Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-12-14

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind Week in the City of Waltz! #867

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Vienna, your weekly dose of pink-tastic travel adventures from the heart of Europe! This week's post is overflowing with Viennese delights, and believe me, they're not all just about the sugary pastries. (Though let's be honest, those Sachertorten are a close second!)

This week I'm taking you on a journey back in time, but first, let's talk about what I'm wearing, shall we? Today, I'm feeling a touch of Austrian charm with my beautiful bubblegum pink tutu layered over a whimsical floral dress, and of course, the finishing touch – a delicate pearl necklace and a vintage fascinator. The key to embracing your inner ballerina is to make your look as playful and carefree as possible. That's why I love a pop of pink, it always reminds me of all the delightful things life has to offer!

A Waltz Through Time

Now, back to Vienna! It's hard not to feel transported back in time in this city, where baroque palaces stand proudly against the backdrop of rolling hills. And what's even more exciting? The very name Vienna is practically synonymous with the ballet! The Viennese Waltz, after all, is a ballet icon, graceful, swirling, and utterly enchanting. This week, I had the privilege of seeing the world-renowned Vienna State Opera perform "Giselle," a true ballet masterpiece, with breathtaking costumes, stunning choreography, and emotions that left me breathless. Talk about a graceful waltz through time!

But before we got to the big show, we had to make a quick stop at the Vienna State Opera House. What a glorious building! I swear, every nook and cranny whispered secrets of famous ballets past, from the elegant, grand staircase to the gilded theatre. The sense of history, and the stories it told, were just… mesmerising! I simply had to pick up a souvenir, of course! A delicate pink ballet slipper, shaped like a delicate flower, now resides proudly on my dressing table. It’s a daily reminder of this magical trip.

Onward to the Vienna Ballet School!

Being in Vienna, I just couldn’t miss a visit to the world-renowned Vienna Ballet School, nestled amidst a network of cobbled streets. The building itself was a beauty, a masterpiece of neo-renaissance architecture. As I walked in, the air buzzed with the whispers of practicing feet, the rhythmic pounding of ballet shoes echoing in my ears. Oh, to be back in my younger years, gracefully leaping and twirling! This school is the epitome of graceful elegance, a perfect mix of history and talent. It truly inspired me to lace up my pink ballet slippers and dance the day away.

The day was punctuated by a quick but delightful visit to a shop on Kärntner Straße. (If you’re looking for a fabulous piece to add to your ballerina wardrobe, this street is a must-visit!) This time, my purchase was a bewitching pink feather boa, a glamorous touch for any special occasion. My dress? Oh, darling, I was sporting a classic polka dot, just the right amount of whimsy and charm to complete my outfit. The shop assistant was simply delightful, showing me her ballet steps while explaining the intricacies of the feather boa. And as a thank you for my purchase, I presented her with a pair of my own Pink Tutu Vienna business cards. Spreading the pink-tutu love is what I'm all about!

On the Rails, a Ballet Lover’s Delight

Since arriving in Vienna, I’ve embraced the elegance of European train travel. From London, I journeyed across the English countryside, leaving the quaint charm of Derbyshire for the sophisticated city of Vienna. You know what’s so much fun about travelling by train? The sense of anticipation as you settle into your plush seat, watching the landscape glide past your window. Plus, trains always bring about a sense of calmness. The rhythm of the rails against the tracks is so soothing! And as I sipped on my English Breakfast tea, I began to think: What if a ballerina wore her tutu on a train ride? What a delightful spectacle that would be! A truly whimsical and artistic way to journey through the heart of Europe. Just picture it, a cloud of pink flitting through carriages!

A Horseshoe of Dreams: A Glimpse into the World of Lippizaner

On the fringes of Vienna, at the world-famous Spanish Riding School, I spent an enchanting afternoon surrounded by a magical breed of horses – the majestic Lippizaner! And oh, how they stole my heart. It felt almost dreamlike, as I sat watching the beautiful black steeds waltz through their choreographed paces. A perfect picture of elegance and grace!

The horses are simply exquisite, and it was fascinating to learn about their history, their lineage stretching back centuries. The Lippizaner breed was originally developed by the Habsburg dynasty. You see, horses weren't just a means of transport for these regal people, they were an extension of their grandeur! They are considered the pinnacle of ballet among horses. How exciting! It's the perfect embodiment of beauty and grace. Just as the art of ballet is born from passion, so too is the dedication these horses possess for their elegant training. And how delightful it was to discover their lineage stems all the way back to Lipizza, near Trieste, Italy – just another perfect example of the interwoven nature of art and history.

It wouldn't be right to end without indulging in a bit of Viennese shopping. Today's splurge? A stunning porcelain figurine, of a ballerina twirling with the grace of a butterfly. Now, my friends, what else could a Pink Tutu enthusiast want than to be surrounded by the beauty of ballet everywhere I go?

Until next Wednesday, stay tuned for more pink-tastic adventures! Remember to embrace your inner ballerina and wear that tutu with pride!

Love always, Emma xx

P.S. Have a peek at my recent purchases on my online shop! Don't forget to wear a little bit of pink everyday. 😉

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2011-12-14