Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-12-05

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #918 - A Waltz with Vienna!

Guten Tag, meine lieben Tutus!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand-new post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, Emma, live from the dazzling capital of Austria: Vienna! This week's adventure took me straight into the heart of waltzes, waltzing emperors, and oh-so-many tutus!

It's always a treat to get on a train, leaving the familiarity of Derbyshire behind (though I do miss my little ballet studio in the village!). A train journey for me is an event in itself. Everything's pink, from my cute pink polka-dot case to the travel snacks (it's hard to resist a bag of pink, sugar-coated candy!). The windows are like magical frames as the scenery whizzes by, and the rhythm of the wheels gets my toes tapping!

The moment I stepped off the train in Vienna, a feeling of pure, waltz-like excitement filled me. There was something special in the air – the music, the chatter, the graceful movements of people, and of course, the incredible architecture! It was like being transported to a dream world! I grabbed a latte at a cafe (it came with a pink stirrer!) and spent a blissful hour just soaking in the sights and sounds.

Vienna, as I quickly discovered, is a haven for ballet lovers like me! Just the very mention of the name 'Vienna' conjures up visions of graceful waltzing, glittering gowns, and of course, those majestic tutus. After a quick visit to my favourite pink boutique to pick up some Vienna-inspired additions for my tutu collection (we’re talking silk ribbons and sparkly appliqués!), I headed straight for the opera house.

The Vienna State Opera is an absolute treasure! Imagine a majestic building that's almost bursting with the history of waltzes and beautiful melodies! I even spotted a glimpse of a pink tutu fluttering backstage! My heart thumped with excitement. Tonight's show was a classic – a full-length production of "The Nutcracker," one of my absolute favourite ballets.

But before I even entered the auditorium, my feet were tapping to the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. I felt my imagination soaring, envisioning the grandeur of the costumes, the ethereal beauty of the dancers, the magic of Tchaikovsky's music… and then it began! The curtains opened, and the stage came alive with a swirling cloud of colour. The dancers moved like whispers of silk, their tutus floating in the air, and the sweetness of the music enveloped everything around. It was magical!

The ballerina playing Clara had a tutu that brought tears to my eyes! It was so exquisitely delicate, with a fluffy cloud of pink tulle that bounced and swirled as she moved. Her performance was filled with passion and grace – I found myself holding my breath as she pirouetted effortlessly across the stage. I couldn’t stop myself – I even snapped a photo!

Of course, I had to indulge in a bit of tutu shopping after the show! The city is a treasure trove for fashionistas like myself. The streets are filled with amazing boutiques showcasing the most beautiful designs, each one whispering secrets of elegance and creativity. And of course, the tutus were everywhere! There were classical designs, whimsical styles, sparkly and dramatic tutus, even tutus inspired by Vienna’s architectural grandeur!

The shop windows beckoned me in with their array of colours, textures, and styles. I fell in love with a vintage tulle tutu adorned with antique-looking beads. I'm already picturing how it'll look in my upcoming tutu photoshoots back in Derbyshire. It feels so luxurious, perfect for dancing with the elegance of Vienna.

But you know me - I love finding those special gems! Tucked away on a side street, I discovered a little sewing studio. It’s run by a friendly Austrian lady named Gertrude, who sews and repairs tutus and is a true artist. She made me a pink feather boa for my latest costume, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to my ballet classes in Derbyshire.

Gertrude is a ballet lover, like me, and she tells amazing stories about the history of ballet and the importance of tutus! It seems she has even met some famous ballerinas, and she's seen incredible performances throughout her lifetime. It's fascinating to hear all these stories and feel connected to a tradition that’s lived and breathed through so many lives! She was happy to show me some of her beautiful designs, too, and gave me a copy of "The History of the Ballet Tutu," a lovely book that's become my new favourite bedtime read!

After a wonderful day in Vienna, I enjoyed a peaceful evening at a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city! It’s like something straight out of a fairy tale - the tinkling of the bells, the gentle clop-clop of the horses’ hooves, the city twinkling below was absolute perfection.

The horse’s name is ‘Edelweiss,’ a sweet and gentle creature that matched the peaceful beauty of Vienna itself. I even found myself chatting to the carriage driver, a man named Franz who shared his own passion for horses and history! He even showed me some of the horses’ saddles and told me about how he looks after his animals, each with its own special personality!

You know how I love learning about tutus - it made me think about how horses are part of ballet history! Did you know that in the 1800s, many ballerinas wore tutus that were adorned with feather trimmings? Apparently, feathers from horses’ manes were the most popular choice. I imagine those beautiful, flowing tutus, with the delicate feathers, making the ballerinas seem almost magical.

Vienna, you've cast your spell on me, a spell of grace, beauty, and wonder! And my pink tutu? Well, it wouldn’t dare to let Vienna down! It twirled and bounced with delight as I explored every nook and cranny of this magical city. I promise, you won't see me ditching this beautiful pink tutu for a long time, it just seems to make everything a bit more magical!

Until next week, darlings, I hope your own week has been as enchanting as mine! Remember to spread the pink tutu love, and let your own inner ballerina twirl with joy!

Much love, Emma x

PS. I know what you're thinking… the Christmas markets are definitely a ‘must-see’ in Vienna! Luckily, they run from the beginning of November all the way through Christmas! Look out for a special pink-tutu-inspired post next week on those magical festive delights.

PPS Don't forget to join me on social media - I'm @PinkTutuEmma on all the usual suspects. Spread the love!


  • Pink Tutu website:
  • Emma's Twitter: @PinkTutuEmma
  • Emma's Instagram: @PinkTutuEmma
  • Emma's Facebook: Emma’s Pink Tutu Adventures

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2012-12-05