Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-05-08

Post #940: Vienna, Vienna, Why Do I Love Thee?

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, and that means another installment of the Pink Tutu Travels, this time direct from the stunning city of Vienna, Austria! Buckle up, buttercup, because this post is going to be jam-packed with pretty pinks, exquisite ballet, and of course, the most adorable tutus you've ever laid your eyes on.

For those of you new to the Pink Tutu world, I'm Emma, your resident tutu-obsessed ballerina and travel enthusiast. My mission? To spread the joy of twirling and to show everyone just how fabulous a life in a pink tutu can be. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't always wear a tutu on my travels, although some of my fellow tutu enthusiasts might say that I should! (They're right, of course.)

Anyway, let me catch you up on the whirlwind that was last week!

After a picturesque journey across the English Channel, arriving in Calais via the trusty old Eurostar, I hopped aboard a glorious old-fashioned train, and let me tell you, the scenery was absolutely divine. Lush green fields, quaint little villages, and glimpses of sparkling rivers - the countryside whizzed past, a blur of beauty. My trusty vintage hat perched jauntily on my head, a pair of rose-tinted glasses in hand, I watched the world fly by with a contented sigh.

I even found myself indulging in a spot of impromptu "tutu ballet" in the carriage. Let's be honest, it was impossible not to feel the urge to twirl with the wind! The conductor even gave me a wink as I finished a flourish, so I'd say it went down a treat.

Vienna greeted me with open arms (or maybe it was the Viennese sausage stand near the station, but I like to think it was a warm welcome!). This city oozes charm. The cobblestone streets are lined with colourful buildings adorned with ornate details, and the smell of fresh pastries drifts in the air like a heavenly symphony. I'm utterly smitten!

Speaking of pastries, the moment I stepped into the hotel, I practically inhaled a slice of apple strudel – I couldn't resist its cinnamon-y, sugary temptation! But that wasn't the only treat waiting for me in Vienna. You see, this city is a veritable treasure chest of ballet history and elegance! The Vienna State Opera is truly something to behold - majestic, grand, and dripping in history. I even caught a glimpse of the exquisite costumes from "The Nutcracker", making me itch to perform a pirouette myself.

Speaking of performing, I've been fortunate enough to be a part of the delightful "Tutu Dreams" ballet ensemble, where we share our passion for the art form with audiences of all ages. Last night, we performed at a charming little theatre just outside the city centre. I felt the magic of the stage wash over me as I danced, lost in the ethereal world of "The Sleeping Beauty." The audience cheered, children were wide-eyed in awe, and even the theatre cat was charmed, sitting intently in the front row. It's moments like these that remind me why I love what I do.

Of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without a pilgrimage to the iconic Vienna State Opera House! I managed to snag some coveted tickets for an evening performance of "Swan Lake". The beauty of the architecture, the exquisite costumes, and the captivating choreography were enough to make any ballet-lover's heart melt. It was a truly enchanting evening, and I practically levitated out of the theatre, fuelled by the pure joy of the performance.

But it wasn't all just ballet and sweets. Vienna is a fashion lover's paradise! I’ve spent hours wandering through vintage shops, soaking in the elegance of antique garments, and falling in love with delicate lace, silky satin, and of course, an array of the most stunning tutus. (I might have treated myself to a few… just a few.) The shopping scene here is incredibly diverse - from chic boutiques to vibrant street markets brimming with treasures, you're sure to find a little something to tickle your fancy.

The other day, I stumbled upon a truly divine hat shop! You know I adore a good hat to top off my look, and this place had hats to rival even the most fabulous crown jewels! I managed to snag a delightful hat with an array of vibrant feathers and sparkling sequins. (My little secret? I'll be matching it with a pink tutu the next time I'm out and about.)

While I’ve certainly had my fair share of "Vienna Waltz" moments, dancing with locals and feeling the city’s electric energy, there was another way to experience this wonderful city: by horse! I found the most adorable horse-drawn carriage, adorned with ribbons and charming tassels. The leisurely pace, the soft clip-clop of hooves, the gentle sway of the carriage, and the views of the majestic buildings were simply breathtaking!

But you know what? My most cherished moments so far have been just wandering the cobbled streets, exploring charming squares and listening to the melodic hum of street musicians. I've found myself simply mesmerized by the vibrant, cosmopolitan energy of Vienna, its blend of history and modern living, and its unwavering appreciation for the arts. It’s a city where fashion, culture, and deliciousness come together in a truly breathtaking symphony.

And you know, as I write this, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. My life might not be conventional, but it’s mine, filled with twirls, giggles, and beautiful, pink memories. So, I leave you with this thought: wear a pink tutu today, dance like no one’s watching, and find the beauty in the everyday. You never know what adventures await you. Until next week, darling!

With a flourish and a twirl,

PS. Don’t forget to check out next Wednesday for a brand new travel post from a beautiful new city!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-05-08