Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-11-30

Pink Tutu Vienna: Whirlwind Wednesdays - Episode 865!

Dearest Pink Tutu Lovers,

How absolutely divine is it to be back in Vienna! I simply cannot get over this city's incredible beauty. Every corner is an Instagram-worthy masterpiece - cobbled streets lined with magnificent buildings, buzzing coffee shops spilling out onto the sidewalks, and oh, the glorious shops! I simply cannot get enough of the stunning designer boutiques tucked away amongst the grand architecture. Speaking of, have I mentioned I scored the most breathtaking pink silk scarf? A bargain too, a real steal, it was just crying out for a trip home with me.

As ever, Vienna is the perfect place to be a tutu-loving fashionista! There's such an elegant, yet approachable, feel to the city. Just yesterday I popped into this beautiful shop on a quiet street, the air thick with the scent of jasmine, and spotted the most amazing antique lace tutu, complete with blush pink tulle ruffles. Oh my goodness! It’s positively divine. Even if I couldn't justify adding it to my collection this time, just seeing it was pure inspiration.

Speaking of inspiration, you simply must check out the Vienna State Opera! The grandeur is simply overwhelming, and seeing those glorious ballerinas grace the stage in their shimmering tutus was absolutely breathtaking. My heart soared watching the Swan Lake ballet. I was mesmerized by the dancers’ artistry, particularly the graceful portrayal of the swans.

Oh, I almost forgot! This past Saturday I took the most enchanting train journey! My trip out of Derbyshire, to be precise, and what a journey it was. First-class comfort all the way and a little journey back in time! Imagine, I even travelled in a compartment with large, comfy armchairs and beautiful wood panelling. I simply could not resist popping on a little pink tutu and a fabulous oversized pink hat for the occasion! (My Derbyshire friends are still whispering about my daring fashion choice... I told them Vienna will bring it out of you.) I had the most glorious picnic by the side of the tracks – ham, cheese, grapes, and champagne. Just divine.

You simply wouldn't believe what happened last night. I found myself amidst a symphony of hooves! I had the privilege of joining a private carriage ride with a most distinguished group of fellow ballet lovers. Oh, how glamorous it all was! Imagine the sheer delight of riding a majestic chestnut stallion, our journey illuminated by the soft glow of Vienna's twinkling lights. What a picture it would have made! I may be venturing into new, less fashionable territory by mentioning this next part... the horses’ breaths smelled gloriously of oats and hay, I'm certain the finest quality hay in Vienna, judging by their fine coats and alert, gentle gazes. The air was crisp and refreshing, a truly unforgettable experience.

On the subject of unforgettable experiences, remember I told you about the antique shop tucked away in the cobblestone alley just near the ballet theatre? Well, imagine my joy when I found this hidden little ballet museum. It houses a magnificent collection of tutus - some antique, some from legendary ballets and one that looked remarkably like something I might have fashioned from the most exquisite silks myself. They've even got these wonderful antique posters from historical ballet shows, some going right back to the time of Diaghilev and Nijinsky. Simply unbelievable! I absolutely had to purchase a memento - I came home with the most stunning antique silver pin shaped like a miniature ballerina! The detail on it is so intricate and delicate, it truly looks like it belonged to a real princess.

The past week in Vienna has been nothing short of magical, a beautiful blend of glamour, culture, and breathtaking artistry!

Until next week, keep twirling and always remember... life is just more fun in pink!

*Yours in tulle, *


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-11-30