Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-12

Vienna, Waltz and Whirl: Post #819

Wednesday, 12th January 2011

Oh my darling tutu-lovers, it's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna post! As you know, I've been waltzing my way through Vienna, taking in the beautiful sights and sounds, and letting my inner ballerina bloom amongst the imperial grandeur. But Vienna isn't just about grand palaces and historical streets – it's also about ballet! Oh yes, the city pulsates with a certain je ne sais quoi when it comes to the dance. And you can bet I'm going to be waltzing into all of it!

Today's adventure took me to the Vienna State Opera, the majestic home of Viennese opera and ballet. I do believe I might have been the only one there in a pink tutu, but then again, who needs blending in when you're on a mission to spread tutu love? I simply couldn't resist swirling my way through the beautiful halls, taking in the grand chandeliers and gilded sculptures. They reminded me of a ballroom scene from a fairytale, but with much less whispering about eligible bachelors and far more tutus, I promise you!

Before heading inside, I stopped at Julius Meinl, a local favourite for exquisite coffee, pastries, and yes, the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted. It felt quite surreal to be sipping on a creamy mug while planning out my day of ballet-related adventures. You know, the real problems!

My heart skipped a beat when I stepped inside the Opera House, and it wasn't just because of the stunning architecture. Tonight's performance was "Giselle," a romantic ballet that always tugs at my heartstrings. I can't tell you how much I adore that story - a beautiful village girl, a mischievous forest spirit, a doomed love story. Every time I see it, it makes me want to float on air, my tutu a cloud of pinky fluff, carrying me away on a tide of swirling romance! The energy in the theatre was electrifying. As the orchestra warmed up, I could almost hear the stories of past performers whispering from the shadows, tales of triumph and heartbreak woven into the very fabric of this beautiful building. It gave me goosebumps, I tell you.

Afterwards, I treated myself to a fabulous Viennese dinner at Plachutta, where the Wiener Schnitzel is truly a work of art. I paired it with a glass of bubbly, of course! As the evening drew to a close, I walked past the Hofburg Palace, my mind swimming with thoughts of Empress Elisabeth, a figure I have always admired for her grace, her fashion sense (she truly knew how to wear a dress!) and, of course, her passion for dance. She, my dears, was a real life fairy tale princess. If only we could all be just a little bit like Sissi, eh?

Now, I've got to share my little find today – a boutique called "Tutu et Toi" – what a delight! It was just a bit tucked away off the beaten track, and I honestly felt like I'd stepped into a world of frills, lace and shimmering sequins! Oh, the tutus, my dears! They were simply divine. One even came in a beautiful shade of bubblegum pink! I practically pirouetted with excitement. You bet I came away with a new addition to my tutu wardrobe, a perfect little number for waltzing through Vienna in style. It was fate, really.

Tomorrow, I'm heading off to Schönbrunn Palace, the Habsburg summer residence. Apparently, there's a charming little ballet theatre on the grounds and they're holding a special exhibition on the history of dance. Oh, I do love a good dose of history, don't you? Particularly when it involves tutus!

And guess what, darlings? I'll be giving you a behind the scenes look at the performance tomorrow, sharing my insights on the history of the piece, and even giving you a glimpse of the exquisite costumes.

Remember, the key to living life to the fullest is to dance your heart out and spread a little bit of pink tutu love along the way. Stay tuned for more Vienna magic!

Yours in twirling,

Emma x

P.S. If you're in Derbyshire, England and looking for a special ballet gift, check out "The Derbyshire Ballet Shop" in Matlock. They're absolute darlings and their collection is something to behold! I just wish I'd had them as a little girl!

The Pink Tutu Project: A Year of Tutus

Dearest tutu-lovers,

It's a little secret I haven't shared yet, but this year is going to be special – a Pink Tutu Project! Yes, you heard right! I've decided to make a little dream a reality: to wear a pink tutu at least once a day, for every single day of the year.

Crazy? Perhaps!

Bold? You bet!

But most importantly? Fun, fabulous and absolutely thrilling.

It's going to be a wild journey! I imagine pink tutu outings at the opera, a pink tutu stroll through a Parisian park, a pink tutu day out at a country fair, a pink tutu picnic on a sun-drenched hill.

Don't get me wrong, my dears, it won't always be easy! I might have to get a little creative when it comes to picking out my outfits (remember the pink tutu in the supermarket? Or maybe the one that was nearly drowned out by my big, comfy winter coat in the snow?).

But oh, it will be so worth it!

My hope is to inspire others to find their inner ballerina and embrace a little bit of joy in their lives. It's all about making a statement! A pink tutu is a conversation starter, a symbol of pure unadulterated joy and it never fails to make people smile.

So join me on this magical journey! Let's bring back the tutu, celebrate the pink, and turn this world into a spinning ball of joy, one twirl at a time!


P.P.S. You're probably wondering, how does a girl like me afford to waltz around the world, buying new tutus every other week, and performing? The answer is a carefully managed schedule, and a little bit of magical thinking!

