Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-05-30

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #891: Waltz Me Away!

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Dearest Pink Tutu Posse,

Vienna! Oh, Vienna! I just adore this city - the architecture is magnificent, the food is divine, and the air hums with the spirit of classical music and the graceful swoosh of waltzing dresses! I'm on day four of my Viennese adventure, and already, I feel like I'm waltzing through a fairy tale!

I arrived last Sunday after a glorious journey by train from my lovely Derbyshire home. Honestly, travelling by train is the best way to see the world - there's nothing quite like watching the scenery flit past while sipping a cup of tea and catching up on the latest fashion magazines. The journey was an absolute dream!

First Impressions of Vienna

Walking into the city felt like stepping into a movie set. Imagine cobbled streets, pastel-coloured buildings, and ornate cafes overflowing with pastries. I immediately went shopping, naturally! The shops here are a treasure trove of exquisite dresses and accessories - all the colours and textures imaginable! You know me - my pink tutu always goes with me on adventures! This time, I've paired it with a vintage silk blouse and a delicate pink-feather fascinator. It's the perfect outfit for exploring a city with such rich history and charm!

The History of Tutu's

Vienna, of course, has a special place in ballet history. I absolutely adore the history of tutus, don't you? The evolution of the tutu, from the early full-length skirts of the romantic ballet to the ethereal lightness of the classical tutu, is so fascinating. I found myself spending a whole afternoon at the Hofburg Palace, gazing upon the grand portraits of the Habsburg rulers who championed ballet in Vienna. Can you imagine how magical it would have been to be at the court of Empress Maria Theresa and witness a performance in the Schönbrunn Palace Theatre?! It would have been sheer perfection.

Waltzing Through The Night

My evenings have been spent at the Vienna State Opera. Oh, what an experience! This grand, opulent theatre is so captivating, you just want to swoon! I saw the classic "Giselle" the other night, and the dancing was absolutely breathtaking. The way the dancers moved through the air with such grace and emotion just left me spellbound.

Tutu Spotting in Vienna

As a self-proclaimed "tutu aficionado," I simply had to make a pilgrimage to the famous Vienna Ballet Shop. It was like stepping into a dancer's dream! Rows and rows of gorgeous ballet shoes, pointe shoes (I have such admiration for those dancers who perform in them), tutus in all the colours imaginable, leotards - I practically wanted to roll around in the merchandise! But of course, I did buy a lovely pair of sparkly, pink-studded toe shoes!

Ballet on The Streets

Vienna truly inspires! I went to the famous Opera Ball a few days ago - it was pure spectacle! The dancing, the glamour, the amazing costumes! I danced the night away and couldn't stop taking pictures of everyone's stunning outfits. I'm not sure how anyone could ever refuse to put on a pink tutu and twirl the night away after experiencing Vienna's magic! I felt myself become a part of Vienna's fairytale.

I even saw a street performance by some young dancers near the Belvedere Palace. I just love seeing ballet pop up in the most unexpected places, it really reminds me of how it is more than just a stage show - it's an art form, an expression of joy and movement.

Pink Tutu Vienna Plans

So, I am planning to explore more of the city today. A trip to the Schönbrunn Palace for a stroll through the beautiful gardens is definitely on the agenda! I will of course be adorned in my best pink outfit. Who knows, I may even waltz in the gardens and take some twirling pictures with my lovely pink tutu. It's a fashion statement, a lifestyle and a passion!

After the gardens, I am treating myself to a special "Vienna Waltz" pastry in the most gorgeous cafe. They told me you cannot leave Vienna without tasting one - a must do, they said!

Keep twirling and dream in pink,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-05-30