Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-03-16

Vienna, My Darling! (Blog Post #828)

Wednesday, 16th March, 2011

Darling readers,

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another jaunt into the world of Pink Tutu Vienna! And let me tell you, Vienna is just as vibrant and exciting as a swirling tutu in the centre of a grand waltz! This week, I've been practically pirouetting with delight as I've been exploring this beautiful city, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

As many of you know, I adore train journeys. It gives me a chance to relax, get inspired, and just enjoy the changing landscape – all while looking utterly fabulous in my signature pink tutu, of course! So, last week I travelled from the charming city of Prague, through the Czech Republic and into the heart of Austria. The train journey was nothing short of spectacular, and I was enthralled by the rolling hills, quaint villages and bustling cities that I passed through. It was like a storybook come to life!

Of course, no journey would be complete without a little retail therapy, so I had to make a pit stop in Brno. Now, I wouldn't call myself a shopaholic, but finding a beautiful vintage shop called "Belle Époque" on my way through was an absolute delight! They had so many amazing pieces, with everything from vintage ballerina shoes (that are just begging to be paired with a pink tutu, wouldn't you agree?) to beautiful 1950s frocks that were positively begging to twirl. I treated myself to a charming silk scarf, perfect for adding a touch of Parisian chic to my wardrobe.

And then, finally, Vienna! This city is practically a ballerina's dream come true. The architecture is exquisite, the cobbled streets beckon you to explore, and the coffee culture is practically intoxicating! Of course, I made a beeline for the Hofburg Palace, that stunning, history-steeped masterpiece. And what do you know? It turned out to be a ballet dancer’s haven.

You see, the palace was built for the Habsburg emperors, who, were absolutely smitten with the dance. And what a grand way to celebrate this passion than by having an incredible collection of costumes and props, a glimpse into the history of dance itself! I spent hours getting lost in their displays – some were more ornate and dazzling than any modern ballet, while others were simple and beautiful, capturing the pure essence of movement. It's like a treasure trove of elegant beauty!

Oh, and darling readers, Vienna also holds a special place in my heart for its legendary "Wiener Staatsoper." The Staatsoper is, of course, Vienna's majestic opera house, a stunning neo-classical masterpiece with enough grandeur and opulence to make a duchess faint. I practically floated in, completely enamoured by the history and majesty of it all. Even if you don't adore opera (although I strongly suggest you give it a go!), the beauty and scale of the theatre is enough to make anyone feel like a princess in a fairytale.

While I'm in Vienna, I have been enjoying a wonderful selection of dance performances. A particularly delightful ballet I attended was at the "Theater an der Wien". It was a small-scale but oh-so-beautiful performance by a young group of talented dancers. It featured modern contemporary pieces alongside a heartfelt interpretation of "Coppelia". It’s amazing to witness how young talent can capture the very soul of movement! They have a genuine passion that fills the entire theatre with magic!

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a trip to the Schönbrunn Palace. A former summer residence of the Habsburg emperors, it is one of Vienna’s most captivating attractions, steeped in history and beautiful gardens. And you know what's even better? It has an extensive and charming palace stables, where I indulged in an exquisite carriage ride with beautiful horses!

The stable is truly a sight to behold. Imagine yourself standing in an impeccably polished space, horses groomed and shimmering under the lights, carriages elegant and gleaming…the feel of tradition and aristocracy practically tangible! Then add a gentle rumble and clatter as your horse sets off in a smart trot through the Vienna streets. A feeling of real charm, romance, and a touch of magic just washes over you, leaving a memory that’ll last long after you've said goodbye to Vienna.

I was simply enraptured by the beauty and history of Vienna, a city with a timeless elegance. Of course, I'm also loving the delightful Viennese cafe culture. It’s like stepping into a world of pastry perfection, with its beautifully crafted pastries, dainty coffee cups, and an atmosphere of charming tranquillity, just begging to be soaked up in a pink tutu.

Now, I’ll be sashaying into Salzburg tomorrow morning, a place filled with more music, art, and beautiful landscapes to explore! I have plans for more stunning palaces, breathtaking concerts, and possibly a spot of shopping, darling, you know how much I love a good boutique!

Stay tuned, my dears!

Much love,


P.S. Remember, I'm trying to make pink tutus fashionable, so get your pink tutu on and let’s all dance in harmony. And feel free to comment on this post, I adore hearing from you, and I always reply.

P.P.S. As always, I'm always looking for fellow tutu-lovers who want to join me on my dance-filled adventures. If you're interested in a dance-related performance, shopping trip, or even just a chat about ballet shoes, I would love to hear from you!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-03-16