Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-02-01

Vienna, Oh Vienna, You Steal My Heart! - Post 874

Hello darlings,

It's Wednesday, which means a fresh post for you lovely lot! I'm typing this from a quaint cafe overlooking Vienna's stunning Opera House. Oh, Vienna, how I adore thee! You’ve truly won me over with your cobbled streets, glorious architecture, and rich cultural tapestry. And of course, the ballet scene is out of this world!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind! It started with my journey to Vienna – an experience in itself, as always! I journeyed by train, nestled in my velvet armchair, gazing out at the beautiful European landscape. Each train journey is a mini-adventure! It’s like stepping back in time – just picture this: a cup of steaming hot chocolate, a fluffy croissant, the rhythm of the rails beneath me, and, of course, me in my favourite pink tutu! The only thing that could make this experience better is a trip on a horse-drawn carriage! Perhaps next time, Vienna, perhaps next time!

Now, let’s get to the juicy details! On my first full day in Vienna, I had a delectable surprise: the world-famous "Sachertorte" at Hotel Sacher! You see, this famous cake is a Vienna institution! They say this was the first "Sachertorte" – dark chocolate layered with apricot jam, and it was indeed a divine treat!

The evening was pure enchantment. My friends and I spent a delightful evening in the ballet at the Vienna State Opera. We witnessed the grace of "The Sleeping Beauty," and my heart soared at every plié, every jeté, every graceful arabesque. My darling, that tutu was magnificent – an explosion of fluffy pink tulle! My fellow tutu enthusiasts, I assure you, you must experience this magnificent ballet scene!

Pink Tutus and the History of Fashion!

Of course, a visit to Vienna simply wouldn’t be complete without a delightful shopping spree! From the glamorous boutiques of Kärntner Straße to the quaint hidden gem shops of the old town, I was in heaven. You wouldn’t believe the fabulously decadent frocks I found - enough to fuel my ballet dreams for months!

Did you know, Vienna is a city with a long and glorious history of fashion? Fashion trends have rippled from this historic city for centuries! The elegant sophistication of Vienna was the envy of the courts all across Europe. Just think of the stunning fabrics, the dazzling silks, the intricate laces… Imagine, those grand dames in Vienna! Just picture it – a ball at the palace, ladies swirling in delicate silks and velvet, their tutus cascading as they move.

Speaking of tutus, I even stumbled upon an exquisite boutique that specialised in vintage costumes! Can you imagine the tutu treasures they had tucked away?! They had tutus from every era, from the early 1900s with their decadent, frilly layers to the more minimalist styles of the 1960s and 70s. My friends, let me tell you – this was heaven on earth for a pink tutu enthusiast like myself!

But enough about my adventures. My lovely reader, you’ve already seen my fabulous pink tutu outfits. Now, I want to hear all about your stylish week! Tell me all about your outfit highlights in the comments below!

Remember, I post every Wednesday, and in the meantime, keep shining like the sparkle in my pink tutu! Until next time, my darlings.

P.S. My dear readers, you’re such wonderful encouragement to me. To those who may not have found their tutu style yet – never give up! The perfect pink tutu is out there just waiting for you! Trust me, dear readers, there’s a tutu for every personality – just find yours!

*Love and pink tutus,



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-02-01