Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-06-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind of Culture and Cupcakes (Post #894)

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, and I'm bursting with excitement to tell you all about my whirlwind trip to Vienna! I’ve landed in this stunning city with a head full of dreams and a suitcase full of pink tulle (because what's a ballerina without a tutu, right?) and I am SO ready to immerse myself in its cultural and sartorial delights.

This week marks my 894th blog post and I can't believe how quickly the time is flying by! It feels like only yesterday I was dancing through Derbyshire, my tutu swishing in the crisp English air, dreaming of all the adventures this crazy pink life would bring. Now, here I am in Vienna, a city that oozes history, artistry, and charm from every cobbled street and grand building. It's no wonder I'm smitten!

Speaking of history, the main reason I decided to spend a week exploring Vienna was the iconic Vienna State Opera House! I've always been fascinated by the stories of great ballet dancers, and knowing that the likes of Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, and Margot Fonteyn graced this very stage sent shivers down my spine. It’s truly a masterpiece of architecture, and as I stepped inside, my tutu swishing in time with the majestic symphony orchestra that welcomed us, I felt like I was stepping back in time, embracing a world of artistry and grace. I spent the entire evening mesmerised by a production of "Giselle," my heart swelling with admiration for the performers and the pure beauty of the dance. Afterwards, I enjoyed a decadent glass of Viennese champagne, the delicious fizz bubbling like my own pink-tinted thoughts.

But Vienna is more than just a ballet-lover’s paradise. It's a shopper's dream! Let’s be honest, one of my favourite things to do is get lost in beautiful stores, discovering vintage treasures and unique items to add to my pink wardrobe. Yesterday, I had a ball wandering through the cobbled streets of the Altstadt, exploring the boutiques bursting with unique fashion and delicate fabrics. You can be sure I’m coming home with a whole new collection of chic pink blouses and vintage-inspired shoes, perfect for showcasing my love of femininity and whimsy.

One thing I have already fallen in love with is the incredible selection of handcrafted sweets Vienna has to offer. Every street corner seems to have a delightful cafe, filled with the irresistible scent of freshly baked goods and sugary delights. I’ve spent my fair share of time indulging in delicious Apfelstrudel, sipping delicate coffee in cafes where history has lived and breathed. And of course, I can’t leave Vienna without indulging in a delicious pink-frosted cupcake, a treat that I think deserves a special place in any fashion-forward, tutu-loving blogger's heart!

You can be sure I'll be spending plenty of time exploring this magical city. Tomorrow I'm heading to Schönbrunn Palace, eager to witness the grandeur and history that lies within. I hear the gardens are a vision of blooming beauty, and the surrounding countryside provides a charming backdrop for an afternoon of whimsical horse-riding. This is what I call a perfect Wednesday, full of culture, fun and of course, an extra sprinkling of pink!

This city, with its rich history, elegant atmosphere, and beautiful streets, has quickly captured my heart. You see, I believe that wherever we go, it’s our spirit and the colours we wear that make the journey truly magical.

So remember, darling readers: wear your colours with confidence, let your dreams soar, and never underestimate the power of a pink tutu! Stay tuned, and I’ll be back next week with another dazzling adventure from my Viennese escapade.


Emma Xx

P.S. I’m always looking for new inspiration for my tutu designs! What are your favourite ballet costumes? Share your thoughts with me on Let’s get pink together!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-06-20