Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-27

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #969: A Whirlwind Waltz through the City of Music!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing travel enthusiast, Emma, reporting live from Vienna! This gorgeous city, bursting with history, culture, and a delightful touch of old-world charm, has truly captured my heart. As a seasoned ballerina, the romance of Vienna just calls to me - it's like stepping onto a grand stage!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind of waltzes and waltzing dresses, delicious strudel, and endless cups of the most perfect coffee (the Viennese know their coffee!). I've already seen three breathtaking ballet performances (a delightful mix of classics and contemporary masterpieces) and even taken a couple of ballet classes in this magnificent city. The studios here are divine, and my fellow dancers have been so welcoming - there's such a wonderful sense of community in the Vienna ballet scene.

But this week wasn't just about pirouettes and pliés! We took a trip to Schönbrunn Palace, which felt like stepping right out of a fairytale, and wandered through the vast and beautiful gardens. Did you know that the Schönbrunn Palace gardens were one of the first English-style landscapes in Europe?

I have a confession: I absolutely fell in love with the pink peonies I found in the gardens - such exquisite colour! They are the perfect shade for my new pink tutu, by the way, a masterpiece crafted from delicate layers of tulle I found in the most fabulous boutique tucked away in a side street.

On Friday, I treated myself to a visit to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Imagine my delight at discovering an entire section devoted to fashion throughout the ages - my absolute favourite! From the stunning costumes of the French court to the delicate dresses of the Victorian era, I was captivated by the beauty, artistry, and the story these garments tell. Did you know that the Kunsthistorisches Museum has the world’s most complete collection of paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder? I was simply enthralled!

And speaking of fashion, the Vienna opera is a world renowned haven for style! Imagine waltzing through a theatre adorned with chandeliers that seem to dance with the music. Then, watching an opera set against such a luxurious backdrop… the whole experience is absolutely divine! The "Viennese opera tradition" is indeed legendary - did you know that the first Vienna State Opera building, designed by architect Carl von Hasenauer, was opened in 1869? That is some pretty impressive ballet history! I found myself sketching outfits I could wear to my next Viennese ballet outing!

After an evening filled with classical music and swirling costumes, my head is full of creative ideas. Vienna's blend of art, music, and beauty is inspiring - perhaps it's the "tutu" I’m wearing - or maybe it's the air - who knows, but this place is magic!

Remember my darlings, Vienna is just a short train journey from beautiful Derbyshire - the journey from Derbyshire to Vienna is just a tad more glamorous. As usual, I made the journey from Derbyshire on one of those beautiful old world carriages pulled by magnificent horses, the kind you only see in your wildest dreams. Now you might be wondering if I can actually pull a carriage. Well, to be honest with you - maybe in my tutu dreams but not quite yet. However, it's all about being open to possibility!

As I often tell you my dear darlings, nothing can stop the power of pink! My passion for travel has always been fuelled by a desire to see the world, discover new places and embrace all that they have to offer - in my pink tutu of course! I’ve managed to fund my travels with a bit of flair. If I'm not pirouette-ing in Derbyshire I’m doing so on some of the most glorious stages in the world. Each performance fuels my adventures! My aim in life? To encourage every one of you to slip on your own pink tutu, and discover the world. Remember - fashion can change the world. Don't be afraid to be daring. And never forget: life's a stage, so give it your all!

Until next week, dear readers.

With twirling love, Emma

P.S. Do you have any "pink" places you would recommend? Please let me know in the comments below!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-11-27