Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-08-14

Pink Tutu Vienna: Blog Post #954

Wednesday, 14th August, 2013

Dearest readers,

This week, I find myself in the glorious city of Vienna, Austria! How I’ve missed the grand architecture, the swirling waltzes, and the air of old-world charm that permeates every cobbled street.

I arrived yesterday evening, after a magical train journey that wound its way through the Austrian countryside. Oh, to be on a train, gliding through fields of wildflowers, my pink tutu twirling ever so gently as the wind whispers through the open carriage windows.

Vienna, of course, is synonymous with ballet, so it’s only fitting that my first few days here are a whirl of tutus and twirls. My schedule is already bursting with delightful events:

  • Tonight, I’ll be attending a ballet performance at the magnificent Vienna State Opera House, an experience I’ve dreamt of since I first saw a production of Swan Lake as a child.

  • Tomorrow morning, I’m scheduled to take a ballet class at the Vienna Ballet Academy – an exciting prospect, as I hear their teachers are some of the most sought-after in Europe. I've already planned a new tutu, I'm sure my new ballet outfit will look positively smashing!

  • Friday, will be all about exploring Vienna’s rich ballet history. I plan to visit the famous Schönbrunn Palace and immerse myself in the grandeur and opulent lives of those who waltzed through its halls centuries ago. There’s even a charming little museum dedicated to the history of the ballet in Vienna. How could I resist a day of tutus and tales from yesteryear?

But, Vienna isn't just about the dance, is it? As much as I love ballet, I have a real passion for fashion, and Vienna is a veritable paradise for the discerning shopper! This city is teeming with boutiques offering the latest designs and exquisite antique pieces. I simply can't resist browsing!

The charming shops lining the streets are like mini treasure chests brimming with beautiful trinkets and clothing. Today I even had the joy of haggling over the most exquisite antique brooch, adorned with tiny pink pearls. It perfectly matches my new fuchsia ballerina flats - such a stroke of luck!

Tonight’s ballet performance, the pièce de résistance, is a performance of “La Bayadère”, with its story of forbidden love, grand scale, and impressive technical prowess. The costume designs alone are breathtaking - shimmering silks, shimmering jewels and an explosion of color – I just can't wait to take it all in!

I shall keep you posted, dear readers. After all, who could possibly resist a city like Vienna? It's a haven for dance, art, music and those who love the beauty of life in all its glory!

Yours in pink,


P.S Keep your eyes peeled for photos from Vienna – they’re going to be delightful!

P.P.S. As you may already know, my passion for all things ballet allows me to indulge in my travelling bug. The world of ballet has become my own little stage, enabling me to dance my way through each new adventure! And wouldn't you know it, the upcoming performance I’ll be dancing in is at The London Coliseum! I'm positively over the moon!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-08-14