Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #968 – A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-clad travel buddy, back from the most magical week in Vienna, Austria! I can't believe it's been a whole year since I last set foot in this beautiful city. Oh, the sights! Oh, the sounds! Oh, the delicious smells... It's like waltzing through a fairy-tale, complete with dreamy music and charming cobblestone streets!

As you all know, I absolutely adore Vienna. It's like a gigantic tutu shop with a ballet class at every corner. Not to mention the incredible history of ballet and fashion! There's truly something for every little tutu lover.

This week's adventures were especially spectacular, a perfect blend of waltz and Wiener schnitzel, fashion and fantasy, and even a touch of horsemanship! (More on that later!) It all started on Sunday, when I arrived at the magnificent Vienna Hauptbahnhof – that's the main station to you and me – after a lovely train journey from Innsbruck. There was something so romantic about pulling up into the station, the sound of the train's brakes blending seamlessly with the gentle, almost mournful, sound of the waltz being played by a charming street musician. I felt like I was stepping out of a Viennese waltz opera, or a fairytale!

Of course, a pink tutu was obligatory. I went for my "Ballerina Blossom" design – a sweet, delicate pink with tulle as light as a whisper. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the reflection of myself in the window of the Café Central on the station square. Perfection! A touch of Vienna romance, a hint of girly glamour, and a lot of Emma.

That evening, after checking into my exquisite little boutique hotel tucked away in the 7th district – oh, how I love a good hidden gem, don’t you? – I took a stroll through the city centre, marvelling at the towering architecture. Vienna, oh Vienna! Where are those pretty ladies in their grand ball gowns, I wondered? (Alas, it was a Sunday night, and not even the waltzes of the Philharmonic could conjure them.)

However, there was a more than acceptable substitute – an enchanting concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in the Hofburg Palace, and I must say, I was entirely smitten. My ears were tingling from the beautiful sounds, the hall was bathed in a heavenly soft light that accentuated the elegance of the performers and audience alike, and of course, a stunning performance of the Strauss waltzes transported me into a pure state of joy! I closed my eyes, swirled my tutu in a giddy circle, and simply drank in the beauty. Ah, pure bliss.

A Fashionable Journey Back in Time

The next day, my journey took me through Vienna’s fashion scene, and believe me, this was no ordinary stroll through the shops. You see, Vienna holds a special place in my heart when it comes to fashion history – I mean, the Waltz dresses! Can you imagine? Fluttering silks, delicate embroidery, swirling and dipping, capturing the spirit of Viennese life. It's all so incredibly romantic.

And what better place to find out about the origins of those dreamy waltz gowns than the Museum für angewandte Kunst? I spent a lovely afternoon lost amongst exquisite lace, stunning velvet, and historical photographs of ladies in those gloriously over-the-top waltzing costumes. I felt a strong connection with those brave women who, for the sake of beauty and love, literally took flight with their dancing.

You know me, I've got to try things on – it’s just the law of the tutu! – and they do let you do just that at the museum. Oh, I was practically spinning in those historical gowns. One minute I was a dashing court lady, the next, a playful waltzing beauty, and all in the middle of Vienna!

Horses, Ballet and an Elegant Night

Wednesday, that glorious Wednesday, was ballet day! I donned my tutu (my "Enchanted Evening" this time – it has shimmering gold stars!) and rushed off to the Vienna State Opera for a show. But oh darling, it wasn't just any ordinary ballet! This was a spectacle that had everything: dancing, singing, costume changes – even a surprise equestrian element! Imagine my delight.

Yes, dear reader, horses made their appearance onstage, prancing, twirling and showcasing their impeccable training to the sound of live music. The performance was about the Hungarian national hero, Attila, with his daring horseback feats, beautiful battle costumes, and an opera singer belting out some show-stopping high notes!

Afterwards, a glass of chilled champagne in the luxurious opera foyer felt absolutely fitting. That night, I dreamed of soaring horses and swirling ballerinas – my own mini tutu version of the Vienna State Opera!

The Perfect Ending

Thursday and Friday were full of exploration – museums, markets, and an afternoon in a coffee shop, penning this very post! I took the horse-drawn carriage around the city, and for once, I decided against my trusty pink tutu – a grand occasion needed an even grander outfit! I chose a floral print dress, light and breezy, perfect for floating through the historic streets, and, I confess, I felt rather glamorous doing it!

Vienna always seems to be covered in a fine layer of autumn leaves, which adds to its magic. I find them so romantic, and it almost feels as if nature is scattering a red and orange glitter over the city! They looked especially beautiful from the top of St. Stephen's Cathedral, from which you can see for miles across the rooftops of Vienna. And I can tell you, this city's skyline is gorgeous. The spires and towers reach up towards the heavens as if they’re made of swirling tulle. It truly is breathtaking.

Then, on Saturday, it was time to bid farewell to Vienna, to leave behind the swirling waltzes, the horse-drawn carriages, and the captivating costumes, and make my way back to Derbyshire. But oh, I'll be back soon! That much I know! Vienna always feels like a home away from home. You could say, my second tutu home.

Vienna, darling, you've stolen my heart yet again. And oh, this experience, it was certainly more than just a ballet adventure! It was a kaleidoscope of colours, a symphony of emotions, a dance through history. And my pink tutus were there, swirling with me, experiencing every exquisite detail, embracing the magic of this special place.

So, until next time, I leave you with this - may every week hold a little touch of Viennese magic, with just the right blend of beauty and tutu. Remember, darling, everyone can wear a pink tutu – it’s not about the style, it's about the joy! And a dash of sparkle, naturally.

Now, I must be off. See you all next Wednesday on!

Your Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-20