
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-08-21

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post No. 955 - The Waltz of Whimsy

Good morning, my lovely lot! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna post. I'm currently perched atop a little cafe table overlooking the magnificent Schƶnbrunn Palace, nibbling on a delicate pink macaron (naturally!) and soaking up the sunshine. My tulle is gently ruffling in the breeze, creating a little pink tornado of happiness.

This week in Vienna has been an absolute dream! I arrived on Sunday, travelling in style by train from Munich, which feels positively decadent after spending so many months in Derbyshire, England. (My Derbyshire blog is still a secretā€¦ for now!)

But before we get to Vienna, let's rewind a little bit and talk about what I wore for the journey. Oh my, it was a triumph of pink! I donned my absolutely divine custom-made pink silk travel outfit, featuring a wide, flowing skirt with pockets (so handy for my travel snacks ā€“ which, of course, included a strawberry and champagne macaron!), a tucked-in silk blouse with intricate beading, and a perfectly matching bolero. It all culminated in a stunningly romantic outfit for the trip ā€“ the kind that made even the most stoic German train conductor do a double-take.

Now, back to Vienna! You see, the inspiration for this trip came from the iconic ā€œThe Emperor's New Groove.ā€ Okay, I admit, it's one of my favourite Disney movies and I do enjoy the little historical nods they give. Itā€™s such a stunning story, and let's face it, Vienna is the city that perfectly embodies imperial grandeur and fairytale elegance. So I had to come!

My mission, should I choose to accept it? A) To experience Viennaā€™s magnificent ballet scene, of course! Iā€™m even considering joining a class here - who knows, maybe Iā€™ll be taking a waltz across the Vienna State Opera House one day! And B) To track down every single pink-themed thing this glorious city has to offer, and that, my dear readers, has been the most incredible adventure yet!

The Pinkest Place on Earth:

Vienna, it turns out, is a true pink haven! I found pink roses blooming in parks, pink candy floss being spun into delicious sugary clouds, even a pink tram chugging along with adorable little passengers - you name it, they've got a pink version! I swear, Iā€™ve never felt so inspired.

My favourite find this week was a little tucked-away shop called ā€œSissiā€™s Sweet Temptationsā€. Now, anyone whoā€™s a fan of pink knows Sissi (Empress Elisabeth of Austria) loved the color ā€“ so a pink themed candy store was like a little piece of paradise! It even has a "Pink Palace" corner where they sell edible, sparkly pink tutu lollipops! Howā€™s that for a sweet treat?

Ballet Bliss and Couture Delights:

But my real highlight, my lovelies, has been the ballet! Last night, I witnessed the most breathtaking production of "Swan Lake" at the Vienna State Opera. Oh, the artistry, the drama, the swirling tulle, and of course, the beautiful ballerinas! I nearly choked on my pink strawberry and Champagne sorbet! It was perfection personified. The sheer passion in the dancers' movements made the tutus dance alongside them. You really could feel the magic in the air.

Later that evening, I had the most extraordinary treat: a meet-and-greet with the ballerina who played Odette in the performance! The costumes were exquisite! It's been quite a long time since I saw such intricate artistry and skill! A true icon in her tutu, I tell you! It was an inspiring reminder of why I do what I do - and let me tell you, that little pink tulle heart in my chest was beating a merry waltz by the time we finished chatting!

Speaking of couture, my lovelies, have you heard of Vienna's most exquisite department store? You know, the one with the most extraordinary glass dome? Well, Iā€™m now on a quest for a perfect little pink cocktail dress - all thanks to my ballerina friend! We were discussing a potential ballet charity event and she said that I would be a fantastic Pink Tutu Ambassador for a London event! Oh my gosh, you can imagine my excitement! A pink dress with tulle overlay ā€“ how wonderful! A trip back to London for some custom-made couture? Dreamy!

Pink Travels by Horse and Carriage:

But my adventures haven't been confined to just shops and theatres, no sirree! This week, I even indulged in a classic Viennese tradition, a carriage ride through the city! You know how much I love to ride horses. So this carriage ride was a special experience. We galloped past the gorgeous city streets and the magnificent Schƶnbrunn Palace, the perfect backdrop for some pictures. You'll be seeing these snaps soon!

So there you have it, another glorious week in the pinkest city in Europe! Iā€™ll be sharing more of my pink adventures from Vienna, my lovely lot. Tune in next Wednesday for more! Until then, keep twirling in your tutus and donā€™t forget to be happy. Happy Pinking!

Always remember: You can visit my site www.pink-tutu.com for more fun pink updates!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-08-21