
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-28

Vienna, Waltz Me Away: Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music (Post #917)

Hello my darling darlings,

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another instalment of my Vienna adventures! Oh, how I do adore this city - the cobblestones, the music, the coffee, and of course, the ballet! It truly is the perfect setting for a pink tutu-loving gal like myself. This week has been absolutely packed with everything pink and twirly. From historical ballet highlights to exploring the Vienna State Opera's magnificent interior, let's dive into my week of fabulous discoveries, shall we?

Taking the Plunge - Into Ballet History

Now, this week has seen me delving into the heart of Viennese ballet history! Picture this - a charming old theatre, all faded grandeur and elegant balconies, housing a captivating museum dedicated to the glorious history of the Vienna State Ballet. It was like stepping into a magical, pastel-hued dream! I learned so much about the origins of Viennese ballet, from the 18th century court dances to the iconic Vienna Waltz. Did you know that waltzing actually originated in Vienna? Who knew?!

The museum was adorned with elegant costumes, sketches of graceful ballerinas and handsome dancers, and even a selection of historic shoes! Imagine trying to perform in those tiny leather slippers - it's no wonder the ballerina's posture was always so perfect! Oh, how I dream of owning a pair myself! Perhaps I should have brought along my own tutu to pose for photos - next time, perhaps?

Stepping into the World of "La Traviata"

Speaking of the Vienna State Opera, oh my, it's a beauty to behold! We simply had to catch a performance during our trip to this glorious city, and this week, I finally got to see "La Traviata." The grand hall, with its plush velvet seats, gilded detailing, and magnificent chandelier, simply took my breath away. The performance was so full of drama, emotion, and pure talent. The dancers were divine, the music, oh the music! It's a sensory experience that truly touched my heart, leaving me with the desire to dance until the sun comes up (although, with a pink tutu, that might attract a bit of unwanted attention in the early morning hours!).

A Ballet-Inspired Stroll Through the City

Whatโ€™s better than a balletic walk? Why, a ballet-inspired one of course! You wouldn't believe the number of delightful little ballet shops and boutiques we stumbled upon while strolling through the streets of Vienna! It felt like every corner we turned, there was a new shop bursting with dazzling pink tutus, elegant ballet shoes, and even the most exquisite tutus for tiny tots. It was as if I had stumbled upon a pink-tutu paradise! It goes without saying that I came away with some delightful souvenirs to add to my growing pink tutu collection.

The Waltz of Vienna

Of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without experiencing the iconic Vienna Waltz. On a chilly Friday evening, we found ourselves swept away by the rhythms of the Strauss Orchestra at the beautiful Musikverein, a building famed for its exceptional acoustics. As the waltz music filled the hall, we were captivated by the delicate melodies and swirling movements of the dancers. It was truly enchanting.

You can bet your bottom tutu that I was waltzing all the way back to the hotel! The sheer energy and romance of the waltz made it impossible to resist! It just proves that this magical city has something to offer every tutu-lover.

My Pink Tutu Mission Continues

This city has certainly rekindled my passion for spreading the love of the pink tutu. Vienna, with its rich cultural tapestry and focus on the performing arts, seems to naturally understand the magical power of dance. Maybe I'll even see a waltz with a pink tutu involved on my next trip back! But, I digress... I must get ready for another whirlwind ballet adventure!

Until next week, dear darlings. Happy twirling!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-11-28