Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-11-09

Post #862: Viennese Whirlwind, A Tutuful Treat!

Hello, darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for your weekly dose of pink tulle and travel tales from yours truly, Emma, your tutu-clad globetrotter! This week I've been twirling my way through the charming city of Vienna, a place that practically oozes history and romance.

Let me tell you, this week has been an absolute dream! Vienna's been embracing me with open arms and a warm Viennese embrace, even allowing me to prance around in my favourite pink tutu, a delightful custom-made creation called "The Vienna Waltz". It's made from the softest blush pink silk, decorated with a scattering of tiny silver sequins that shimmer like stardust – perfect for twirling amongst the city's grand architecture and enchanting squares.

Vienna is like stepping straight into a storybook, with its golden-hued buildings, elegant coffeehouses, and bustling cobbled streets. And the music! It's everywhere – from the classical concertos that echo through the opera house to the lilting waltzes that drift from street musicians.

Now, you all know I adore a good ballet, and Vienna certainly did not disappoint. I've spent the past few days soaking in the culture, and a highlight was seeing the exquisite "Swan Lake" at the Staatsoper, the Vienna State Opera. Oh, the grace, the elegance, the exquisite costumes... It was an experience that left me breathless.

Speaking of breath-taking, Vienna is a city of fashion! Imagine my delight at discovering the fabulous "Madame Sacher" department store. I absolutely lost myself in its maze of luxurious clothing and accessories, and needless to say, came home with a delightful new pink silk blouse. You know how I feel about silk – it's a material so utterly luxurious!

And to celebrate my purchases, I indulged in the most glorious piece of Sachertorte at Café Sacher, the very place where the cake was invented! This divine, rich chocolate cake, topped with a thin layer of apricot jam and dusted with powdered sugar, was simply heaven on a plate! The cake, served alongside a frothy Vienna coffee, was the perfect finishing touch to my shopping spree.

My journey isn't solely focused on grand venues and opulent experiences. Today I indulged in something a bit different, something a little less glamorous and decidedly more…charming. Vienna's been teasing me with glimpses of its charming parks and gardens, so this afternoon I spent a relaxing afternoon exploring the Tiergarten Schönbrunn. This charming zoo is Vienna’s pride and joy and it is home to a vast array of fascinating creatures. You can say I was particularly smitten with the elegant white swans and their enchanting grace as they skimmed across the lake, perfectly complementing my pink tulle skirt.

I confess, I did briefly miss the hustle and bustle of the city's central streets. A whimsical thought popped into my head, I would love to visit the Vienna Zoo and experience the park and the majestic buildings from atop a majestic white horse and carriage. It seemed like something out of a fairytale, right?!

Vienna truly has a heart of gold, just like my little heart does when I'm swirling in a perfect pink tutu. And as the sun set on another beautiful Viennese evening, casting its golden glow upon the city, I couldn’t help but smile. It was like a dream, with all its magic and wonder.

Don’t forget to join me next week as I embark on my next grand adventure. I'm hoping to find a pink tutu inspired fashion show to attend and of course, maybe discover the history behind ballet tutus in Vienna – as they are, after all, part of my favourite period. What a delightful thing it would be to see the fashion through the centuries in a little Austrian Museum…

I'll keep you updated! Until then, twirl on, darlings!


Emma xx

P.S. Remember, you can always find me on my website,, or catch up with me on my social media!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-11-09