Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-08-15

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #902: Waltz into Wonderland!

Hello my darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of Pink Tutu Vienna! This week, I'm positively brimming with excitement because I've just had the most enchanting day exploring Vienna. And let me tell you, it's truly a city that makes every ballet dancer's heart skip a beat!

Before I launch into my adventures, a little update from the tutu front. My dear mama sent me the most gorgeous tulle package from Derbyshire! It's a softest shade of bubblegum pink with iridescent sparkles. I'm already dreaming up all the ballet routines I can choreograph with it. Don't worry, I'll be sharing photos of my newest creation soon. You just have to see the twinkle it gives when you pirouette!

Now, let's waltz back to Vienna! This week, I started the day in the most delightful way: a carriage ride through the Prater. Imagine it - the sun shining on a crystal-clear blue sky, horses hooves rhythmically clopping on cobblestones, and the gentle swaying of a horse-drawn carriage, with me, in a glorious pink tutu, of course, soaking up all the loveliness. You really haven't truly lived until you've taken a carriage ride in Vienna, I tell you!

After that idyllic start, I headed straight to the magnificent Vienna State Opera House. Oh, the grandeur! The sheer size, the intricate carvings, the history oozing from every single stone! They're currently running an opera performance of Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss, which was fantastic, and as usual I enjoyed myself immensely. The singers' voices, the costumes, the dramatic flair... simply spectacular!

For lunch, I popped into a delightful cafe just around the corner from the opera house. It was so charming, all wood panelling and pastel flowers. I indulged in a decadent slice of Sachertorte and a cup of their divine Viennese coffee, while making notes in my little pink leather journal for my ballet routine choreography. My notes, I might add, were interspersed with little doodles of dancing ballerinas, of course.

In the afternoon, I took a little jaunt to the Schönbrunn Palace. My goodness, it's bigger than my entire village back in Derbyshire! We spent a good couple of hours wandering through the sprawling gardens, getting lost in the labyrinths of hedges and admiring the manicured rose bushes. The sunshine was simply divine, perfect for a bit of dancing amidst the rose gardens. Did you know that waltzing originated in Austria? Imagine, swirling and twirling under these magnificent, old trees. How wonderfully romantic!

As the day came to an end, I wandered through the streets of Vienna, enjoying the magical sunset lighting up the cityscape. The combination of modern buildings with traditional architecture truly made for a stunning spectacle, almost as if painted by an impressionist.

I've been exploring the ballet scene here, too, you see, and my search for local talent has lead me to the Vienna Ballet School, which offers an incredible selection of dance classes for all levels. I'm so excited to sign up for a ballet workshop there next week! Can't wait to share all the exciting moves I pick up there!

Finally, I capped off the day with a sumptuous dinner at a restaurant known for its Viennese specialties. They serve the most delicious goulash you could imagine! (I may have also had a slice of apple strudel. Forgive me, dear readers! One cannot go to Austria without experiencing the true essence of apple strudel. A little bit of a 'tutu cheat day,' as I like to call it.)

You know what, darlings? This entire trip has just made me fall even deeper in love with ballet. Vienna is a city with a rich history of music and dance. From its waltzes to its classical performances, it’s a place that truly speaks to my soul. I can’t wait to explore more and share all the amazing adventures with you.

Speaking of which, let me know what you've been up to this week in the comments below! Have you tried any ballet steps or tried wearing a pink tutu for a special occasion? Share your experiences! I'm always thrilled to hear from my fellow ballet-loving beauties.

Stay sparkly,

Emma x

P.S. Don't forget to check back next week for my adventures in Salzburg! It's going to be a beautiful post filled with a little bit of "Sound of Music" inspiration, a few charming cafes and perhaps, just maybe, some pink tutu action.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-08-15