybe even pick up a stunning antique ballet costume – you deserve it!
  • Embrace your inner ballerina! This is a city for every woman, especially if she wears pink tutus! From the gorgeous architecture, beautiful cobblestones and stunning buildings, it will feel like a set for a romantic ballet production. It’s hard not to feel a touch of elegance in Vienna.
Pink Tutu Vibes & Upcoming Adventures

Next week, my loves, I’m heading off to a stunning town in northern Italy. I have heard whispers of grand opera houses, delectable gelato, and breathtaking views. Of course, I will be embracing my inner ballerina and documenting every charming detail, all with the most adorable pink tutus, my fashion finds and exciting performance opportunities!

Don’t forget to subscribe to and follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuVienna to catch all my updates. And, remember, my darlings, everyone can be a ballerina in their own way! Embrace the sparkle within, wear your heart on your sleeve, and always, always choose pink!

See you next Wednesday, with more stories from my adventures!

Your pink-tutu-clad ballerina,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-02-02