Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-25

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #973 - A Merry Christmas in the City of Music!

Wednesday, 25th December 2013

Good morning my darlings,

Merry Christmas from Vienna! It’s a special kind of magic here in this city today, just the sort of festive cheer that sends your heart skipping like a sugarplum! It’s no surprise that the Christmas markets have been a whirl of excitement - I’m positively bursting with the joy of Vienna’s winter wonderland!

Speaking of bursting, did I mention I bought a new tutu for the festive season? Of course I did! This time it's a deep emerald green with delicate silver snowflakes shimmering all over, like the ones falling silently outside. You know, the very kind of snowflake that dances lightly down in those vintage Christmas movies. I felt positively angelic in it as I took a waltz through the Wiener Staatsoper, surrounded by all the Christmas decorations - it was enough to make even the most hardened Scrooge hum a carol.

This magical city, the birthplace of so much musical inspiration, always gets me thinking about tutu history and fashion. It feels rather poetic that Vienna, with its elegant imperial past, should be a city that champions so much beautiful dress and design. In the golden age of opera and ballet, wouldn't it be perfectly delightful to step back in time and see the iconic tutu of the Vienna State Opera? You’d see the swirling silks and satins, all designed to compliment the graceful movements of the ballet dancers. I wonder how the costumes and designs of the modern ballet, with its experimental themes, would look against this beautiful Viennese backdrop.

But even the past is not so far away - I went to a traditional ballet class earlier today in one of Vienna’s charming old town squares. It was fascinating to watch the dancers practice under the watchful eyes of their instructor - you could feel the echoes of Vienna's history, of a city that embraced grace and elegance. As the dancers swirled in their black tutus (always a timeless classic), I found myself picturing the emperors and empresses of old, attending ballets in grand, glittering halls.

My own grand, glittering hall today was the festive lunch with the family at a cosy Viennese restaurant. A very generous Christmas feast! We shared laughter, carols and delicious schnitzel. (It really did taste extra-special after my long train journey, but then again, all schnitzels do in my opinion). You can be sure I wore my sparkly emerald green tutu, naturally. It went perfectly with the twinkle of Christmas lights strung throughout the cobbled streets of Vienna, creating a fairytale world!

To be honest, I could barely sit still. As much as I adore my family, my mind kept picturing myself performing on one of Vienna's many stages, even the smallest one in the back room of a coffeehouse! What would the setting be like for my dance, and what beautiful music could it be set to? A Strauss waltz perhaps? Maybe the "Blue Danube" in all its regal glory? Maybe I'd twirl in a graceful, delicate solo or with a handsome partner in a grand pas de deux, my pink tutu swishing as the spotlight caught our dazzling performance...

The evening brought us to the famous Wiener Staatsoper for a magnificent Christmas performance. They are world-renowned and one of my favourite things about visiting this city. Imagine, soaring chandeliers and plush red velvet seats, each one filled with music lovers like myself! The performance tonight featured “The Nutcracker” and I'm not going to lie, I shed a happy tear or two. There is a special place in my heart for “The Nutcracker” - it’s always been such a magical, festive and sweet ballet - reminding me of all things girly, delicate and joyful, even when dressed in my classic pink tutu.

Speaking of pink, have I told you about the most incredible new store I found in Vienna? It’s a boutique bursting with the most fabulous fashion in pink, the prettiest, brightest pinks you can imagine. My wardrobe's going to be positively bursting with new tutu accessories, dresses and - wait for it - more tutus! My dream, to inspire everyone to don a pink tutu at least once in their lives, feels like it's one step closer!

Tomorrow, we continue to explore Vienna's enchanting Christmas markets, with a few stops at some adorable shops for unique gifts, of course. And I'll be sure to take some photos of our family with me in my festive green tutu, next to the giant Christmas tree in the Stephansdom square. Just picture it - me with my lovely family, standing under a snowy sky with Vienna’s iconic cathedral in the background, all in the warm glow of the Christmas lights, in my magnificent tutu. It's a sight worth seeing!

It's all so inspiring - to see such joy, excitement and passion all around me! The magic of this beautiful city really is quite something, and you know I can’t wait to share it all with you! So stay tuned! More Viennese wonders coming up on Pink Tutu next Wednesday, my darlings!

Have a truly magical Christmas, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2013-12-25