I dance as a solo performer, and luckily I've found a lovely community of small local theatres that are happy to feature my act. Sometimes, I have to wear other costumes, but the main draw, I think, is my pink tutu.

So, when you think "pink tutu", think "Emma" – and when you think "Emma", think pink tutu! It’s not just a hobby, it’s a life!

Stay twirling!

A History of Tutus, A Ballet-lover's Dream

Speaking of tutus, my dears, I simply have to share a little bit of history! As a serious tutu enthusiast, I love diving into the fascinating evolution of this most iconic of ballet garments.

Forget the little-girl twirling in a fluffy cotton concoction; the modern tutu evolved in a world of opulence and innovation, mirroring the social and cultural changes of the time.

In the early days, you couldn’t really talk about the tutu. Ballet skirts were actually very long, sometimes extending to the floor, allowing the dancers freedom of movement to perform the elegant leaps and twirls required by the demanding dance style. Think romantic ballerinas, long, sweeping gowns.

Then, things began to change in the mid 19th century. Ballet, driven by a yearning for newness, transformed its steps into a language of light, swift movements. Enter, the tutu, a short, multilayered creation, with several tiers of tulle. It showcased the legwork and athleticism, that marked the beginning of what we know as the classical style. The "Romantic Tutu" was a major style innovation! Imagine layers upon layers of tulle that flowed and swirled, giving a real ethereal feel – absolutely captivating.

By the end of the century, another important style arose, the "Classical Tutu", with a smooth, single layer, creating the perfect framework for dramatic leaps and complex turn sequences. It allowed for amazing movement, allowing the dancer to dance powerfully and gracefully at the same time. It really helped define the grand ballerinas we know and love!

Of course, today we’ve got an incredibly wide variety of tutu styles. Each one has a different feel and is perfect for a different type of performance. But the thing that connects them all is the impact: they remain powerful, enchanting and simply divine!

The beauty of the tutu? It's timeless, but it's also always evolving! Each new interpretation, each new designer and their innovations are adding their own twist to the story!

And honestly, what is life without a little bit of twirling? It's about joy, about freedom, about the sheer exuberance of being alive. The tutu is a constant reminder to step outside our comfort zone and to let ourselves fly.

So, I raise my glass of champagne to all the glorious tutus of the past and all the gorgeous, amazing ones that will be spun, styled, and danced in for many years to come! And to you, my dears, remember that when you’re in your own pink tutu, you too, are making ballet history!

What to See in Vienna

Dearest tutu-lovers,

Now, you've heard my stories, you've heard about the pink tutu project – it's time to give you a little helping hand for your own adventures in Vienna.

  • A Grand Tour, Viennese style! - The Hofburg Palace and Schönbrunn Palace, you absolutely have to see them! It's a chance to step into the history books, imagining emperors, waltzes and decadent parties. I've actually found myself twirling a few times, taking in all that history and the beautiful, grand rooms. It almost makes me feel like I’ve stepped right back into a historical novel, except I'm rocking a bright pink tutu!

  • The Power of Music: No trip to Vienna is complete without some proper musical indulgence, and that includes a visit to The Vienna State Opera. The performance I went to, "Giselle", really captured the city's unique romantic flair!

  • A Culture & Food Fix: Vienna is a city that really loves its traditions! Grab a seat in a cafe and indulge in a cup of steaming Wiener Melange. While you're there, you must have a delicious Sachertorte and check out Albertina – the museum holds stunning collections of fine art from various periods! I have to say, it really brought to life the whole atmosphere of this beautiful, fascinating city.

  • Vienna on Two Wheels: One thing I discovered – the Viennese love their bikes! There are so many beautiful parks perfect for an evening bicycle ride. My favourite has to be the Prater, with the majestic Giant Ferris Wheel. I must admit, it’s an extra amazing experience if you can twirl around on it while rocking a pink tutu!

Fashion Inspiration in Vienna

  • My Go-to for Everything : A real discovery – "Tutu et Toi", a lovely little boutique filled with the most beautiful tutus. They have all sorts of colours, lengths, styles – you really should stop by if you’re looking for a unique souvenir or just want to give your own tutu collection a little boost! It’s definitely a hidden gem, so be sure to seek it out!
  • Shop till you drop – Head over to "Mariahilfer Strasse", a street where I'm always discovering little vintage gems and fabulous independent boutiques.

Pink Tutu Travel Tips

  • Get your groove on: Make sure to get your ballet fix. Try a beginner’s ballet class. It’s such a great way to start your day and feels oh-so glamorous!
  • Stay comfortable – you'll be walking a lot in this gorgeous city, so make sure your shoes are comfy and that you have a fabulous bag to carry all your ballet goodies.
  • Travel like a princess: Train travel is definitely the way to go when visiting Vienna! Just imagine the sheer romanticism of it all - whizzing through beautiful landscapes while dreaming about your next ballet performance.

My dears, Vienna has truly captured my heart. The beauty, the energy, and yes, the tutu love, make this city simply divine. And with that, I’ll leave you with a big, sparkly pink twirl! Until next week.

With love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-01-12