Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-26

Vienna Waltz: Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music!

Post Number: 821

Darling readers! It's Wednesday, so that means another Pink Tutu adventure, and this week we're twirling through the beautiful, enchanting city of Vienna!

You know me, always on the go, chasing dreams and twirling through life in my beloved pink tutus. This week's journey began with a whirlwind of a train ride, my usual comfy carriage decked out with an abundance of pink ribbons and a generous scattering of sequins. It’s a little detail, but it definitely brings a touch of whimsy to even the most mundane commute.

Speaking of journeys, a huge thank you to all of you who've been asking about my fundraising performances. Thanks to your kind hearts and generous spirit, I'm actually over the target! Now I can get even more twirly in my tutus thanks to you! I was thrilled to have a particularly delightful performance in Derby, my home town, the week before. Performing for my Derbyshire friends felt so good, there's something extra special about dancing for the people who know you best. And I did my bit to get everyone into pink tutus, of course, because what better way to celebrate your home town than in a bright pink tutu?!

The arrival in Vienna was nothing short of spectacular, complete with rolling hills and shimmering rivers, a magical symphony of sounds and smells, a world painted in soft hues of golden yellow, burnt orange, and, of course, a smattering of pink!

After dropping my luggage at the adorable boutique hotel (pink walls! A flamingo-themed breakfast! It’s almost as if they knew I was coming! ) I wasted no time in donning my new silk tutu - you know the one I'm talking about, with the delicate ivory embroidery? - and heading out to explore. The city pulsates with music, from the soft hum of the Viennese waltz playing in the air, to the lively street musicians crooning in every alley. Vienna truly is the city of music. It feels as if it were built for dancing! I just can't wait to discover what this place has to offer!

Speaking of which, today, January 26th, is jam-packed with a delightful itinerary!


This morning is all about waltzing into the world of music. I am utterly thrilled to be visiting the Vienna State Opera House! I have already admired the grandeur of the facade – what magnificent architecture! – but the real adventure lies within its walls. I’ve heard that the interior is just breathtaking! My favourite dance critic (we're practically kindred spirits) mentioned this beautiful "pearl of the ring" opera house has played host to some of the world's most famous ballets, including my personal favourite, Swan Lake! I have already scouted the perfect spot to twirl in the most fabulous way - just wait until I post those pictures, darlings!

Oh, and while I’m on the subject of grand opera houses, I just have to tell you about the history of tutus in the opera! Before the nineteenth century, tutus were, you know, quite bulky. Lots of material, long and flowy, think ballroom dancing in full petticoats. That all changed when that Parisian dance teacher, Marie Taglioni, came onto the scene. In 1832, for a production of "La Sylphide" - I know, it sounds dramatic - she wore this, get ready for it, knee-length white skirt! Now imagine that: A skirt so light it felt like it barely touched the stage. People gasped! I imagine the newspapers were all "What in heaven's name is going on?!", but then they quickly went, "Ooh la la! The dancing is glorious, it is like seeing a spirit glide over the stage!" It became the it look and the design was quickly embraced by dancers everywhere, so much so that now it is called the tutu.

Now, that is history in the making, ladies.

Lunch Time:

Vienna is renowned for its delicious cakes. You're all too good to me, my sweet readers, and know exactly what I mean. Cakes. I have been informed about this little place called Café Sacher. Now, I haven’t even been yet, but my fashionista friend tells me this place is like a shrine to deliciousness. A glorious, golden Sacher Torte - my mouth is watering already, oh, the decadent frosting, a perfect symphony of chocolate! So of course I have booked a table with my travel partner, Anna - she’s an incredible travel photographer, which you’ll be seeing a lot of as we’re documenting the best moments for you, darling readers. (We're such a good team!) She even helps with my tutu's fashion shoot poses, just so elegant!


I'll be taking the trolleybus! This mode of transportation, you see, has special meaning to me, the Vienna State Opera will always be special because a very special ballet history took place there back in 1842. Can you believe, all those years ago! But a legend still whispers, with gasps from a stunned audience, "a man in a tutu danced upon that stage"! He was from Paris and he brought something special with him... that French flavour! A tutu wearing dancer on a grand stage.

Afternoons are for more shopping and more twirling through the Viennese streets. Anna says Vienna's vintage boutiques have this air of timelessness, it is no wonder that this city inspired a certain iconic dress… The little black dress. The classic elegance is like an ancient spell on everyone. (Don’t you just love how the clothes can transport us back to the times in which they were created!) I will definitely be scouring the boutiques for my perfect piece, but it might just have to be pink to complement the magic of this incredible place!

I'm even more excited than usual about my time in Vienna, as I'm learning that today marks the start of a big exhibition. "Fashion on stage: The tutu and the ballet" sounds wonderful, don’t you think? We're both ready for a fashion spree of vintage and contemporary fashion on show - with a whole tutu extravaganza planned!

This place seems to hum with a passion for the dance that makes me want to pirouette into every boutique and cafe, I feel it, this special connection. It feels as if I was made for this moment in this extraordinary city, dancing my way through its charming cobblestone streets, sipping tea, tasting scrumptious cake and waltzing my way through the night! Stay tuned, my dear readers, as my Pink Tutu adventures in Vienna unfold. It’s going to be one twirling adventure, and I know you won't want to miss it.

Much love and many pirouettes,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-26