Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-01-16

Pink Tutu Vienna: #924 - Waltz in Vienna, My Darling!

Wednesday 16th January 2013

Hello my darlings! I hope this Wednesday finds you twirling and shimmering with joy! As you know, it's a new week, which means a brand new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post! And oh, what a week it's been! My darling Vienna has been captivating me with its waltzing charm, and trust me, there’s been no shortage of twirling around town.

This week I've been getting back into the swing of things after my travels. I felt so good travelling by train, that feeling of fresh air, freedom and seeing new places whizzing by. You just don't get that feeling on a plane! But sometimes, even the best train journey needs a little bit of... well, sparkle.

So, my first order of business upon returning was a little retail therapy. Did you know that Vienna has a street dedicated entirely to boutiques? My little pink heart did a somersault when I stumbled across "Mariahilfer Straße." Honestly, I couldn’t resist popping in and out of these darling shops – every one filled with little treasures for the discerning fashionista, especially me. Imagine my excitement when I discovered a fabulous little tutu boutique! The owner, an older lady with the kindest eyes, gave me the most delicious cup of tea (complete with dainty cakes!) and then, she treated me to a little history lesson about tutu history – oh how I loved hearing it all.

Speaking of history, the story of the Vienna State Opera, built back in the 19th century, is like something straight out of a ballet storybook. This opera house is breathtakingly gorgeous. It feels like a palace for dancers, all swirling staircases and gilt and grand chandeliers, and oh, the stories these walls could tell! And did you know? That the Opera House itself is not just for seeing amazing performances but for visiting and exploring? I found the most amazing museum which chronicles its history – how wonderful to see it all from beginning to end. I’ve got my very first Vienna ballet performance there on Sunday, so stay tuned for more pictures. I may even need a new tutu!

On Monday, I was off to one of my favourite places in all of Vienna: the Lipizzaner Stallions at the Spanish Riding School. You might know that the Lipizzaner is one of the most elegant and well-bred horse breeds in the world. Their white coats are like spun sugar, and they perform their grand ballet with an incredible sense of drama and grace, reminding me why I just love horses so much.

As for the week’s grand finale, it had to be something spectacular. So, what did I do? You guessed it! I attended a private ballet lesson in the Vienna State Opera House, in the same building where legends have danced! Just me, my pink tutu and the world's most talented ballet teacher (a retired star ballerina no less!), just gliding across the stage... Oh, it was a pure moment of magic.

But remember, my dears, the journey itself is just as magical as the destination. Vienna, with its majestic palaces and its coffee-scented cafes, feels like stepping into a ballet performance in itself. The city itself just feels full of energy and excitement, much like a grand finale, a magnificent curtain call, and of course, I’ve worn a pink tutu to every single performance and every tour – because who else would do it?! My goal to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu is making its way around the globe!

Now, let’s catch up – tell me about your week! How have you been keeping your inner tutu princess busy? Did you twirl a bit, have a little tea party or enjoy a special performance? Remember to share with me in the comments below!

See you next Wednesday!

Lots of twirls and kisses,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-01-16