Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-06-05

Post #944: A Viennese Waltz in Pink

Wednesday 5th June, 2013

Dearest readers,

Well, here I am in Vienna! I just couldn't wait to get here. This is my first trip to Austria and, well, you'll understand the sheer delight this little city is giving me in just a moment. But first, I have to share my journey...

As I said in my last post, I decided to go by train, and boy was it a journey! It was like stepping into a scene from a ballet. The train itself was a beautiful, old carriage, the sort they use in theatre sets to give a glamorous Victorian feel. The countryside was lush and green, just like Derbyshire back home. And what do you think the most wonderful part of it all was? That's right, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, the whole train ride was just filled with little glimpses of fields bursting with wildflowers, just begging to be captured in a pink tutu photograph! I was completely surrounded by pastel colours, just like a fairytale, except there were no witches and a definite lack of scary wolves, much to my relief!

From Carriage to Carriage

Of course, being on a train gives you a unique chance to just watch the world go by. So many fascinating people whizzed past, from charming businessmen to a whole family, dressed in their finest Bavarian clothes. All those little scenes just gave me so many ideas for ballet productions, or perhaps a few theatrical dances! I even saw a charming couple share a delicious-looking chocolate torte on a picnic rug by the side of the railway line... pure romance! It reminded me of a sweet moment between two characters in Swan Lake.

First Impression: A Pink Paradise

And Vienna, dear friends, has certainly lived up to all my dreams. You know how I love old-world charm and elegant beauty. And Vienna is absolutely overflowing with both. It feels like stepping right into a classic ballet. The grand buildings, the charming coffee houses with their elaborate decor... It's like being transported to another century.

Vienna is so pretty, I just can't help but spin! In fact, the cobbled streets are practically begging for it. A gentle twirl, the echo of my tutu swishing against the pavement… pure magic!

The Colourful World of Ballet in Vienna

Speaking of magical, it's almost unbelievable to me that Vienna, of all places, is the city that gave the world Johann Strauss. And speaking of Strauss, the Waltz... Oh, how my heart yearns to be swirling in a ballroom, waltzing the night away with a dashing gentleman in a tailored suit! To capture the magic of that perfect Viennese waltz, there's only one thing that'll do: a pink tutu, of course!

I can practically feel the fabric flowing around me as I pirouette to Strauss's heavenly music, with a gentle smile as the grand chandeliers reflect the lights around me. It's enough to make any girl go a little mad!

Searching for the Perfect Tutu

My main objective today, aside from wandering about in my pink tutu of course, was to find a fabulous new outfit. Vienna has a wonderfully sophisticated but whimsical side, just begging to be explored by a discerning fashionista. So, armed with my ballet shoes (naturally!), I set off on a mission to find a new piece for my collection.

The Pink-Tutu Princess's Guide to Shopping in Vienna

Vienna really is a shopper's dream! They have charming little shops full of exquisite lace and luxurious silks. I imagine the ballerinas in the famous Vienna State Opera House (I am absolutely planning to see a show there - can you believe it's my 3rd Opera House in just 3 months?!) would love to buy here too! There are vintage shops, boutique shops, antique stores - it's just an absolute treasure trove. I have already managed to snag a few amazing accessories, a stunning piece of vintage jewellery and a hat which would make even a duchess swoon!

And I think I’ve even found a little gem of a dress. A vibrant cerise number with a gorgeous full skirt, that’ll go perfectly with my sparkly pink shoes. Now, all it needs is a little ballet-inspired embellishment... but I think I'll leave that for my little crafting session when I return to my charming hotel room.

Taking Tea and Catching up on Vienna's Ballet History

Today, after hours of window-shopping, my stomach finally let me know that it was lunchtime. And what better place to stop in a city like this than a traditional coffee house, steeped in history and surrounded by an air of leisurely conversation? So, naturally, I ordered a pot of delicious, strong coffee and a slice of their signature torte. You know me, I couldn't leave Vienna without sampling the iconic Sacher Torte! It was simply heavenly... sweet, rich and almost as delicious as a decadent pink meringue cake (though, not quite, of course!).

While sipping on my coffee, I took a peek at a few history books I found at the café. After all, I need to learn a bit about the local culture, the Vienna ballet is, well, a huge part of Vienna's heritage. You see, I love to delve into the past to see how ballet has evolved throughout history! Vienna's contribution to ballet is fascinating - it's filled with legends, intrigue, and lots of delicious, pink-hued tulle... I have even spotted some incredible ballet photographs from the turn of the century, and let me tell you, the ballerinas' tutus are divine.

And for tomorrow…

Tomorrow's plans? Well, I have just got to visit the Museum für Angewandte Kunst. It's home to some incredibly stylish objects, like beautiful tapestries and amazing costumes - there’s no way I can miss this! And then, I have to see if I can snag some beautiful vintage ribbons and laces for a special tutu design I'm dreaming up!

You see, I'm aiming to create a tutu collection that perfectly embodies the beauty and magic of Vienna. A collection that captures the spirit of a timeless city where dreams come true! I can already imagine all the enchanting pink hues... and I might even bring a little bit of pink tutu sparkle to a traditional dance performance myself…

Keep a close eye on the blog, as I'll be back next Wednesday with some delightful tales, photos and updates on my fabulous pink-tutu-filled Viennese adventures. Until then, remember - the world's a stage and every girl should twirl!

With lots of love and pink-hued twirls,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-06-05