Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-08-08

Vienna Calling! (Post #901)

Hello my darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another instalment of your favourite pink-tutu-clad travelogue! Today, I'm whisking you all away to the glorious, historical, and undeniably chic city of Vienna!

This week has been a whirlwind of waltzing, shopping, and general loveliness. Let me tell you, Vienna is the ultimate dream destination for a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina like myself! It's all cobbled streets, elegant coffee houses, grand architecture, and of course, a symphony of stunning ballet performances!

Travelling in Style: A Horse and a Train

My journey here was as picturesque as the destination itself. First, I donned my most dashing tweed jacket and hopped on the train from Derbyshire. I must say, a first-class train carriage does wonders for your sense of glamour. Imagine me, settled comfortably with a book, a glass of fizz, and of course, my pink tutu – carefully folded in my elegant travel bag. The view was like something out of a Jane Austen novel, green hills gently rolling past the windows. It was truly delightful!

Upon arriving in Vienna, I couldn't resist a touch of vintage elegance – a carriage ride through the city centre. This isn't just a mode of transport – it's an experience. I felt like I was in a timeless fairy tale, clothed in a pink tutu and a charming straw boater. My heart felt like it was skipping a beat as the gentle clip-clop of hooves resonated through the ancient streets.

A Symphony of Tutus: Vienna State Opera

Now, any ballet aficionado knows that Vienna's State Opera is nothing short of legendary. And guess what? My trip coincided with the opening of their season! My Tutu-Tastic Tip: Always check out the program of local performances – a good ballerina knows that every city has a hidden treasure trove of ballet performances.

Imagine me, swept into the elegant grandeur of the Opera House. The air was abuzz with excitement. I felt myself transformed into a glamorous member of the Vienna elite, all thanks to my pink tutu and my signature elegance!

The performance itself was simply divine. It was the "Sleeping Beauty" and the costumes, the sets, the dancing – it was all truly breathtaking. My tutu couldn’t help but twirl along with the delicate movements of the ballerinas on stage.

Tutu-fied in Vienna: Shopping Heaven

Every girl loves a bit of retail therapy, and Vienna has it in spades. From the grand, traditional department stores with their shimmering gowns, to the trendy, bohemian boutiques brimming with artisan treasures, there’s something for every style.

I spent hours browsing, mesmerised by the elegant silks, lace, and tulle. My mind was overflowing with inspiration, and I felt like I could fill a wardrobe with enough fabric to make a tutu for every woman in Vienna! And, my darling, it simply couldn't have been done without my favourite pink tutu in tow! The colour just brings the best out of every store!

Where To Go: Vienna in Pink Tutu

Now, my dear readers, you'll be needing my top tutu-wearing tips for navigating this fabulous city. Firstly, every ballet enthusiast must visit the Vienna State Ballet – it's like a portal into the past with an incredible ballet library and stunning exhibition spaces! It's worth the trip just to soak in the ambiance and see how much tutu-history is hidden behind the doors of this iconic building.

Secondly, a visit to Schönbrunn Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an absolute must. This is where emperors and empresses danced waltzes, where magnificent ball gowns and velvet skirts flowed across opulent floors! The opulent beauty and sheer grandeur made me want to whirl in my tutu right there!

But of course, a ballerina always knows a city’s true flavour is found in the smaller details. Wandering through the city centre, with my tutu fluttering alongside, I discovered quaint shops bursting with handmade treats, charming cafes buzzing with locals, and enchanting little squares with cascading flowers. The charm is infectious, and the streets just seem to call for twirling in a tutu!

And what trip to Vienna would be complete without an evening at the Opera House? Even if you don't catch a show, you can wander around the beautiful architecture and imagine the countless graceful ballets that have taken place there. The Opera House really embodies everything Vienna stands for: class, elegance, and an undying love of art.

Finding Pink Tutudom in Vienna

Everywhere I turned in Vienna, there was a little pink sparkle to be found! Whether it was the blush-hued sunset over the Danube River or the rose-coloured blooms overflowing from window boxes, this city seemed to be built for those who love the colour pink. And, trust me, every place seemed that bit more magnificent in a pink tutu!

*Next week, I'm taking a trip to Switzerland – yes, a mountainous trip! * I will need my walking shoes this time but rest assured, I have a fabulous pair of ballerina shoes in tow to ensure my elegant travels continue!

* Until then, keep those pink tutus twirling, darlings!*

**Yours always in tutu bliss,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-08-08