Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-21

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Paradise! (Post #916)

Hello my darling tutu twirlers! It's Wednesday, and that means a fresh pink-tastic blog post is fluttering onto your screens from none other than your favourite pink-obsessed, tutu-clad traveller, Emma!

This week, I've found myself whisked away to the enchanting city of Vienna, Austria. As always, I've brought my trusty pink tutu and a whole wardrobe of frills and fancies – after all, Vienna is a city that practically screams "elegance" and "sparkle!"

It's not just the stunning architecture and imperial grandeur that makes Vienna so special; it's also the rich history of dance, and ballet in particular. You see, my darlings, Vienna is a veritable haven for ballet lovers, just like myself. From the world-famous Vienna State Opera to the charmingly historic Theater an der Wien, every corner of this city whispers of pirouettes and grand jetés.

But before we delve into the heart of the Vienna ballet scene, let's talk about how I got here. Picture this: Derbyshire hills giving way to the rolling English countryside as I boarded a train bound for the Continent. And yes, I wore my tutu on the journey! It's all about bringing that whimsical charm wherever you go, right? I can't help but imagine how much those fellow passengers were wondering, "What on earth is that enchanting pink confection on the train?" The world is a better place with a little more pink tutu in it, don't you think?

Now, imagine my excitement upon arriving in Vienna. It's like stepping into a fairytale, with grand palaces, lush gardens, and the sound of waltz music drifting through the air. I couldn't wait to start exploring. After settling into my charming little hotel room (naturally decorated in shades of pink, what else?) I set off to see the sights, armed with my camera and a pink-fringed shawl (it's a bit chilly here, even with the magic of my tutu).

Firstly, a must-visit for any pink tutu enthusiast, is the Schönbrunn Palace, the former summer residence of the Habsburg emperors. This exquisite palace boasts beautiful gardens with intricate fountains and manicured flowerbeds, making for a perfect tutu-twirling photoshoot! The palace itself is an architectural masterpiece, filled with glittering chandeliers and opulent decorations. You'd think it was built for ballerinas like me!

Speaking of ballerinas, I've already enjoyed several ballet classes at a charming studio in the heart of Vienna. Can you imagine? A waltz-inspired dance routine performed in a tutu with Viennese chandeliers illuminating every graceful move? Pure bliss, my darlings!

And this evening, my tutu is already prepared for a special treat: A performance at the Vienna State Opera itself! Imagine, a glittering night out filled with magnificent ballet, opera singers with voices as strong as a thousand swans, and a symphony orchestra that can make your heart soar. And of course, I'll be rocking a sparkly pink tutu for the occasion! It just wouldn't be right to watch ballet without one, now would it?

One thing that has surprised me about Vienna is its vibrant ballet street performance scene. Imagine strolling through the cobbled streets and coming across impromptu performances of classical ballet, contemporary dance, and even some lovely waltz routines. And trust me, the Vienna dancers are exceptionally talented – they make even the most jaded tourists gasp in amazement!

Another delight is the Vienna Opera Ball, which is held every year on a Thursday in February. It's a magnificent evening of music, dancing, and extravagance! The most elegant ladies wear their grandest ballgowns and jewels. This is something I absolutely must add to my next Viennese adventure!

And to complete my Parisian experience, how could I possibly resist the delightful Vienna fashion scene? I've discovered a little gem of a shop with rows and rows of pastel pink tulle tutus, perfectly matching feather boas and the most exquisite tiaras imaginable. Needless to say, I haven't been able to resist buying a few new items for my wardrobe - the shopkeeper just adored my pink tutu! She told me that Vienna's a wonderful city for fashion, that even their everyday clothes are filled with flair and elegance, and it really shows. It’s true - you can even spot Viennese men sporting bright-colored jackets or scarves!

And finally, for a unique Viennese experience, I decided to hop on a horse-drawn carriage ride through the heart of the city. Imagine gliding through cobblestone streets with the soft clip-clop of hooves beneath you and the tinkling of harness bells. With a touch of glitter and my tutu, I turned heads wherever I went, transforming my simple carriage journey into a magical fairy tale.

So, there you have it, my darling tutu twirlers. Vienna truly is a place where dreams come true, a place where pink tutus are cherished, and the dance of life is always on. I have a feeling I'll be back in this city of enchantment again very soon. Until then, I'll leave you with my usual advice: Spread some pink tutu love, wear your brightest smiles, and twirl your way into the most amazing adventures!


Emma x

P.S. I want to see you all twirling in Vienna! What would your ideal Viennese tutu adventure be? Comment below and let me know! And remember, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, don't forget to check out my latest pink-tastic pictures and behind-the-scenes footage on my Instagram page!

Don't miss out! Join the Pink Tutu Movement - a community of fun-loving individuals dedicated to bringing joy and sparkle to the world, one pink tutu at a time! Find us on all major social media platforms!

Website: Instagram: @pinktutuemma Twitter: @PinkTutuEmma Facebook: Pink Tutu Travels

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-21