Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-08-24

Vienna, Vienna, Vienna - Oh My! (Post #851)

Wednesday 24th August, 2011

Guten Tag, darlings!

I’m writing this from my beautiful hotel room in Vienna, overlooking the magnificent Hofburg Palace. It feels like a fairytale here - the architecture, the atmosphere, the history… it’s all just too magical! And guess what? I'm actually in a pretty good mood - imagine, after two weeks in Italy (a complete whirlwind, let me tell you, filled with incredible food, breathtaking countryside, and fabulous fashion), here I am in Austria, the land of Strauss waltzes and sparkling pastries. Talk about a fairytale setting for a ballerina like myself, don’t you think?

So, how did I get here? Well, after a breathtaking train journey from Italy - first-class all the way, darling - I was welcomed to Vienna with the most gorgeous carriage ride you could ever imagine. It's just the sort of way to make any ballerina feel like a princess.

I just can't wait to tell you all about the wonderful adventures I've had already this week! And let me tell you, darling, this is only the beginning of my Austrian extravaganza!

The Fashion Delights of Vienna

Okay, let’s talk fashion. The first thing I noticed in Vienna, even as I disembarked the train at the stunning Hauptbahnhof, was the fabulous sense of style. Oh, the gorgeous frocks, darling! Not only do the Viennese love their lace and floral prints (I’m quite the fan of those myself), but there’s an elegance and a touch of classic Hollywood glamour that has me completely smitten. And the shoes? Let me tell you, Vienna is a veritable paradise for shoe-lovers. I could spend weeks just exploring the exquisite shoe shops that line the city streets.

Speaking of shopping, I can’t resist indulging in a bit of retail therapy after my arrival. I popped into a lovely little vintage boutique near my hotel and came away with the most exquisite pink silk scarf, the colour of the softest rose petals.

Of course, it would be rude not to treat myself to a new tutu as well. I have a thing for tutus, you know? I mean, come on, they're a ballerina's signature look, aren't they? And Vienna, well, it’s just overflowing with all kinds of pretty things.

This one I found was just perfect – soft, tulle, the most delicate blush pink you’ve ever seen, with a hint of lavender woven throughout. It reminded me of a vintage porcelain doll I used to have when I was a little girl. Needless to say, I will be twirling my way through Vienna in style!

The Magic of Vienna’s Theatres

Now, let’s get back to my itinerary. You see, Vienna has so much to offer a ballet aficionado like me, it's practically bursting at the seams with things to see and do.

This weekend I’m finally going to see "Giselle"! My favourite ballet! It’s one of the great classical ballets, isn’t it? So beautifully romantic and heart-wrenching. And they say the Vienna State Opera is just fabulous, full of magnificent costumes and breathtaking dancing. It's even said that the atmosphere in the opera house is just as spellbinding as the performances themselves. I just know I'll be utterly mesmerised, especially given their reputation for brilliant ballerinas. Oh, Vienna, how you've already captured my heart!

But I wasn’t content to just dream about my Giselle trip, oh no! Yesterday, I was able to take a backstage tour at the Vienna State Opera. Honestly, it was incredible. We saw the magnificent theatre, met a few of the performers (the lead dancer even let me touch her beautiful pointe shoes!), and even walked through the costume department. You have to understand, my love for theatre extends to everything - costumes, music, the atmosphere... even the makeup and the hair styles!

They even showed us the practice rooms, all complete with their original wooden floors, a stunning crystal chandelier hanging over the main hall. You see, I’m absolutely obsessed with ballet history! Every ballerina is linked to an entire timeline of dance and costumes and the stories they tell are what give me goosebumps. It’s why I spend a great deal of time researching every ballet performance I attend and of course, the legendary stories surrounding every legendary tutu.

A Day of Culture and Charming Horse-Drawn Carriages

Of course, I had to squeeze in a bit of culture too! I took a leisurely stroll through the stunning Schönbrunn Palace Gardens, just imagine - acres upon acres of immaculately manicured gardens. They really took me back in time - picture lush greenery, delicate flower arrangements, even marble fountains! It felt so elegant. Then I indulged in some lovely pastries at a little café. Viennese coffee and apple strudel? Oh my! Absolutely heavenly, my darlings.

One of the most enchanting moments this week came yesterday evening. I hired one of those beautiful horse-drawn carriages for a romantic spin through the streets. The air was so fresh, filled with the sweet scent of linden trees. As I saw the city come alive with street musicians, charming cafés and lights flickering against the historic architecture, I just couldn't resist indulging in a little twirling! (Let’s face it, any excuse to wear a tutu is a good one, right? Haha!)

It was pure magic, really. And the sound of the hooves against the cobblestones just added to the fairytale atmosphere.

Ballet Classes and Tutu Inspirations

Now, let's talk about ballet. You'll never believe this, but there’s this charming little ballet studio tucked away in a cobblestone alleyway, near the opera house. Just picture it: high ceilings, original wooden floors, a piano perched on a little platform… Honestly, it's like stepping back in time. I popped in for a ballet class (and, of course, donned my new blush pink tutu) - the atmosphere was pure joy, the other students, lovely. The teacher, a very talented woman, was fantastic, she had us all giggling as we struggled to find our balance! But, oh, my darlings, it was so much fun. Just like I'm feeling at this very moment!

Vienna, you really are everything I dreamed of! From the breathtaking architecture to the captivating culture and the exquisite tutus and shoes, you’ve made me utterly speechless. I can’t wait to continue exploring your magical city.

Stay tuned, my lovelies, because my adventures in Vienna are far from over. There's more fashion, more food, more ballet and, of course, even more tutus!

Keep twirling, darling!

Yours in Pink,


P.S. Don't forget to check out for more updates from my Austrian escapades!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-08-24