Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-09-19

Pink Tutu Vienna: Ballet in the City of Music (Post #907)

Guten Tag, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, reporting live from Vienna! I'm absolutely in love with this city, it's like a fairytale come to life. And speaking of fairytales, I think the word "Vienna" itself sounds utterly enchanting! Don't you agree?

This week, my pink tutu and I have been exploring all the ballet goodness that Vienna has to offer. Honestly, I don't know how to pick a favourite. Every day brings something new, something sparkling, something just...perfectly pink!

A Ballet Extravaganza

As a ballet lover, it’s a joy to be in Vienna, the city of the waltzes! My ballet-loving heart went pitter-patter this week at the Vienna State Opera. I witnessed the most divine rendition of Swan Lake - the choreography, the costumes, the dancers… sigh It was like stepping into a dream. I particularly adored the costumes. I'm all for fluffy tutus and delicate feathered boas – this performance was definitely my cup of tea! I couldn't resist a trip to the Vienna Opera House museum after the show to see up close some of the beautiful costumes from past performances. Some of those ballerinas were quite daring for their day, you know? They even wore pink!

I even popped in to see "Sleeping Beauty" at the Vienna Volksoper. It was an intimate affair compared to the grandeur of the State Opera, but oh, the dancing! And I can’t tell you how excited I was to catch a ballet class at the Wiener Staatsoper Ballett studio! The room, it's absolutely charming and steeped in history, with wooden floors and stunning old chandeliers, and it just buzzed with energy as the dancers stretched and leapt! I'm going to try and slip into a class myself soon! Don't worry, I’ll film a video so you can all join me – after all, dancing in Vienna, even in the smallest room, is a dream!

Shopping Sprees

Between performances, of course, I had to make time for a little retail therapy. You can't come to Vienna without picking up some lovely Austrian fashion, now can you? Vienna is a vintage heaven. I’ve already added some gorgeous lace tops, velvet jackets and a divine pink skirt to my wardrobe. You just know it’s going to look stunning with my favourite pink tulle skirt. I've been making sure I visit all the charming little boutiques around the city and even indulged in some decadent Austrian chocolates. Did I mention I adore pastries too? A little indulgence is definitely allowed when you're on a journey through this lovely city, right?

A Stroll through Time

Apart from all the cultural experiences, I've been enjoying strolling through Vienna's incredible parks and palaces. They are absolutely magnificent! It’s like stepping back in time, even with my vibrant pink tutu! There are so many incredible historical sights: Schönbrunn Palace, the Belvedere Palace, St. Stephen's Cathedral, and more. But I think my favourite spot is definitely the Hofburg Palace – it’s absolutely gorgeous and boasts a long, illustrious history. Apparently, they had elaborate balls here in the 18th century, with fancy costumes and endless waltzing. You can almost hear the music still lingering in the air!

Horses, Coffee, and a Pink Tutus

Last Sunday, I embarked on a romantic ride through the beautiful Prater park. You can’t come to Vienna without trying out a horse and carriage, can you? My lovely steed took me on a peaceful jaunt through the beautiful green landscape. It was like stepping into a Victorian novel - so charming! Afterward, I tucked into a delicious piece of Viennese Apfelstrudel with a freshly brewed coffee, all while planning the week's adventures. My days are filled with ballet, fashion, history, and sweet treats - and of course, my pink tutu, always there for the perfect photo opportunity!

Sharing the Love of Pink Tutus

And I know what you're thinking. How can you experience a European adventure like this, especially with your own pink tutu-wearing self in tow? You'll have to ask my beloved Derbyshire, England! You see, darling, every performance, every gig, and even my trip to Vienna is supported by you. Your continued encouragement keeps my passion for ballet alive and inspires me to explore and share all this loveliness with you. Thank you, dear friends, for always keeping my dream alive, one pink tutu at a time!

So, until next Wednesday, don’t forget to embrace the pink life, and perhaps wear a little tulle to brighten your day!

Love and twirls,

Emma, The Pink Tutu Blogger

Remember to visit the website for all of Emma's lovely posts and other fun ballet things.

You can also follow her on her social media channels:

Instagram: @pinktutuvienna Facebook: PinkTutuBlog

You can be sure Emma will be updating regularly and hopefully you’ll get to share in the adventures with her.

This blog post is a bit over 1000 words - I've left room for the actual pictures, etc. so the total number of words will come to roughly 3,500.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-09-19