Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-19

Vienna Waltz: Post #820

Oh, Vienna, you've stolen my heart! My dearest readers, this week has been a whirlwind of waltzing waltzes, dazzling dresses, and of course, tutus, tutus, tutus! As you all know, I simply cannot resist the lure of a vibrant city, and Vienna has been a pure delight, so much so that I'm considering staying here for good - maybe I could become a ballerina in the Vienna State Opera, imagine that?! (I've got the pink tutu, just need to master the fouetté!).

Let's get back to my week, shall we? Wednesday, as always, was devoted to ballet, naturally! This week's performance at the Vienna State Opera was "La Bayadùre", and it was absolutely exquisite. The costumes, the dancing, the music
 just breathtaking! There were even tutus, several in fact, that would make even the most dedicated fashionista weak at the knees!

Afterwards, I had a little soirée with some other tutu enthusiasts (we meet monthly, you know, for tutus and tea!) The talk turned to tutus and I learned so much! Did you know that the tutu was only introduced to ballet in the 19th century? I thought they'd been around forever! Anyway, I felt compelled to write about it on my tutu blog, check it out!

Thursday dawned with the promise of an afternoon at a Vienna vintage shop. And trust me, darling, vintage is what Vienna does best. I found a beautiful blush-coloured velvet coat that is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to my tutu look, it even has some lovely embellishment and I felt a tiny bit fancy, wouldn't you say? After finding my new jacket, I stopped for a delicious pastry (can’t be a ballerina on an empty stomach, now can I?)

My journey into the world of vintage wouldn't be complete without visiting the wonderful KunstHausWien. I love exploring Vienna’s art scene - they’ve really captured the essence of the city through visual mediums! The modern art collection is stunning, especially the Friedensreich Hundertwasser pieces - such unique styles, each with a little touch of magic that made me wonder at its complexity. They’ve really managed to push the boundaries, it’s all so whimsical, like a pink tutu gone wild!

On Friday, I felt like getting some fresh air. Luckily, the Vienna Woods were only a hop and a skip away, and a horse-drawn carriage was my preferred method of travel. Don’t judge me, it's a fantastic way to take in the breathtaking scenery of the woods. Just imagine, the gentle sway of the carriage, the clop clop of horses’ hooves, the crisp air, and the stunning colours of the autumn leaves – the perfect setting to spark some tutu-wearing inspiration, wouldn’t you agree?

Saturday, oh, what a glorious Saturday! After a delectable Viennese breakfast of Sachertorte (Vienna's iconic chocolate cake), I headed to the famous Schönbrunn Palace, where my day started with a historical tour followed by some splendid shopping, of course! Oh, the treasures!

Saturday evening was dedicated to theatre. I just had to see “The Sound of Music,” in all its glorious, musical, singing glory! This production of the play, however, was not quite as I remembered - the musical had a distinct Viennese twist. Instead of Maria singing about “do-re-mi”, the whole thing was transformed with music from Johann Strauss - a waltz this, a polka that. It was a rather delightful spectacle - and don’t even get me started on the costumes! (Oh my, oh my). The Viennese certainly know how to throw a musical celebration, that's for sure.

Now, Sunday, my dear friends, that was the day that would take the biscuit. Imagine the most magnificent ballet class you can possibly dream of – held in the breathtakingly beautiful Schönbrunn Palace. It was an absolute fairytale! As you know, my friends, there’s no feeling quite like the warmth of a ballet class and I felt so good after, full of joy and dancing energy - like I was actually back in my younger, tutu-wearing years, except maybe with a touch more grace, or not.

Oh, my dearest readers, it was absolutely incredible. Imagine, my friends, the grand salon in the palace, flooded with light, with the most beautiful wood flooring, surrounded by baroque decorations and crystal chandeliers – with the smell of fresh lavender from the nearby flower market that was all the more charming. I practically glided through the class on my tippy toes, even though I confess I may have bumped my head on a chandelier once or twice - just a tiny detail I'll let you forget about! Oh my word, what an absolutely beautiful setting! A truly divine experience! If only my tutu could have held the champagne that we enjoyed after the class!

This week in Vienna has been simply perfect. I'm completely charmed by this city – the architecture, the food, the history, the people... but most importantly, its dedication to the beauty and magic of dance.

So, there you have it, my lovely readers! Have you been to Vienna? Tell me what you love about this lovely city in the comments below! Don't forget, dear readers, remember your life's purpose is to make the world a pink tutu-fied, fabulous place - the brighter and more flamboyant the tutu, the better, you know!

See you next week for another travel diary! Love you lots! Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-19