Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-04

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #970 - Waltz with me through the Wienerwald!

Guten Morgen, my darling tutu-ettes!

It's Wednesday again, and that means another week, another adventure for your favourite pink-clad ballerina blogger! I'm writing to you from Vienna, the beautiful city of waltzes and palaces, where I've been happily twirling my way through the festive December streets, surrounded by the magic of Christmas markets and the captivating melodies of Strauss.

You see, my loves, this week I'm fulfilling one of my lifelong dreams – seeing Vienna as a real, live ballerina, not just a student daydreaming of grand opera houses and Viennese balls! For years, I've dreamt of swirling across a grand stage in this city, its history woven into every performance of every grand ballet. The first time I saw Vienna was in a vintage postcard - the stunning silhouette of St. Stephen's Cathedral bathed in the soft glow of twilight, and a horse-drawn carriage trundling along a cobbled street, with the grand architecture reflected in its glossy finish. It's a scene I’ve longed to experience myself, and now, here I am, experiencing it in a wonderfully pink tutu of course!

And it's truly magical, my darlings. There's something about the cobbled streets, the glittering Christmas trees, the aroma of roasted chestnuts, and the melodic tunes emanating from every corner, all creating this wonderfully festive atmosphere that makes you feel like you're walking through a real-life fairytale!

Of course, I’ve been busy indulging my ballet cravings, venturing into the very heart of Viennese ballet. It all began at the Opera House, an extraordinary building with a glorious past, and a setting so fitting for an epic story about ballerinas, tutus and a dash of magic. It is there that my very first performance took place, a production of Sleeping Beauty, a ballet with a story as beautiful as the costumes and dances! To feel the anticipation before the curtain rose, then be swept up in the magic of the music, was simply exquisite. Seeing the beauty of the choreography and the skill of the dancers, it made me want to take a deep bow and say, "Vienna, I’m home!”

You know I’ve got to take advantage of being here, my dears! The fashion scene in Vienna has been just as charming, I must tell you. Think Parisian chic with a dash of old-world charm and you're pretty much there. I've been browsing the boutiques and vintage stores, searching for those perfect pieces to add a bit of Viennese flair to my wardrobe. You've probably guessed, my dears, that I'm hunting down tutus of course! You know me - can’t leave a city without finding some gorgeous tutu delights! And guess what, I did! Found some vintage loveliness, perfect for my next Vienna adventure!

Vienna’s city life also incorporates something utterly charming. Every Wednesday and Sunday morning, the Naschmarkt, Vienna's largest open-air market, wakes up with the delightful aromas of fresh, local produce. My darlings, I’m talking everything from juicy, plump peaches to delicate, hand-rolled dumplings, all served up in a charming mix of colourful stalls and cheery vendors. It's a wonderful experience, not just for the amazing food, but for the vibrant atmosphere, the cheerful banter, and the sense of community.

One thing that truly fascinates me, is Vienna's history as a city steeped in music. I've been wandering the streets where composers like Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven once strolled, picturing their creative spirits, listening to their iconic music in all its grandeur. There's so much magic here in Vienna – in its grand architecture, in its melodic music, and in its heart-warming hospitality. It's easy to see why Vienna is a city that has captured the hearts of many, including, you guessed it, mine.

After all, who doesn’t want to dance through life, embracing everything that is beautiful and elegant and romantic about a city as glamorous as Vienna?

This weekend I’ll be exploring more of Vienna's magical corners, and you know what I’ll be wearing - a very special pink tutu. Of course. I will be bringing you a whole lot of inspiration for my darling tutu-ettes - more pink tutu looks, more photos from my adventures and of course some more yummy Viennese treats, which we all know I adore.

Stay tuned, my lovelies, for next Wednesday, when I'll tell you all about how I conquered the world of fashion, tutus, food, and dance, and even perhaps reveal a few secrets to the magical heart of Vienna!

Until next time, keep twirling!



Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and join me on this amazing adventure, my darling tutu-ettes!

Stay beautiful. Stay pink.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-04