
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-14

Vienna Calling: Tutu Time in the City of Waltz and Wonder (Post #915)

Darling readers,

Itā€™s Wednesday, which means it's time for a new installment of Pink Tutu Vienna! And my, oh my, what a week itā€™s been! I'm finally in the City of Dreams, the City of Music, the City of Waltz... the one and only Vienna!

To be honest, I've always dreamt of being in this magnificent place. The city practically oozes elegance and history - much like myself, of course!

Speaking of elegance, letā€™s start with the very first thing that struck me about Vienna. The train journey. Yes, I love the thrill of taking the train, Iā€™m certainly not a ā€œplane Jane!ā€ The railway carriage felt like something straight out of a glamorous Agatha Christie novel ā€“ dark wooden panelling, velvet upholstery, even the carriage staff were dapper in their navy blue suits. The journey itself was utterly scenic; rolling countryside gave way to stunning views of the Alps. Truly breathtaking!

From Railway to Ballet: My Vienna Arrival

And so, I arrived in the heart of Vienna, with the most delicate dusting of snow adding a fairytale touch to the whole scene. I was so thrilled! The streets are filled with beautiful, historic buildings that seem to whisper secrets from the past. Iā€™m sure they have some rather scandalous tales to tell, if we only knew where to look!

It wouldnā€™t be a true Pink Tutu Vienna adventure without some ballet, now would it? After settling in to my charming little boutique hotel (think chandelier, rose-patterned wallpaper, and oh-so-cute balconies with wrought iron railings!), I set off for my very first Viennese ballet performance at the renowned Vienna State Opera.

And the whole experience was simply magical! The grandeur of the Opera House itself is quite staggering. Iā€™m not one for theatrics, mind you, but even I couldnā€™t help but feel a thrill of excitement as I entered, feeling a little bit like a star myself. The programme featured Tchaikovskyā€™s ā€œSwan Lake,ā€ and I felt transported to another world, the story unfolding before my very eyes with grace and emotion.

Oh, the music! The music is so divine in Vienna that it seems to be practically swirling in the air! From the melodic strains of Strauss waltzes to the soaring, majestic sound of Mozart, itā€™s impossible not to get swept up in the cityā€™s enchanting atmosphere.

Pink Tutu Travels: On Horseback and History

But ballet is only a part of my adventures here! Iā€™m not one to be cooped up, you know. Vienna also has an undeniable romantic air about it, and that's a sentiment I definitely appreciate! To truly soak up the essence of the city, what better way to do so than a charming, slow-paced carriage ride?

So off I went, twirling in my favourite pink tutu, of course, drawn by a gentle pair of dappled-grey horses through the cobbled streets of the old city centre. We trotted past stately palaces, elegant churches, and impossibly charming shops. And what shops! Every corner held a treasure waiting to be discovered, from delicate handmade lace to impossibly gorgeous vintage handbags, I just couldnā€™t resist buying a few goodies to keep the pink tutu spirit alive. I'm convinced it's the tutu that makes me such a savvy shopper!

I must confess, itā€™s not always easy being the centre of attention in my pink tutu, but let's be honest, all the better for a fabulous photo opportunity! After all, the whole world needs to see the magic that comes with embracing your own unique style.

But what good is shopping if you canā€™t share your finds, right? This brings me to a new section of my blog - the Pink Tutu Style Diary! Iā€™ll be showcasing some of my favourite finds here in Vienna, and what better city to begin with? A city steeped in fashion history, with elegant lines, timeless cuts, and all sorts of beautifully intricate designs.

And what a time for a pink tutu to take the world by storm! Even history has its place in all of this, as Iā€™ve learned a thing or two about the captivating world of tutu history. Did you know the tutu, in its original form, was only created a couple of centuries ago? Imagine, all those ballerinas before that, they must have danced in gowns! But, even in the early days, those gowns often featured delicate embellishments ā€“ lace, silk flowers, bows, ruffles ā€“ things that sound very, very familiar, right? I'm telling you, my dear readers, the connection between pink tutus and history is something quite profound, even a little magical!

And I'll just have to admit that itā€™s the tutu history that really makes me tick, seeing how something as simple as a single garment, an outfit that I adore, can evolve and become this universal symbol of artistry, grace, and femininity, well, it's a very satisfying thing! I feel I can only add to that rich tradition!

A Viennese Treat: From Cafes to Sacher Torte

After a delightful afternoon spent indulging in some serious window shopping, my heart led me to Viennaā€™s most charming cafes. Oh, the smells! The cakes and pastries here are truly works of art - decadent, elegant, and entirely irresistible! They just melt in your mouth!

I had a delightful experience in a tiny, but very chic little cafe where I sipped strong, aromatic coffee, whilst enjoying a slice of the iconic Sacher Torte ā€“ a dense, decadent chocolate cake with apricot jam that was, shall we say, divinely delicious. My fellow cafĆ© patrons, clad in classic Vienna chic, were both fascinated and amused by my tutu, but what's life without a bit of pink sparkle!

I do love how people in Vienna dress. Itā€™s all about understated elegance, sophistication, and that air of unassuming glamour, which is really perfect for my own style ā€“ after all, a pink tutu with just a touch of sophistication is the ideal look for the modern day ballet enthusiast!

My Pink Tutu Vienna Playlist:

As the sun began its graceful descent, painting the Vienna sky in hues of fiery orange and purple, I wandered along the Danube, mesmerized by the cityscape bathed in soft, golden light. It felt like I was walking through a beautifully orchestrated scene, straight out of a film!

As the day ended, I sat by my hotel window, the city lights twinkling below, and listened to a soundtrack of my own devising, the perfect accompaniment to this magical city:

  • "The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss II: Because, well, it's Vienna, itā€™s a waltz classic, and what could be more elegant and magical?
  • "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel: To bring some dramatic, elegant passion into the evening.
  • "The Swan Lake" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky: To celebrate my delightful evening at the Vienna State Opera, and because it never gets old!
  • "Moonlight Sonata" by Ludwig van Beethoven: Just a hint of classical beauty and nostalgia.

A Day to Remember, Darling!

So there you have it, darlings! Another spectacular day in the amazing city of Vienna, a true treat for any ballet-loving soul. And now itā€™s time to catch my train to the next stop on my adventure! Oh, my fellow pink tutu-wearers, stay tuned for my next post: Prague Calling, tutu-time in the City of a Thousand Spires!

Yours always in pink,

Emma, from Derbyshire.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-14