Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-11

Vienna Waltz: Post #971

Hello, my darlings! It's Wednesday again, and that means another post from your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger. I'm back in Vienna, darling, a city as beautiful as a princess in a full-length ballgown. Just look at the buildings - you could swear they were crafted out of dreams! This week I've been busy indulging my love for everything ballet, and exploring Vienna's vibrant heart, all while embracing my signature style, naturally.

Vienna is a ballet wonderland – and this week I've been exploring the city's historic theaters and learning about its connection to this most magical of art forms. Did you know Vienna was where ballet moved beyond the royal court and became part of a wider public sphere? I found that fascinating – it was right here in Vienna that ballet first became an accessible art form for everyone! It's clear that ballet holds a special place in the city's heart, and I'm truly enchanted by it.

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without seeing a ballet performance. This week I went to the Staatsoper, Vienna's most iconic theatre. The grandeur is simply breathtaking! The decor is a feast for the eyes, the building itself a symphony of architectural prowess. But, my favourite thing about the Staatsoper has to be the acoustics – just the sound of my favourite waltzes filling the air, pure magic.

But I couldn't just spend my time gazing at elegant theatre interiors. Vienna is also known for its fabulous boutiques – think Chanel, Dior, and all the latest fashion designers! It's heaven on earth for a ballet-loving shopaholic like myself.

This week, I found myself drawn to a gorgeous, flowing pink gown - think princess chic! It is just the perfect shade to make even a grey Viennese day look rosy, and with my delicate ballet slippers, I'm sure to turn heads on the cobblestone streets! Speaking of footwear, have you seen Vienna's collection of elegant ballet pumps? Oh, darling, they are exquisite – and the colour choices are just sublime! I simply couldn't leave without a pair of pastel pink satin ballet flats, perfect for a lady who loves a bit of flair in her life.

As a passionate ballerina and a devotee to this beautiful art form, I couldn't leave Vienna without stopping by the "Tanzmuseum" - Vienna’s Dance Museum, of course! Here I got to witness firsthand the evolution of the ballerina, from the days of the court to the stunning tutus and elegant dresses of modern ballet.

Even a ballet aficionado like me can't just live off tutu dreams alone – a good, hearty meal is important too. Oh, and you just have to love Vienna's culinary offerings, my dear! From exquisite Viennese cakes, to their world-famous sausages and all sorts of decadent pastries – it's an absolute culinary delight. My personal favourite? Apple strudel - it just brings to mind that childhood sense of happy contentment, you know?

Speaking of childhood – it's impossible not to notice the lovely Christmas market that has just arrived on Vienna's streets! With its gingerbread stalls, sparkly decorations and beautifully-wrapped presents – the air is alive with anticipation and festive cheer. And, oh, my love of Christmas decorations – just a glimmer of sparkly lights brings back memories of my Derbyshire Christmases.

For my travels across Europe I rely on train journeys as much as possible. What could be more romantic than sitting in a carriage watching the countryside blur past your window? I even spotted a lovely white horse pulling a cart by the side of the track! How delightfully old-fashioned. I just had to give it a big "hello".

I’ve had the most fabulous time here in Vienna, a beautiful city with history in every cobblestone and elegance around every corner! It has everything I love - ballet, beautiful clothes, history, and delicious food, all with a distinct Viennese flair. I’m already counting down the days till my next visit - hopefully wearing my gorgeous new pink gown!

Now I must away to my next destination - this time, I’m travelling across Europe to discover the exciting dance scene of… you'll just have to wait and see, darling!

Until next week, stay fabulous, and don’t forget: Life's always more fun in a pink tutu!



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-11